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i had installed FA a while back on my comp, and i i get horrible FPS in it. like less then 15. i guess its cuz it never supported a true video card. but back in the days of that game and my old rig back then, i used to get from 30-60 fps with a much weaker system.

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When you were FIVE?!?! I was in college when I got USNF, the first Jane's flight sim. :sad:



USNF? Dude I had already graduated college and was on my first tour...anyone remember DID or Tornado?


Here is a good link: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/sim/ef2000/index.html


check out this review: http://www.angusm.demon.co.uk/AGDB/DBM1/TornAGA2.html


it is in something called "text" rather than 42 Mb of ads and pictures, one actually had to read things on the Internet right after Al Gore stole it from the British


And another favorite: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TFX_(computer_game)








Xynoxx 22nd March 2004 13:27

Re: playing old sims on XP


Anyone tried DI's Tornado? Not everyone liked that sim - too detailed - were the complaints, and one reviewer of the time said it was like watching paint dry! What did he know!


A shoot-em-up it wasn't. But it was great, and very faithful to the aircraft. Also loved lasing targets, and you could see the "crater of success". Planning your route to target was excellent, and you could select an asynchronous attack on an airfield and have the aircraft come from different directions at different times, to confuse the defenses; and that really worked! There was a Desert Storm theatre too, in addition to the "European" theatre. Although the ADV in there rolled excellently, it was severely limited in pitch; but it was still possible to take out Flankers at long range.


However, it was a DOS game, so have no idea if this would work in XP's dos mode.


Be great if some enterprising person updated this game, keeping it's marvellous planning, strategic, and tactical goodies, but giving it up-to-date compatibility and graphics, as well as giving it a HOTAS interface.


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Loved Tornado. Played it all the time at uni when supposed to be studying.

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I originally got Tornado for the Amiga 500, but it was just too advanced for that 7 Mhz Motorola processor!


It was actually what got me, kicking and screaming, into the PC fold.


It looked lubberly on a 14 Mhz 80286 Intel.


Very deep game, and Sparko hit it's many high points nicely. Seeing the GBU scream in and impact was just awesome through the laser sight...

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Loved Tornado, the airfields were modelled well, with detailed HAS etc. Yeah, mission planning was cool.

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The great stuff was you could piont everything with the laser, I make trial to attack helicopter with the nighthawk, and it worked!

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Come think of it, WoE is FA, F-19 Stealth Fighter, F-15E Strike Eagle and A-10 Tank Killer all wrapped up in one... and much, much more!!!


Except for the recon missions. :blink: Flying MP's F-117 (Cold War setting, Lockheed version and therefore just armed with a camera) into Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe was one of my most exciting sim experiences ever. It would be soo great if you actually had to 'take a photo' instead of just fly to waypoint #5.

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Oh the memories of the Photo op (recon :haha: ) missions in F-19... Dodging Flankers, SAMs and Krivaks in the North Sea... With a constant eye on the detect'o'meter to see if a radar return had me or not... always threading the needle until the last moment... those were the days... :grandpa:

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Any updates?

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Missed out on Tornado, but did catch EF2000 and loved it. Unfortunately the second go wasnt as good and I quickly dumped it.


From your description of Tornado though, it sounded great and the features would be great for any sim. The ability to mission plan is an excellent tool. I wish we had it for the TW series, outside of a 3rd party tool.



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Any updates?

No unfortunately. Still working on FM, Hangar Screen and Cockpit.


Will keep you all posted when it's close to release.

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