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Finally!A very nice beast!i think I'm busy with it in next times to come!irresistable! :ok:

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Thanks Pal!! The prop view will add an incredible realism!! :biggrin:

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Hmm, nice Bird!!!

Thanks a lot and keep up the superb work! :good:

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Skippy should know...it's his bird !


Anyhow, Skippy & Hinch (hey you two sound like a good cop show!) thankyou very much for the Wyvern and HMS Eagle.


You don't know how happy I am at this release.


Cheers guys you've made my day !

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Anyhow, Skippy & Hinch (hey you two sound like a good cop show!)



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Anyhow, Skippy & Hinch (hey you two sound like a good cop show!)


Or a Bossum Buddies spin off. :ghey:

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The canopy animation is ID 7, to make the cockpit one move at the same time you'll need to animate node F_Canopy. I have no idea why I called it that.

I'm not sure why the sound is a bit quite, I did a lot of messing around with it in Premier Pro and it was right in the edge of distorting in that, but in game much quieter, my original plan of using the FSX sound files backfired somewhat!

I'll try and sort the cockpit prop stuff tomorrow, just got in from night flying, need to lie on flat hard surface to straighten back out, don't remember eating since lunchtime, what day is it?

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Or a Bossum Buddies spin off. :ghey:




Excellent work on the bird, and the boat!

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The canopy animation is ID 7, to make the cockpit one move at the same time you'll need to animate node F_Canopy. I have no idea why I called it that.

I'm not sure why the sound is a bit quite, I did a lot of messing around with it in Premier Pro and it was right in the edge of distorting in that, but in game much quieter, my original plan of using the FSX sound files backfired somewhat!

I'll try and sort the cockpit prop stuff tomorrow, just got in from night flying, need to lie on flat hard surface to straighten back out, don't remember eating since lunchtime, what day is it?


Get some rest, you got another sortie tomorrow.... :smile:

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Excellent work on the bird, and the boat!


I know a really really dirty joke about a bird on a boat.


When I'm in a drunken stupor at the CA Christmas Party I'll tell it. :biggrin:

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Anyhow, Skippy & Hinch (hey you two sound like a good cop show!)


Putting me on teevee would definitely be a crime, regardless of genre.

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Cool!!! To the team - any news on the inside cockpit prop view? Waiting on... Thanks in advance!! :good:

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Hmm. A Naval single engine turbo prop strike aircraft for WO(insert sim here)? Sure I'll give it a spin. Loaded the beast up. Bitchin. It has it's own pit and sound file. Test hop in WOV v11.05.04 went well. No gripes. Took 4 plane formation on strike mission. 1&2 AD-7s. 3&4 Wyverns.

Enroute to target on autopilot #3 formed up with my SPAD before my wingman did. #2 barely beat #4 into formation.

Mission went well. No losses. FAA gets Its first bite in the SEA conflict. Since I don't have WOS (Suez) some SEAC skins would be splendid for us driving these planes on this side of the globe. Thanks for the wicked machine Skippy! Until your DL, I thought a Wyvern was a SeaKing squadron.



:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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I'm getting no joy seeing the prop in the internal view. Started looking at some other types to see if I can reverse engineer it but nothing yet. Can't understand why it's so hard!

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Humm... That´s bad! Everything´s working well and all sets are OK for showing the prop internally... but no prop at all! The Spitfire FR.47 has the counter-rotation prop working fine, internal and external. I´ll take a look on this. Anyway, if you find a cure, post here!! Thanks A LOT for all the splendid job - you turned a mild weekend in a SUPER one!!! :biggrin:

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No luck so far... I´ve tried some engine configurations, like num of prop=3 and others. The more weird is that the Wyvern does not accept the new ¨OpenCockpit=TRUE config¨! :dntknw:

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Hmm. A Naval single engine turbo prop strike aircraft for WO(insert sim here)? Sure I'll give it a spin. Loaded the beast up. Bitchin. It has it's own pit and sound file. Test hop in WOV v11.05.04 went well. No gripes. Took 4 plane formation on strike mission. 1&2 AD-7s. 3&4 Wyverns.

Enroute to target on autopilot #3 formed up with my SPAD before my wingman did. #2 barely beat #4 into formation.

Mission went well. No losses. FAA gets Its first bite in the SEA conflict. Since I don't have WOS (Suez) some SEAC skins would be splendid for us driving these planes on this side of the globe. Thanks for the wicked machine Skippy! Until your DL, I thought a Wyvern was a SeaKing squadron.



:ph34r: CL




The Wyvern did have a US Cousin... the Douglas Skyshark. It's basically a Spad with a turboprop installation. A very, very nasty looking monster... but from what I understand, it suffered pretty much the same fate as the Wyvern. Throttle-lag, and the looming jet-revolution limited it to (I think) only the pre-production machines, and limited development work after that. There's some pictures of the beast on the www, and a very nice vacuform model of it made by Dynavector. Only paint scheme I've ever seen one wearing is the old Glossy Sea Blue - but they sure look sexy! Here's a URL to a model of one:http://modelingmadness.com/reviews/korean/cleavera2d.htm



Edited by sugarblues

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I can not get the WyvernTank to show up, anybody have any better luck ???


Also, when I tested another fuel tank in place of the WyvernTank, it shows two fuel tanks merged into one another, so that idea is no good !!!


Panama Red


Note: Never mind, I found the information on adding the new WyvernTanks in the SF notes (normally it is in a separate add weapons Notepad page).

Edited by Panama Red

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Absolutely BEAUTIFUL aircraft. I'm not a major prop guy, but I LOVE flying the Wyvern!

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