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@ jtin, EricJ, et al

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This is just a very quick and dirty version of what I think should be the basic layout for rivers/lakes/ocean bay for ANW




Remember your basic geography (or hydrodynamics...) all rivers flow to the sea (or song lyrics I guess)


Names are just thrown on for good measure --- couldn't think of a good name for the main river, so I stole from Marylin Monroe and Robert Mitchum! Thunder Bay and Salmon River, of course, are basic to my desires.


Of course, one can't but wonder what that would do to the targets layouts for the various dumps, mining sites, depots, etc that I've placed right in the middle of flood plains!!!! And if the (song cue) 'river isn't so wiiiiide', I can throw bridges across them. That aint too hard. (if you all have seen the Korea shots...)



kevin stein

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I've downloaded the Korea "beta" and have yet to fly it. But that looks awesome, unless you, to save the effort, make smaller lakes so all your initial work isn't flooded...? Adding them is great for scenery and such, but I have yet to attack anything but a Depot, the GS Training Camp.. or sorts.

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This will be a masterpiece that will not be forgotten soon.My head keeps spinning of thoughts of where do I start a Campaign from?Many different things to consider like weather conditions,terrain conditions and how big the enemy or enemies :idea:,hmmm.....conformity is.WE have NATO and THEY have the Warsaw Pact.Thanks for alot of choices though and doesn't feel like run of the mill,either.

Btw,rivers and lakes are awesome idea.But,how about a dam?Just for eyecandy.To burst and drowned the enemies(Just trying to be cute!).Whoops,brain hurts again,or is that my hair?Will the lakes look frozen in winter?Or swollen in the spring thaw?And some dried creek beds in summer.Anti shipping could happen with the addition to the lakes and bays.Gosh I hope you all don't kill me for my bountiful imagination.

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I got a campaign idea after all....RED DAWN.I know it's not Michigan but,it'll be dang close to it with the rivers,bays and the lakes.Oh man,I got to study this one Wrench!

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Hi Wrench,


Great work & ideas going on here.


Your basic plan for lakes & rivers should be straightforward to implement - essentially it's a matter of using the "export heighfield as .bmp" function in TE, then using GIMP or photoshop to paint the areas you have defined as rivers and lakes the particular shade of blue used as the default sealevel colour in TE. Taking care, of course to preserve a realistic shore/sea heightfield interaction.


Then, you import your painted terrain.bmp back into TE, and you are ready to go - except,


1. The texturelist will need to be edited to include sea textures and sea/shore transition textures.

2. We will need a whole new set of sea/shore transition tiles (.tgas) for each of the different tilesets included - WDH makes a good point, there is scope for frozen lakes, summer lakes, etc etc, but those tiles will need to be created.


And, as has been observed, many of the existing target areas lie right in the middle of flood plains - areas which I suspect, in reality, are lakes and rivers, based on the fact they are absolutely flat in the .HFD data.


That would mean re-positioning a lot of the exisitng target areas. And I have just finished merging your new target list with the campaign strategic node list from OMT campaign, so that would have to go back to the drawing board :rolleyes:


So, not impossible to do, but a fair bit of work to get done right. It would certainly be a memorable addition to the terrain, and would mean we could get some carriers in there to launch our Navy birds from :biggrin: :yes:

Edited by Baltika

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I don't think having an imagination is bad WDH, which I assume the whole "Global Sedition" concept is anyways.. Besides not many people have done damn strikes with modern weapons anyways... I've scoured the air back in EF2000 and never did a bomb strike with a Paveway...

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It'd be nice with a couple more lakes/coastlines to perhaps support some limited carrier ops. Perhaps one side would start from a carrier taskforce and a simple beachhead?

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I got a campaign idea after all....RED DAWN.I know it's not Michigan but,it'll be dang close to it with the rivers,bays and the lakes.Oh man,I got to study this one Wrench!


Red Dawn? Michigan? Me thinks you have your geography messed up. If you are making a reference to the movie, it didn't take place in Michigan.

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Hmmm. . .


Well, I've run it through TE but I'm having trouble re-creating the complex tiling between desert & Mountain tiles, which is part of what makes this terrain so interesting to fly over, despite the limited tile types. Of course, I am having to create a texturelist from scratch to do so.


Anyone have the Texturelist MajorLee used to create this terrain in the first place?

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It'd be nice with a couple more lakes/coastlines to perhaps support some limited carrier ops. Perhaps one side would start from a carrier taskforce and a simple beachhead?


I was going to suggest that, but I don't know what "area" it's from. If it's fictional well that would be nice. Wouldn't it be possible to make a carrier a "base?" I guess they do that for WoV right?

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Red Dawn? Michigan? Me thinks you have your geography messed up. If you are making a reference to the movie, it didn't take place in Michigan.

Calumet,Colorado is the setting and I was wrong.Thx's Dave.Researching Red Dawn and found that it's being considered for a remake.More ideas I guess.

Don't mean to sound down but,the doctor visit didn't go as planned.Lupus is well active and can no longer take chemo treatments for Leukemia.As matter of fact,they (the doctors) don't think there is anything else to do.Having to rethink for a minute for RL.Not giving up by any means but,not gonna be able to do my idea for Red Dawn right now until I get my head back on shoulders.

EricJ,not a bad idea huh?Modern dambusting?Even WWII with the famous Lanscaster bomber and their great abilities to do it at night.


You all have a good day and look at it as such.

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Is this what you are looking for?

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Is this what you are looking for?


That's wonderful!Great looking map and enhancement.

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Yep, the height map helps alot... although it seems to screw up the elevation... this is what I get:




In the meantime, I'm experimenting with getting both the trademark mountians in and the water in... and adding the "river of no return" (sorta like the Yalu River in Korea I guess :) ) such as this height map:




Baltika, I don't have the origional tileset, but I'll give you the one that I made (this uses the stock desert tileset)




Note that this is based off of the desert tileset, and you should use the old TE version to avoid problems (or use Gepard's workaround in the KB)


As for your question about the tiling between the desert and mountains, you probably want to look at these lines:














These probably should be optimized more to maybe the 1000s of meters, experiment around in the TE using the texture type list function :)


EDIT- spelling

Edited by jtin

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Could anyone confirm if the origional AmericaNW is a 500x500 km map, as opposed to 1000x1000 km?


that would clear up alot of lingering questions lol


edit- wrong units; tried it and works alot better now :)

Edited by jtin

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I am showing the map to be 500x500.

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Thanks.... that confirms my suspicions


tis working






in a way :)


leaves much to be desired


if anybody wants, I can upload the .hfd, .tfd, height map, etc to play around with

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Would you like for me to try to work up the HFD file for this project?

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Best way to work rivers on hilly terrain is to make a sort of transitional area between water and higher grounds, otherwise you can expect water mountains and such stuff, I did that using SFMap for my Korea terrain, you will see ;)

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Would you like for me to try to work up the HFD file for this project?


Sure, go ahead :)


Brain, do you mean like a transitional area elevation wise? Seems like a good idea, but I don't want to cut into the hills too much...


I was also thinking about just hand placing the river tiles for some of the mouth areas that require a thinner river.

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Yeah exactly like that, you will see how I did it in my Korea map, I only cutted into hills maybe about 2km on each side of the river but following the configuration of elevation so to speak, it looks perfectly natural. Ofcourse it's not completely realistic for that area, but we can hardly talk about realistic when our HFD's have only 500m resolution.


I wondered if our systems are ready for higher detail HFD's, actually I tried to re-make ANW terrain with higher HFD resolution, but for some reason, I didn't manage to create 500x500km terrain...

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Well that sounds cool but do you really need to cut into terrain that much?

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Well yeah, although ANW terrain and Korea are very different, the place in Korea where I did that is not highly elevated in the first place so this didn't make drastic change of looks. ANW on the other hand...

Actually what would be enough for ANW is probably just to fit one tile on the flat area...

Edited by Brain32

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