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Top court backs Navy in dispute over sonar use

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Navy 1, Hippies 0.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for preserving wildlife, but the humpbacks aren't gonna stop an Akula...

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Its all about the evidence really...and if nothing was found...well its just rock n roll in a whales backyard!

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Yeah, i mean come on its just a couple of pings, if it was that dangerous the submariners (by the way i forgot the nickname for them, please jog my memory) would be dead from the sub rupturing or the vibrations caused.

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Don't let facts get in the way of a good activist cause! It's how guys convince girls to sleep with them!

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Awesome. Just out of a question, don't animals like whales and dolphins use SONAR themselves?

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Awesome. Just out of a question, don't animals like whales and dolphins use SONAR themselves?



This is irrrelevant militaristic data!!! Marine mammals only use NATURAL sonar, not man-made sonar which is completely different!


J/K C!

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Well now, hold on for a second, DW, you bring up a good point. If the whales already have natural sonar, then its only a matter of time before they get the bomb. Naturally. We'll have a full-scale crisis on our hands if those jerks keep backing the whales' rights! Or maybe, just maybe, a great new ally in the fight for secure hovercrafts...I must go and prepare an offering of kelp...

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The main problems I've heard of with active SONAR is that it may spook the whales causing them to rapidly surface and suffer a condition similar to the bends. Obviously it's also f***ing annoying having a high pitched squeal go off every few seconds (you can hear these things throughout a ship when it's active even on the upper deck) and I'm fairly sure it's louder than what the whales normally produce. However I'm not aware of any research that indicates the whales suffer any permanent damage from the actual sonar itself.

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The main problems I've heard of with active SONAR is that it may spook the whales causing them to rapidly surface and suffer a condition similar to the bends. Obviously it's also f***ing annoying having a high pitched squeal go off every few seconds (you can hear these things throughout a ship when it's active even on the upper deck) and I'm fairly sure it's louder than what the whales normally produce. However I'm not aware of any research that indicates the whales suffer any permanent damage from the actual sonar itself.


"Obviously it's also f***ing annoying having a high pitched squeal go off every few seconds (you can hear these things throughout a ship when it's active even on the upper deck) and I'm fairly sure it's louder than what the whales normally produce. "


you've got that right!!!!!!


(actually the file doesn't sound anything like it - but what the heck....)


now, what the fuss was about is the new, low frequency active sonar with high power out, which is quite a bit different than what we've used in the past.


But the key point is your statement;


"However I'm not aware of any research that indicates the whales suffer any permanent damage from the actual sonar itself."


nothing but speculation and theories without any actual scientific research based on evidence. Of course, the 9th Circus ruled for the environmentalist-whacko-nutfruitcakes, but now the Supreme Court has (finally) got it right.

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Yeah, i mean come on its just a couple of pings, if it was that dangerous the submariners (by the way i forgot the nickname for them, please jog my memory) would be dead from the sub rupturing or the vibrations caused.

We're usually called bubbleheads.

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