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Need a little assistance from our Spanish friends

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Was 'delivered' a new-ish map to work on, and wanted something to fly over it for testing that was region appropriate, so I kinda just whipped this out..




... after noticing it's glaring absence. BTW, this WAS taken over the 'new-ish' map.


mostly the questions I have are for Ala.1's nose band; is it the correct color? I had to guess and I could find no pictures. Serial numbers (C.5-xxx) are correct; the 'buzz numbers' I've seen in the few pics I could find mostly showed a 3 digit, based on the serial number.


So, how does this look to you all??



kevin stein

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I'm a bit bothered by the Black St Andrew cross on the tail. Following Civil War, post-WW2 and post Franco style, shouldn't it be horizontal?

Just like here: http://www.3973cds.com/base-05IMG015.jpg


Btw, I am not spanish and not used at all with Spanish markings, so it's just a thought I had seeing the cross. I'm just probably plainly wrong. :smile:

Edited by Emp_Palpatine

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IIRC the color is correct, one thing, Spanish roundels are not so "bright" they look less shining ( sorry can't find the words to define it ) Take a look here




As you can see Sq 102 have the numbers in the nose area, and the tiger patch on the tail hint hint




A spanish map??

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The emperor is right lol

Edited by Stratos

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I took the 'x' from these profiles, from my pdf copy of the Aircam on the F-86A-L, USAF and Foriegn Users (you know, I never knew the cross had name!!! -- what do I know, I'm the Typical Ugly American!!! :wink: )




I agree on the insigina...not dull and faded enough. Since they're the stock ones from the game, I'll extract them and desaturate them a bit. Or pull them off my World Marking Template (from SimmersPaintShop) and make new ones


It's supposed to be Ala.1 (?) circa 1958-early 60s. I did see a pix of Ala102 with the numbers up front. I'd just have to make new set of decals, and reposition them. BTW ... ALL these markings are decals


Got a close up of the Tiger badge?? :wink:


A spanish map??


too far north, and a bit too far east. Think lots of water, albeit the map is only 200x200 km. Needs someone to 'expand' it and some retiling. I'm sorry to say, I'm just the targets guy. With thanks to Crusader and blame on Julhelm :haha:



kevin stein

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I'm not aware of the cross name, if any, I mean the specific name of the spanish marking.

I just know that X-crosses are named "Saint Andrew crosses".

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Andrew%27s_Cross :smile:


And don't you say stupid things like "I'm a ugly ignorant american"! :tongue: Noboday would dare to say such things to Master Wrench!

Edited by Emp_Palpatine

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too far north, and a bit too far east. Think lots of water, albeit the map is only 200x200 km. Needs someone to 'expand' it and some retiling. I'm sorry to say, I'm just the targets guy. With thanks to Crusader and blame on Julhelm :haha:



kevin stein

Canaries Islands?!

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Unfortunatly, we only can use Tenerife and La Gomera. Gran Canary is just behind "The Wall"


Having all kinds of fun hand placing the little houses and thingys at the various towns and villages :crazy: NOT!!!


If Crusader finds the texturelist.ini for the map, I"ll need a "volenteer" to create exclusion zones around the 2 airports; as I've all kinds of palm trees growing in the runways!!! Or I could just NOT use the treed TODs...but it'll look so empty!!!


Was fun researching the towns placement for this on Google Earth -- they're BEAUTIFUL islands...especially when one comes across the photo links, as in one named "playa_nudista"..... :shok: Of course, I just had click the link. Sorry, there was really nothing to see. damnit!!! One of the advantages of living in Southern California, IS picking up a smattering of Spanish (it can't be helped! after all, Spain DID own all this at one time...)



kevin stein

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Hey wrench: How would Africa be marked, friendly or enemy? It´s western sahara there, invaded by morocco. Since their Beagles and

Fresco they didn´t have weapons from the other side...i made something for greek terrain, changing nationand terraindata inis, but i don´t

know how would you solve the trouble of western equiped enemies


Btw, about the terrain, if it´s gonna be around Canary Islands, they seem to look more like Hawaii than California: this would fit Andalucia


Last but not least: thanks for such interest in our aircraft and terrains..shall you come there and meet one of us, we owe you a beer

(both wrench and His Majesty the Emperor of France-that last sounded stranged)

Edited by macelena

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I'm a bit bothered by the Black St Andrew cross on the tail. Following Civil War, post-WW2 and post Franco style, shouldn't it be horizontal?

Just like here: http://www.3973cds.com/base-05IMG015.jpg


Btw, I am not spanish and not used at all with Spanish markings, so it's just a thought I had seeing the cross. I'm just probably plainly wrong. :smile:


This may sound strange, but as far as I know the "cross" is actually a stylized "fasce" or bundle of wood and actually a leftover from Franco's days and the Civil War in Spain when the planes of the Nationalists were adorned with it.

Please correct me if I'm totally wrong. Maybe you know more about it Jordy ?




Derk :dntknw:

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This may sound strange, but as far as I know the "cross" is actually a stylized "fasce" or bundle of wood and actually a leftover from Franco's days and the Civil War in Spain when the planes of the Nationalists were adorned with it.

Please correct me if I'm totally wrong. Maybe you know more about it Jordy ?




Derk :dntknw:


Well, St. Andrew was crossified in a canted cross like that. The Flag of the spanish "Tercios" and military was such, and when Nationalists

tried to "cancel" the roundels of the Republican Air Force, they made such signal. After the war, the roundels were back, but the cross stayed as the finflash in reminiscence of the Tercios.


Now it´s the finflash for Air Force and Army aircraft, but navy is boasting only their own insignia (quite original: a winged anchor)

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Well, St. Andrew was crossified in a canted cross like that. The Flag of the spanish "Tercios" and military was such, and when Nationalists

tried to "cancel" the roundels of the Republican Air Force, they made such signal. After the war, the roundels were back, but the cross stayed as the finflash in reminiscence of the Tercios.


Now it´s the finflash for Air Force and Army aircraft, but navy is boasting only their own insignia (quite original: a winged anchor)

When you mean Tercios flag, you mean flags remeniscent of this one?



Here and there here in French low countries (ya know, French Flanders, Artois, Hainault...)and Belgium, the Burgundy flag (sorry, Spanish friends, we were only under a personnal union after the death of our Burgundy Dynasty, not spanish subjects :wink: ) is sometime seen in heraldy of towns, or even engraved on (old) official buildings, or painted on those buildings decorations.

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When you mean Tercios flag, you mean flags remeniscent of this one?



Here and there here in French low countries (ya know, French Flanders, Artois, Hainault...)and Belgium, the Burgundy flag (sorry, Spanish friends, we were only under a personnal union after the death of our Burgundy Dynasty, not spanish subjects :wink: ) is sometime seen in heraldy of towns, or even engraved on (old) official buildings, or painted on those buildings decorations.



Yes. This were the lands in wich our emperor, Charles/Carlos/Karl, 1st of Spain and 5th of Germany, grew up. This flag was chosen by him for his tercios, short after the Battle of Pavía. Indeed, Burgundians mercs couldn´t fight under the "spanish" unit (only ones else were portuguese, and for a while,

irish) Wallons, who distinguih¡shed themselves often in Flanders,used to pick such Insignia in their regiments.

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What's great is that in Belgium as well as northern France, Charles Quint is "our" emperor too, while further South it was the arch-ennemy. :smile: He was the one that inherited both Spanish, Hasbourg and Burgundy lands. Magic of Dynasties.

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Macelena did a great job describing the cross origins. Kevin looking forward to fly over the "fortunate Islands"!!

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Can't wait to fly those new spanish birds


as one can observe, the coding system evolved during the Sabre years, as well as code location on the fuselage

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that's the bit that was driving me nuts...trying to figure out WHEN it was on the tail or nose. I took the lazy-mans way out, and use 1 Ala in the mid 50s, when it was on the tail (so I could make use of the existing decal positions conviently plotted for the USAF birds)


Brain32: you can expand the map size??? I'd love for this to be 500x500 km....would allow for more shipping routes, the use of the other islands (albiet more work for me to targetize -so what? Ain't got much else to do...). Would love to have the 'farm' tiles too. Even if just all surrouned by water, that OK with me!!!


I was actualy fiddling with the TE last night, and for the very first time was able to import a DEM, and create a height map. That is soooo cool!!! :ok:


I'm going to be away for most of the weekend, so I hope to have the EDA Sabre to you all sometime at the beginning of the week.



kevin stein

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do you have pics of F-86 with the 1-xxx series of codes?


Stratos shows a more recent numbering with 102 codes (probably 2nd squadron from ALA 10, as the F-104 were coded afterwards) and your profile shows a 6-xxx code from a 6 sqn (unit that flew F-4C later) (same numbering as today, they reverted back to a Wing coding sytem instead of squadron numbering, probably linked to a centralized maintenance system)

Edited by sony tuckson

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Just wondering what scenarios you have in mind for this terrain. I only know the Canaries from my grandparents going on holiday there for the winter.

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Has anyone seen the Capun's crew Spanish Civil War available download?


I grabbed it for the terrain, but they have WW2 era aircraft placed on airfields, and I'm more of a jet guy.


Very nice terrain, I hasten to add...

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Brain32: you can expand the map size??? I'd love for this to be 500x500 km....would allow for more shipping routes, the use of the other islands (albiet more work for me to targetize -so what? Ain't got much else to do...). Would love to have the 'farm' tiles too. Even if just all surrouned by water, that OK with me!!!



kevin stein

For expansion I would have to see it first. As for the tiles, no problem, I'll just make new high-res ones from GE ;)

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Spectre: that's a real easy fix.

There are 2 ways to do it. One involves going thrugh the targets ini, and rewriting it.

The faster, quicker way is to open the Spain terrain folder, find the lods for the various parked aircraft (real easy as they're named as such) and just renmane them thusly, using the Bf109C as our example










the game engine will now ignore it, and skip over those entries in the targets.ini


Dave and I were discussing this a few weeks back, as he wants me to 'modernize' Edwards North Africa/Eastern Med map from WW2 to post-1950-to Date. A hell of lottta work, I gotta telll ya!!



kevin stein

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That is kind of whaty I had hoped to do, modernize the Spain maps airfields with MiG's and Hinds yo shoot at, but it will require a LOT of work, I have come to find.


Removing them was easy enough during my experiments, as aircraft it doesn't understand wipes `em out as well!

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