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Why are my texture bitmaps so fuzzy?

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Can anyone help me with this. It is becoming more common these days to paint markings directly on the base aircraft texture bitmaps and using decals only for serial numbers. With my setup, the decals are MUCH more crisp than the markings painted on. I have tried adjusting video card settings with no difference. I am running an NVIDEA 8600 GT video card. Any in-game settings which I can change would sure be appreciated.



Mike Druzolowski

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Well I suspect on several things but can you post a screenshot or a link to one so we can see what exactly do you mean?

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Here is a screenshot as I was doing the markings for Erikgen's upcoming F-101B - the top shot is doing the entire marking as a decal, the bottom was painted directly on the base bitmap. Both were exactly same resolution. See how much softer, and the colors quite dull on the lower shot. The background panel lines are acceptable since my eye really focuses on the decal markings. (Hope those guys don't mind that I let out a screenshot of this, but I'm trying to figure out what I can do to fix this...)




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Hmmm yeah, the difference is huge. My first thought was resolution but since you say they are the same...

I'll try to make similar comparision myself and see what happens...

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That's always bugged me since day one.


I think -but have no proof, that it may be tied in to the specular/glossiness/reflectivity in the textureset ini. Or perhaps even to the size of the skin bmp (sundowners super hi-rez don't have this problem, or if so, it's not so apparent)


Personally, I like the decal idea much better... TK's given us this superb system for adding markings. I'd rather see them more 'sharp', so I tend to use more decals


btw, how'd you get the border on the Amrillo USAF font? Border --> modify --> then stroke or fill?



kevin stein

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graphic settings from video card drivers are not set properly


you should increase FSAA value as way as anisotropic filtering (although not sure the 8600 GT will be up to it as it is not really a gamer card, sroory to say)

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I just made up numbers to match as well as I could for the resolution used, then stroke 2 pixels in white - then just touch up the corner pixel that was missing. These base textures are 2048 also. This would have made the serial number alone a difficult decal because of the partial white outlines (only on the green).


The only downside of the decals option that I was forced to use (for display on my own computer) is that the Voodoo tail is enormously long, and a tail marking that covers the entire tail makes for a very large TGA. I'm real happy with the results (visually) but the .TGAs are like 2.78 Megs each for an 855 pixel image - which might be a problem for some folks.


I'll try the anisotropic filtering options as Sony suggested.


Thanks everyone,


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Looks like its the size of the decal as opposed to the size of the fin on the bmp....ie, if your decal is on a 512x512 file and virtually fills it, then the fin would also need cover roughly the same area on its bmp to get the same result. 72px/inch is constant regardless of the file size........ if you know what I mean.

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graphic settings from video card drivers are not set properly


you should increase FSAA value as way as anisotropic filtering (although not sure the 8600 GT will be up to it as it is not really a gamer card, sroory to say)


What do see as a gamer card?Would like to have an opinion for my new computer ($700-$800 price range) is gonna be built very soon.Don't care if it's ATI or nVIDIA,not really partial to either.Non-Vista user and not sure what motherboard to use either,I have about 2 weeks before deciding.

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Simple question:


Are you running Vista, Mike?


I'm asking because I had similar problems (stuff I painted on looked fuzzy, etc. although textures were set to unlimited), well, it wasn't caused by WoX, but rather by the Vista graphics settings. Just a thought.

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Negative on Vista - just a gargen variety XP. I'll try the anisotropic filtering options and see if it makes a difference. Am I the only one with this issue? Maybe a better GeForce card is in my future...


Thanks again for everyone's time,



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I owe you a favor - it was indeed anisotropic filtering. I set it to the max (16x) in the card control panel, and it still seems to run fine but the base textures look 300% better. I am at your service!!


Thanks everyone - you are a true community.


Mike D.

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Glad I could help (I discovered it while testing weapons skins a few months ago, I rediscovered the game)


as for a nice video card, I would suggest an Nvidia GF9600 GT which isn't expensive these days or if one wants an ATI, the 4850 is a very good card at a reasonable price

those would be the minimum as far as I a concerned (I own the Nvidia one and am quite happy with it), more money would mean a better card, but unless you have a very large screen (larger than 22"), it's not really required as far as Thirdwire sim are concerned....

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Thanks for the recommendations. Have had good luck with NVIDEA - I may upgrade next spring.



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Go the whole hog and get a GTX...... i got a Zotac GTX 260 AMP! ..... games have never looked so ACE!!!!! :lol:

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Ya know, I've never touched those setting since I first got this XPS in 2003....hell, I had to SEARCH for the Nivida control panel!!! That is to say, I never knew they even existed...oh, dopey me!! :rolleyes:


Switched them up last night, and HOT DAMN!!! what a difference! Even on regular stuff, with decals.


Thanks guys for helping out a lazy dummy! :ok:



kevin stein

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Ya know, I've never touched those setting since I first got this XPS in 2003....hell, I had to SEARCH for the Nivida control panel!!! That is to say, I never knew they even existed...oh, dopey me!! :rolleyes:


Switched them up last night, and HOT DAMN!!! what a difference! Even on regular stuff, with decals.


Thanks guys for helping out a lazy dummy! :ok:



kevin stein



Hi Wrench,

Where do I go on my system to find (a) what type of card my system has and (b) what settings they're on.

In regard to the earlier 'decal Vs paint-on' debate, I've always preferred decals myself. The method of working

with a 'blank canvas' is much easier to work with when applying other decals on a skin, as with ,say, what Spinners

is so good at.

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An easy way is to do a search on your C-drive for dxdiag.exe - double click that and along with information about the Directx version you have installed, under 'display" is the info on your video card setup. The front page is the processor info.


NVIDEA has a control panel that installs with the card setup - just right click on your desktop to access it - lots of settings to access and change. Without a real 3D card installed, seems that your stuck with however your on-board video presents images.


Mike D.

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