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Northeast USA terrain?

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With all these CAF and ADC/ANG Voodoos coming to CombatAce, anyone give a thought to making a terrain map for the Northeast USA? Would be fun to intercept historical TU-95s heading for the area.


Mike D.

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Funny you should ask... I was fiddling with this a while ago:




Probably not north enough (I was really only focusing on the east coast USA) and not even close to all the major cities are in yet, but to get to the progress shown above is probably only 20-30 mins work. :yes:

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Very nice! I can see my house!



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this is a great idea that just cries out for some NORAD intercept missions on a massive scale. now that we have the F-101b, F-106, the F-102 on the way and finally the TU-95 has joined the badger and blinder, it's all coming together.


You know a kick but map of the eastern seaboard could really use some new high res buildings - landmark skyscrapers like the empire state building, authentic bridges, the statue of liberty, Washington monument .... lots of detail. just my opinion but I think that flying in defense of my homeland in a high immersion environment that has the detail to put you in those city's we all recognize... the land marks... the monuments.. that would be one of the most exhilarating Flight sim experiences imaginable.



It would be a ton of work but wow what a map it could be of the right people got on board to build the objects.

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It would be great just flying around local bases. I can help with air defense unit locations in the Northeast. Can always whip up some more Voodoo skins too.



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when I was in Highschool we used to go and drink at the old "nike site" all that was left was some huge metal doors and a few search lights but you couls see that it was flooded down thru the cracks in the doors.I always dreamed about exploring it when i was young.they covered the whole thing in dirt and made it into a park a few years back....really sad day for me.This was in Fairfield CT.Iguess they had these sites up the east coast.

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There was one in South Windsor also - still active when I was young.



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I just did some web searching the Fairfiled site was Br-65 there were 5-6 batteries in the Bridgeport defence region.my old house was right acrossthe street from the former millitary housing.it's just an open field now but my mother said when she was in her teens that it was wll to wall houses.I havn't found any pics yet but I think i'm going to do some more research into this.would be kinda neat to place all CT batteries if we get a NE terrain set.

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A bunch of us could certainly help make sure the tileset (and TODs CA_starry!) have an accurate appearance. Currently, no tilesets manage.


Honestly, I think doing this area might be a bit too difficult in these sims unless we get better terrain tools. Even just doing major roads would be daunting. All the major cities that would have to be done? NY, DC, Boston, Baltimore, Philli, Richmond, Charlotte if it goes that south.

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Roads? I think that would be a bit much. I'd be happy with some random suburban/farm/forest terrain, with some city tiles here and there - and mostly flat spots where airport/AFBs go..! The WOE tiles look a lot like New England to me.



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I used the WoE tiles for the terrain above - currently it's the only one that has city .TODs that somewhat resembles the cities around here; makes it looks a lot more industrialized, which definitely needs to be the feel of a NE US terrain.


I have no idea how to make roads in TE, although I haven't really delved into that topic much... I think I might pick back up this project - clean this up and put a bit more cities in.


I'll probably just release it with my tileset.ini and cities.ini with a couple targets as I'm afraid I don't really have the time to make a complete terrain. Some of the target placer gurus could pick it up from there. :wink:

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This sounds great to me - a place to fly interceptors from. What AFB locations do you have flat spots for?


Thanks again,

mike D.

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The only area I can see the WOE tileset really being acceptable would be parts of penn. NJ and maryland where you do get open farm fields and houses clustered together, even then its stretching believability. There'd need to be suburban and exurban tiles to capture the still densly populated, but not quite levittown, and city tiles that have different styles of buildings.


Not even FSX loaded with tons of terrain mods do my area justice, not even with ultimate terrain and fsgenesis 9m terrain mesh really gets it right.

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Yeah, suburban tiles would be nice. I was thinking that some of the houses from the Falklands terrain (with permission of course) could stand in on the farm tiles as sort of communities. It would take a lot of target placing, though.


My initial intent was just to create a modern day terrain to fly around on (especially now that we have the cessna :yes: ) so I've flattened most of the major cities with airports.


If you have any suggestions for AFB locations, I'll take them. :)

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Sure. Every place interceptors flew from for starters (depending upon how far north/south you go):


Bradley IAP, CT - F-102A

Westover AFB, Mass. - F-15

Barnes MAP, Mass. - F-102/F-104

Otis AFB, Mass. - F-101B/F-106A/F-15

Burlington MAP, VT - F-89J/F-102A/F-4/F-16

Niagara Falls IAP, NY - F-106 dets/F-101B

Suffolk County AFB, NY (Gabreski AP) - F-102A/F-101B

Griffiss AFB, NY - F-101B/F-106A

NAFEC Atlantic City AP, NJ - F-106A/F-16

Bangor IAP, Me (Dow AFB) - F-101B/F-102A/F-106 dets

Loring AFB, Me - F-102A/F-106A

Langley AFB, VA - F-102A/F-106A/F-15



Goose AB, Labrador?

CAF bases? Gimli, Chatham


Other Guard bases for air-to-mud/USN/SAC: Hancock Fld NY, Byrd Fld VA, NAS Oceana VA, NAS Norfolk, NAS Brunswick Me (for P-3s), Pease AFB NH, Plattsburgh AFB NY

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F-15s flew out of Westover? I thought it was a B-52 and KC-135 base.



The Northeast US, would be a fun place to fly around. Always wanted to drop a snake eye on my house, intercept Bears from Otis, buzz Worcester in an F-106.

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Ooooh, sorry - typing too quick. No Westover F-15s - F-104/F-102A/EB-57 plus SAC of course. Man, you guys don't miss a trick! Barnes is now air defense with F-15s from Otis, not 104/102.



Edited by mppd

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Don't forget Stewart in Newburgh, NY. Father used to work next door and I got to watch them fly C-130s out of there. Got some nice views of F-16s too.


Westchester county airport has a Natl' guard detachment too, with a T-33 up on a pole outside.

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Quite an impressive list of air bases - lots of researching is in order. :ok:


I'll try to at least flatten the ones that are on the map. As for the red side, I see two options - a training version of the map, where one side of the map would be declared as red and the other side a blue, presumably both operation American/NATO equipment.


I was also toying with the "invisible" airfield method that Gepard pioneered, which could simulate a Soviet strike force coming across the Atlantic. It would present a problem with CAS and strike missions, but a convoy/fleet could be put in the general vicinity of the airbases for targets.

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Don't forget McGuire in NJ (for the C-141 that's coming out), F-4's & thuds flew from there as well (and of course -135's). Glad Pease made it onto the list. Also, I'd add NAS Quonset in RI, and Bangor and Loring AFB ME

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Perhaps also add Brunswick NAS so we can kill Soviet Subs off the coast.

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To the above several posts, we mentioned Brunswick, Bangor and Loring. Greater Pittsburgh for deuces, Harrisburg for EC-121...O.K. kind of going astray here...


McGuire is a good add. Quonset had USMC Reserve A-4Cs, plus RIANG C-130s. Add the closed-now NAS South Weymouth, Mass for Navy Reserve P-3s, Willow Grove PA also for C-130, A-4 and P-3. Stewart AFB in Newburgh was originally an old ADC base with F-86s. Burlington was Ethan Allen AFB once with ADC F-102s (37th FIS). Been to all these places taking photos.


Mike D.

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Quite an impressive list of air bases - lots of researching is in order. :ok:


I'll try to at least flatten the ones that are on the map. As for the red side, I see two options - a training version of the map, where one side of the map would be declared as red and the other side a blue, presumably both operation American/NATO equipment.


I was also toying with the "invisible" airfield method that Gepard pioneered, which could simulate a Soviet strike force coming across the Atlantic. It would present a problem with CAS and strike missions, but a convoy/fleet could be put in the general vicinity of the airbases for targets.


lemissioneur allows you to start aircraft out of thin air at a pre programmed time- at what ever time you select the flight will apear where you want it and follow the coordinates you set.


I would suggest that as a second option for the trans atlantic flights of long range bombers allong with a couple of captured canadian basses, and a couple of aircraft carriers to operate

strike aircraft and fighters with the red side gaining more bases/ cities if they are sussesfull in the first wave of attacks.

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