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Grumman F-29A released!

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...Time for the nostalgia bomb?

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I can't find yet in the downloads !!!




Edited by vulkan

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  vulkan said:
I can't find yet in the downloads !!!




As I mentioned, it's awaiting approval, but that shouldn't take too long.



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It's waiting approval? You sure? :smile::good:

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Already downloading. Can't wait to try it out.

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Hey tried it and its great, brings back some ATF memorys... only a small bug in the chaffs and flare counters .. they don`t work.. It`s just a small ini change


Great 3D modell nice FM good work!

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Tried it. Thing is a thing of beauty.


I miss the days when I wanted to play all the Jane's games out there (which I never did manage to at all, at least because I got a way underpowered PC back then...).

Edited by kct

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Now if I only had the time to get back to my ATF project...damn LSATs! eh eventually.

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  76.IAP-Blackbird said:
.. only a small bug in the chaffs and flare counters .. they don`t work.. It`s just a small ini change


Any pointers as to what ini should be changed and how, I've noticed that all aircraft that I have with a similar pit have the same problem so I can't compare them to see how to fix the problem.


Apart from that it's great to have this bird :good:

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You going to make a two seater? Also a suggestion for an "enhanced" version, maybe add a targeting pod pylon like the Gripen? Don't get me wrong it'd be cool but if not possible okay. And as far as the plane goes, great at high speeds but at lower speeds it's not doing to well.. could have been the load I was carrying (Two AGM-88s, Two Mavs, 4 'winders, and a tank) but I nearly crashed the plane on finals...

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Love it ! Thank you very much.

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Wow, this is very nice indeed! Thanks Dels for another of your typically outstanding models.

The New Year is getting off to terrific start.

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  EricJ said:
You going to make a two seater? Also a suggestion for an "enhanced" version, maybe add a targeting pod pylon like the Gripen? Don't get me wrong it'd be cool but if not possible okay. And as far as the plane goes, great at high speeds but at lower speeds it's not doing to well.. could have been the load I was carrying (Two AGM-88s, Two Mavs, 4 'winders, and a tank) but I nearly crashed the plane on finals...


Yeah, I had a bit of heartache trying to get the best balance. With better slow speed handling, the aircraft had rediculous response (>30G) and extremely high roll rates etc. at high speed. Try using the "Normal" flight model option.

I admit, my FM skills are not the best, but I gave it my best shot (Especially as I haven't ever flown the X-29).

I'm more than happy for someone with better skills than me to have a crack.


Not planning on a two seater. Targetting pod would be an easy ini edit, but it can carry the Pave Spike on the centre pylon.


The Chaff/Flare counters are not modelled at all. It's just a skin. I don't think that cockpit counters for Chaff/Flare are supported in this game. (If they are, could someone please let me know and I'll update the pit)



Edited by Dels

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I took her up earlier today against some Mig-25s. She is a joy to fly and is a straight shooter.

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