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B-1B Lancer AKA "The Bone"

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I would like to just re-post the above screen shot since there really are no better words to describe aforementioned screenshot, but then I would get yelled at for posting a reply with pics...


You have my permission to repost at will.

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Really nice work. Any chance on a SEA skin for it eventually?


how bout a what if USAF Thundrerbird Scheme, it would make Fat Albert look like a Tin Lizzy at an airshow.

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..... :huh:


was that supposed to have some kind of sexual overtone to it? :haha:


no offense, but..... :dntknw:


I love upskirts.......oops wrong website.

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Guest F-16CJ

Looks Cool!

Ask a question, B-1B can hold SDB it?

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Looks Cool!

Ask a question, B-1B can hold SDB it?


It will eventually.

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I might of asked this in a different thread, but will this be a pre-SALT/START version with the external ACM pylons?

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There are 2 versions at the moment...one with the ALE50, one without. That's as far as the differences go. Also, the Bone never went operational with the external fairings before the START treaty went into effect. So modeling is possible, but probably unlikely.



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Another OT. What was the reason why USAF decided not to use B-1Bs in DesertStorm?

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Another OT. What was the reason why USAF decided not to use B-1Bs in DesertStorm?


Because the B-1's were standing nuke alert at the time.

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Specifically, they were not cleared for anything but nuclear weapons at the time.



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Specifically, they were not cleared for anything but nuclear weapons at the time.




I understand.. Would have they been a good asset in DesertStorm if cleared to conventional weapons?

(as an avid Dale Brown Reader I am VERY partial to big bombers)

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I understand.. Would have they been a good asset in DesertStorm if cleared to conventional weapons?

(as an avid Dale Brown Reader I am VERY partial to big bombers)


Well DS was such an overwhelming show of force that the B-1B would of been overkill to say the least. It would of did well do not get me wrong but the B-52's had it covered.

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i'd like to fy with it in the upcoming balkan terrain, it would be very fun

Well assuming you talk about my Blk terrain, comparing mine and B-1's team screenshots, we are far more likely to fly B-1 over some other terrains first lol

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Found in my garage a few days ago:








And from an old student 'paper' back in my college days at the Colorado School for Wayward Boys:





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Cool pics FastCargo!


I never saw the "non-graduate" TFWC patch before. My last wing was the 57th, so have the FWW patch, but that bomb off center is a riot!


So, for that matter, is the B-1B "Trojan!" :rofl:

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Most of the work has been done by other people. I've actually been only to contribute a little to this project...and honestly, not as much as I would like due to other commitments.


The timing of this project has been interesting, with me having to clean out my garage (having a loft for storage built in) and finding a LOT of my old B-1 stuff from back in the day. The checklists, in-flight guide, my T.O. and regs. Some patches I had been missing I had found as well (you've seen a few of them). These combined have brought back a lot of memories.


Going off topic a minute, some of the things that stick out:


Though there were a lot of things that SAC did that was right, and considering their mission, necessary, in a few ways, they were a hinderance to the Bone community, and life became better after ACC took over. The operational word is flexibility. SAC was by it's very nature, not flexible. Procedures were rigid for a reason...nuclear weapons are damn serious business, and improvisation is NOT recommend for C and C of them.


It got old as a new guy, talking to the old heads, asking why we did something...and the answer was 'Because we did it that way in SAC'. Frustrating...and limiting our abilities to explore the envelope. The good thing is that as the 'SACemcized' guys moved on or retired, younger guys, more willing to try something new, took over and brought new things. New capabilities, new tactics...adapting to new theatres. You talk to Bone guys now, the Bone is the darling of CAS.


More to be added...



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A little OT but I was driving by DMAFB earlier this morning when I saw a big BONE-er in the sky coming in for a landing......are they planning on storing any more BONE's at the Boneyard? I remember the 30 they brought out, or have they not completed that yet?

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So, thinking outside the box is what got the live nukes delivered to Barksdale a year or so ago?


SAC was double redundant on everything, which procluded an incident like that, I'd imagine.


As to the Bones at the boneyard, WTF? I wouldn't think ANY would be there, as there are BUFF's still flying, aren't there?

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As to the Bones at the boneyard, WTF? I wouldn't think ANY would be there, as there are BUFF's still flying, aren't there?


Yup, they are there, I will try to take some photos next time I pass by AMARC....

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So, thinking outside the box is what got the live nukes delivered to Barksdale a year or so ago?


SAC was double redundant on everything, which procluded an incident like that, I'd imagine.


As to the Bones at the boneyard, WTF? I wouldn't think ANY would be there, as there are BUFF's still flying, aren't there?


Well, I did say there was a reason SAC was the way it was. However, what works for nuclear ops isn't necessarily great for conventional. I'd imagine Bone guys were quite happy to let that mission go.


Some Bones are in AMARC in storage to keep other Bones flying. We have several aircraft in the inventory that are like that.



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Cheers for the insight FC, things have chaned a might since I got out, what's it been, 17 years ago? :blink:



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It's a typical problem. You need to upgrade a fleet of planes, but you don't have the money to do them all. Instead of trying to have 2 separate standards (which already exists enough in the USAF, USN, etc) they decided to retire 1/3 of them early. This meant you only had to pay to upgrade 2/3 of the planes plus the money saved from not operating that other 1/3 could be directed into the upgrades. It was a good plan, it just came off sounding bad.


The B-52s fly different missions from the B-1 now, so they want to keep them still flying as well. In theory they could have dumped the B-52s and used the money for THOSE to upgrade and run the other 1/3 of the B-1 fleet, but as FC mentioned the B-1 is no longer nuclear while the 52's still are. We don't have enough B-2s to carry the nuclear mission alone.

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THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111


The first battle of the War of Northern Aggression (1860-1865) did not turn out so well for the sons of the South, and, to tell the truth, I am glad of that. There are some things to remember from the old South that are good, but embracing that also embraces the bad stuff and that sorta puts you on the other side of the fence from this native son. Driving the BUFF as a SAC crew commander / cold warrior was for America. All of it.

Edited by Jug

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The B-52s fly different missions from the B-1 now, so they want to keep them still flying as well. In theory they could have dumped the B-52s and used the money for THOSE to upgrade and run the other 1/3 of the B-1 fleet, but as FC mentioned the B-1 is no longer nuclear while the 52's still are. We don't have enough B-2s to carry the nuclear mission alone.


The B-1 is still a viable platform for the launching of nuclear weapons. From what I have heard from the inspectors from our last START inspection, the treaty will probably not be renewed this year. What does this mean? The B-1 could be refurbished and pick up its nuclear role again. Will the AF do it? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on whether or not they can squeeze another Raptor out of congress for the price of the referbishment.

Still looking forward to this bird and as it got a bit quiet about it I figured I would give her a bump.



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