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F-4S Canopies In SF2....

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Hi all.Just a little prolem I'd like to share with you. I added Crab02's F-4S Phantom II TO SF2 and paired it with the stock SF2 F-4J cockpit which has worked really well except for the total lack of canopy glass which includes the canopies and the windshield.

It's most noticeable when viewing the aircraft in F6 mode and the absence of glass makes it look as if both pilots popped their canopies for a bit of fresh air. Seriously though, its absence makes the aircraft look incomplete.

If theres anyone who can assist with this problem I'd be grateful. :yes:


BTW, If anyone would like to have a visual idea of what I'm on about, they can click on the gallery link I've left below:



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Just an idea, but I was thinking of trying to find which details of the SF2 stock F-4J cockpit glass I could enter into the F-4S's files but I wouldn't know where to start. Am I thinking in the right direction

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I think the tga required is the stock SF, WoV, WoE canopy glass tga.

Does the aricraft have an F-4S.out file (or simular name?)? Check there for the name of the .tga the canopy uses.

I do not have SF2 yet and do not have access to my machine atm. I can look when I am off shift.

Please be kind - that aircraft was released a long time ago....

Does anyone think it should be upgraded to Oct2008b patch and then SF2?

OR should this aircraft be upgraded?

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How different are the J and S models, in reality???


If it's just flight modeling, one could probably get away with a simple copy/paste of the relevant data sections from a newly extracted (ie: post patch) F-4J's data ini.


I'd also try extracting the stock SF/WoV/WoE "canopy_glass.tga" from the objects.cat, and either drop it into the main /F-4S folder or the skin folder, or BOTH!!


crab: it's STILL a fine airplane, man. I've flown in WoE postpatch, and seems ok (to my untrained hands :good: )


A note of caution to you SF2 players; personally, I'd wait until TK gets us the tools to really dig into the system. Right now, everyone is running around like chickens with the heads chopped off, griping about all kinds of problems. I advise paitence...

we'll get what we need soon enough.



kevin stein

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The F-4S Late is model wise an F-4J with the E slatted wing and ECM bumps. (model started as the TW F-4E)

The F-4S Early (from C5 site) is the J model with the ECM bumps painted on. (which was made first as an S)


Since wwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy back when the S was released - things have been added:


new wheels and gear

cockpit mirrors

refuel probe

wing fold and hinges


numerous other UV map improvements (corrected by Sundowner)


Ant, btw we might need some updated Ferris Schemes!!!

Edited by Crab_02

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If the S (Early) is basicaly just a J (and I'm assuming smokeless engines?), maybe just the J's data ini, with some loadout changes in order???

No changes to the physical model itself??


new wheels and gear

cockpit mirrors

refuel probe

wing fold and hinges <--- OK, THAT"S cool!!!


numerous other UV map improvements (corrected by Sundowner)


extending RAT??? that's nice too!!


If the S (Early) is the same LOD, I can have a 'test' data and loadout ini sometime tommorw, using the a fresh J (and the E's slats) as the base, if you want.


Most definatly, need Ant for some Ferris schemes!!! RIGHTEOUS!!!! :ok:



kevin stein

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Ok, that went pretty easy....


The zip attached here is for the EARLY version ONLY


It's the data and loadout ini, set to use stock weapons (so don't make a big fuss about the wing tanks.) It's still loads the SUU-23 centerline gunpod, even though they weren't normally carried. Consider this as a kind of half-a$$ed upgrade.


I took the data ini for the stock, post-patch J, and made a few tweeks in regards to the slats, which data comes from the E.

You'll need to use the STOCK, IN-GAME F-4J lods =ONLY=, so if you got any old lods in the main folder, put them somewhere's else, like a 'backup' or 'storage' folder.


It's all pretty 'stock', other than the addition of chaff and flare dispensers -which are most definately in the wrong place. I couldn't remember the correct placement, so just used the E/G points out of the aft end of the inner pylons. I know from 531Ghost that they're on the upper fuselage, forward of the fin someplace.


I did notice a slight porposing/pitch up around 200-220 knots in a turn, so the FM may need some refinements, but this comes right out of the latest version,...I leave the fine tuning to the Experten.


Backup your orginal data and loadout inis...play it safe!!! :wink:

It ain't perfect, but it's a starting point.

Since I'm no FM Guru, this is all semi-educated guesswork. But the slats to appear to be working, and acting.


It sure could use a new skin/decal package :wink:


good flying!


kevin stein


oh, and to answer Crab's question:

Yes. Definately worth updating!!! All the older mods could use a little post-patch love.... :yes:

May take a quicky look at the N too....

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I would love to see an update to the RN and RAF Phantoms too (sure, they are the slowest, but also the most powerful!).

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The F-4S Late is model wise an F-4J with the E slatted wing and ECM bumps. (model started as the TW F-4E)

The F-4S Early (from C5 site) is the J model with the ECM bumps painted on. (which was made first as an S)


Since wwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy back when the S was released - things have been added:


new wheels and gear

cockpit mirrors

refuel probe

wing fold and hinges


numerous other UV map improvements (corrected by Sundowner)


Ant, btw we might need some updated Ferris Schemes!!!


Wow Crab.. having you look at this is a dream come true for me as this is my favorite aircraft bar none in this series. The flight model needs a little love to bring it up to date with latest patch level

and I seem to have a weird shadow issue that persists on the right slat...this is with the latest ferris skin I will try some others to test that. I love this bird!!!!


And lets here it for more Ferris schemes :clapping: VF-302 is under represented :biggrin: they had some of the coolest markings in multiple shades of tactical grey/blue with that yellow stallions ND tail code. The Marines had a few ferris phantoms as well.




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Ok, that went pretty easy....


The zip attached here is for the EARLY version ONLY


It's the data and loadout ini, set to use stock weapons (so don't make a big fuss about the wing tanks.) It's still loads the SUU-23 centerline gunpod, even though they weren't normally carried. Consider this as a kind of half-a$$ed upgrade.


I took the data ini for the stock, post-patch J, and made a few tweeks in regards to the slats, which data comes from the E.

You'll need to use the STOCK, IN-GAME F-4J lods =ONLY=, so if you got any old lods in the main folder, put them somewhere's else, like a 'backup' or 'storage' folder.


It's all pretty 'stock', other than the addition of chaff and flare dispensers -which are most definately in the wrong place. I couldn't remember the correct placement, so just used the E/G points out of the aft end of the inner pylons. I know from 531Ghost that they're on the upper fuselage, forward of the fin someplace.


I did notice a slight porposing/pitch up around 200-220 knots in a turn, so the FM may need some refinements, but this comes right out of the latest version,...I leave the fine tuning to the Experten.


Backup your orginal data and loadout inis...play it safe!!! :wink:

It ain't perfect, but it's a starting point.

Since I'm no FM Guru, this is all semi-educated guesswork. But the slats to appear to be working, and acting.


It sure could use a new skin/decal package :wink:


good flying!


kevin stein


oh, and to answer Crab's question:

Yes. Definately worth updating!!! All the older mods could use a little post-patch love.... :yes:

May take a quicky look at the N too....


Sorry for the late reply guys. I posted my problems before I went to bed last night. Wrench; looking forward to trying out your zip. With regard to the chaff/flare dispensers, I've already added them by copying the same chaff data text from the stock SF2 F-4J data.ini file and have pasted chaff dispensers onto the extaction area of the new template skin that I've edited (stock SF2 F-4J and salvatorestupido's F-4S USMC Late skin).

BTW, I definitely think the N and S models could do with a post-patch/SF2 level re-make (hint to TK for future patches/updates :wink: ).

I think these models of the phabulous Phantom have been seriously overlooked by SF2.

Will let you know how I get on with your zip. Thanks again for your replies lads :good:

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At last, the glass company have made a house call:




Wrench; nice work on the data.ini files. Definite improvement in overall performance. Check out the above screenshot; you'll see what I was talking about earlier in regard to the chaff/flare ejection port positions being copied from the SF2 F-4J. Did a quick paint job at that location on the skin to try and make it more realistic. I know, it could be neater but it'll do for the moment. If anyone's interested I'll upload the skin.


Guys, if there's anybody out there planning a re-vamp of the F-4S for SF2/latest patches, here's some helpful webpages that I've used over the last few days for tweaking the current model:








Thanks for your help again lads. Wil Keep the Phantom phires burning. :good:

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I redid the N's data ini last night, too


But I have some aerodynamic questions for those "in the Know"....


for the rear stabs, from the B data ini we have this (new parameters, methinks post patch):
























and this is from the original N data ini...






















You can see they're actually pretty close. The Original Readme states:


- Uses the F-4E stabilator aerodynamics to represent the slotted stabilators.


Which would be this data:
























So the question is, do I just make the change for the MaxControlSpeed=, or leave it with the B data? It flys perfectly fine, too.

I don't know enough about aerodymanic to know if the 11 kph difference will make all that much of a change. It's easy enough to swap out, btw.


Also updated the cockpit by changing it to use the F-4Js (with it's rwr), and latest style loadout ini (which matchs the data ini in that it adds the 'mirrored' stations for the outboard 370 gallon tanks).



kevin stein

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OK, one more question for those "in the know", as Wrench calls you:

How does one get rid of the slimers? I can't speak for everyone of course, but they really start to f**king irritate me after a while. Are they part of the LOD files? Is there a key combination I can use to switch them off during flight?

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As stated in my post.

BE KIND - this aircraft was released in 2004 -

there was no shadow made, nor was the model checked/fixed to make one (back then one had to make another lod)


And the Slimers were the hottest thing going back in '04!!!!!!


The Slimers are part of the LOD and self illiminating - one SHOULD be able to bind the to a landing light so they will shut off with the gear up.


Speaking of which - do any of the new patches/SF2 allow the AI not to have the formation lights on?? IIRC last time I was flying the Oct2008b patch - some of the other flights had lights on...

thought this was addressed in the past somewheres...

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That stab data swap doesnt change much, they are dummy components and mainly used for min-max stab deflection of the visible model.

The aerodynamic data of the stabs is further up in the ini, somewhere below the data sections for the outer wings .. thats the data you need to swap

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As stated in my post.

BE KIND - this aircraft was released in 2004 -

there was no shadow made, nor was the model checked/fixed to make one (back then one had to make another lod)


And the Slimers were the hottest thing going back in '04!!!!!!


I apologise fully and unreservedly if I've offended you my friend. :blush2: Trust me; offending people is not the name of my game

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Cool! Already done the main sections, I was mostly curious about those particular callouts.

so adding the new speed line won't really do much, huh?


as to binding the slimers to the landing lights, try this:











For the formation lights, I'm not sure if it's releated NightLightOn= line in the cockpit ini. This may only be for the light you see when sitting in the pit.

You could drop the numbers down, say to =0.01, and see what happens when flying night missions. Otherwise, it may be something 'trapped' in one of the dlls where we can't get to it. That's always bugged me too ... "lets leave all the lights on while we fly over the enemy nation's capitol city. they'll never notice us" ... NOT!!! :rofl:


As to the shadow, I just used the data out of the F-4Bs main ini; a Phantom shape is a phantom shape is ... you get the drift. Oddly, even post patch it STILL calls for a F-4B.SHD file. Theoretically, you might be able to use the newer style listing...







Test, and seaon to taste :wink: If you get the odd 'black phaser line' reaching down to the ground, go back to the original shadow type.



kevin stein

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no offense taken - but one must look at what was avaiable and what was possible when these mods were created.


we have come along way!

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I guess I'm just a little eager. I'm putting together an 80s campaign for SF2 at the moment. I'm planning to put the F-4S into carrier deployment off Dhimar. The last USN F-4 ever was catapulted off USS Midway in 1986 with VF-151 - hence the 'template skin I've created from a mish-mash of BMPs off the F-4J and F-4S. I'm planning on deploying VF-151 on Midway in this campaign.......

......hence my earlier eagerness. :rapage:

I'll be putting more details of this campaign on forum here when I'm more certain of the direction I'd like the campaign to go in, but I have a general idea:

*There's war in Europe between NATO and the Warsaw Pact - the US can only spare one or two Reserve units for deployment.

*The supply situation in Dhimar will be critical due to heavy weapon expenditure in Europe.

*etc, etc, etc, etc ..............


To go back to the subject of the F-4S (and of course the F-4N), it's good to see some interest on a brilliant model that been left alone for too long :yes:

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Well, the naval Phantoms of all kinds needs some of the love the air force Phantoms have been receiving.

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Well maybe they should get some guns! lol. I just flew a mission with the stock J and I tried an immelmann with full AF. The thing stalled and then went into a flat spin.

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...Didn't a pilot did some kind of backflip with the F-4J in the Vietnam War?

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...Didn't a pilot did some kind of backflip with the F-4J in the Vietnam War?

If you can drag Wagsled into this, he actually flew the F-4S and may be able to help. Try a PM to him.

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