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RWR not working in F-22A

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I keep getting blown outta the sky by R-27 and R-77s from Flankers and Fulcrums with no sounds coming from the RWR. The F-22 I downloaded is completely unmodded and followed the readme directions for installation. What am I missing?


Is anyone else having this same problem? Also, is my RWR getting jammed????

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there are versions of the R-27 and R-77 that are IR guided as well, so if those are the models that hit u, then u would hear them as the RWR pics up only radar emissions.

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*beats head on wall*


Your RWR is not working becuase you are 100% stealthy when flying it in game. No radars will pick you up...none...at all.

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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If an F-22 is an F-22, shouldn't the heat signature be significantly reduced compared to a conventional aircraft design? I wonder if there is a way to reduce your heat signature on this game too since it's so flexible. :biggrin:

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If an F-22 is an F-22, shouldn't the heat signature be significantly reduced compared to a conventional aircraft design? I wonder if there is a way to reduce your heat signature on this game too since it's so flexible. :biggrin:


Yes and No. Only the F-117 and the B-2 have bypass-cooled "beavertail" exhaust diffusers, and they're designed to be effective against ground launched IRMs, not airborne threats. They also lack afterburners. The F-22's IR signature reduction comes mainly from it's ability to supercruise, from the location of its wing fuel cells, and lastly, from the marginally buried exhaust section of its engines. It still presents a visible IR sig when compared to the '117 or B-2, though it is quite reduced compared to say, an F-16.

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If you are getting hit by IR missles then you gotta keep situational awareness and clear your six or have your wingie cover your six.

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You can also hear missile launch warnings like "Missile Lauch!" or "Missile Inbound!", so you can evade them using chaff and flare.

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There is not a whole lot you can do about IR missiles because they are sneaky bastages. You just have to hope you see it before it sees you.

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Me often got nailed by unseen Fulcrums/Flankers that throws heat-seekers. The lesson I learned were "never stop jinking around, but not too much that your speed bleed off. And keep watch on your 6".

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Hmm... I guess I should have wingman when fighting on 'heavy' aircraft setting rather than going out alone then Ace Combat style :biggrin:

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That's what I usually do. Tell the flight to engage, and tell the wingman to cover my 6. Not always worked though, sometimes my wingman would be downed first...

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