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Actually, my plan was a little simpler...a simple box with a gun slit (see below): The red and white panels would be illuminated:




Then, just depending on your angle to it, you see red or white:






You put four boxes side by side at slightly different angles...instant PAPI.



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I wouldn't mind testing it either.... Let's see what FC comes up with and go from there. :)

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be glad to test it.



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The trick is being able to see the box from the cockpit.

I don't care for the over-the-shoulder F5 view, I want to be in the cockpit.

In the game, the angle of attack may be too high and/or the lack of seat height adjustment makes seeing over the nose during landings very difficult.

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The trick is being able to see the box from the cockpit.

I don't care for the over-the-shoulder F5 view, I want to be in the cockpit.

In the game, the angle of attack may be too high and/or the lack of seat height adjustment makes seeing over the nose during landings very difficult.


very true. it is tough in a carrier approach to be pointed down enough without accelerating.

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hello all,

I think it is pretty easy to simulate it in WOX engine

here is my suggestion:


it will look like this if you are too high:


too low:




perspective view of the model:



no animation is needed, so if anybody would like to try to model it

I can help a little (and test is in game :-) )



Monty, try wiring em into the airfield(s) lighting. Then you can control direction, level, size and time of day they light up.

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Monty, try wiring em into the airfield(s) lighting. Then you can control direction, level, size and time of day they light up.


How to Tie the Airfield Lighting onto a moving carrier... hmmmm.........

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very true. it is tough in a carrier approach to be pointed down enough without accelerating.


Yes, this is the real problem with carrier landings in this sim. Most planes' POV is too low when you are at the correct AOA for landing, so you can't see the deck or any mirror sight arrangement. You can change this in the inis but the gunsight moves off the glass and the effect is weird for normal flight. The only plane I've ever found with a reasonable POV both for landing and general flight is the Mirage Factory F-14.

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Yes, this is the real problem with carrier landings in this sim. Most planes' POV is too low when you are at the correct AOA for landing, so you can't see the deck or any mirror sight arrangement. You can change this in the inis but the gunsight moves off the glass and the effect is weird for normal flight. The only plane I've ever found with a reasonable POV both for landing and general flight is the Mirage Factory F-14.


I Just Press the "." Button on my Numpad, and the 3d Pit goes away leaving the HUD, I dont need the 3d Pit half the time anyway...


or you can open every planes pit data ini move the view position up and point hte angle down on the Y axis...

Edited by Digital-Overload

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I Just Press the "." Button on my Numpad, and the 3d Pit goes away leaving the HUD, I dont need the 3d Pit half the time anyway...


Each to his own, but I like to have it on all the time for immersion.

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Same here, in RL you can`t switch your pit of for a better view, you would suddenly fall of the bird....


But nice ideas here, I like both, montys and FCs I think FC`s is better as a system integratable in a carrier or anywhere else. Only needs a stronger ilumination ;-)

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Would be great if this was ready by Sat afternoon, thanks.



Actually a basic form has already been used in YAP1. Pick your fixture/housing and instant VASI.



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Wouldn't you want a different glideslope for different aircraft?

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Sort of.


Jumbo aircraft (DC-10 and larger) can use a 3 bar VASI that has the aimpoint a little farther down. Otherwise, everything below that size uses the standard 2 bar VASI or PAPI for airports.


Pretty much unless the aircraft is unusual (Space Shuttle) or the airport is unusual, all aircraft use roughly the same glideslope.



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Well, at the ship, you actually do change the glidepath a little by tilting the lens. The LSO's aren't actually waving the plane to the deck, they're waving the hook to the wires. Hook-to-eye distance changes from plane to plane (i.e. hook to pilot's eyeball) so the lens has to be adjusted to get the hook to the same height above the ramp.


Perhaps Typhoid or one of the other Navy dudes could explain better, fyi purposes. In any case, I think that we'll have to make due with a one-size-fits-all set up at the boat as the alternative is probably way too complicated.

Edited by gbnavy61

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Well, considering that carriers can only be used in scripted missions, perhaps multiple versions of the same carriers are to be made, each with a specific ball setup up for whatever aircraft is scripted for the mission.

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Well, at the ship, you actually do change the glidepath a little by tilting the lens. The LSO's aren't actually waving the plane to the deck, they're waving the hook to the wires. Hook-to-eye distance changes from plane to plane (i.e. hook to pilot's eyeball) so the lens has to be adjusted to get the hook to the same height above the ramp.


Perhaps Typhoid or one of the other Navy dudes could explain better, fyi purposes. In any case, I think that we'll have to make due with a one-size-fits-all set up at the boat as the alternative is probably way too complicated.



yes, that's true and you describe it very well. I don't think we have that kind of close tolerances in this sim however. I think one setting for the tactical jets would do just fine. My memory is a bit hazy (after having come ashore 25 years ago) but I think it was a 3 or 4 degree glideslope. I could be wrong (probably am).


In addition to scripted missions, since a specified carrier is used in a campaign, those carriers could be modded/included in campaign updates.

Edited by Typhoid

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yes, that's true and you describe it very well. I don't think we have that kind of close tolerances in this sim however. I think one setting for the tactical jets would do just fine. My memory is a bit hazy (after having come ashore 25 years ago) but I think it was a 3 or 4 degree glideslope. I could be wrong (probably am).


In addition to scripted missions, since a specified carrier is used in a campaign, those carriers could be modded/included in campaign updates.


It's not 4, but steeper than 3 - due to the ship moving the effective GS is about 3.


You guys bring up a good point, since the CVs are only edited missions or campaigns. But, I think as Typhoid mentioned, the tolerances are not so exact in the sim, so we can probably get away with a one-size-fits-all meatball.

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It's not 4, but steeper than 3 - due to the ship moving the effective GS is about 3.


You guys bring up a good point, since the CVs are only edited missions or campaigns. But, I think as Typhoid mentioned, the tolerances are not so exact in the sim, so we can probably get away with a one-size-fits-all meatball.


that's what I thought. 3.5 stuck in my head but I know it shifted for different planes. How much I do not know.

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