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England shuts down

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So, its snowing a little here and the country has shut down (at least the south east bit). I'm at home in my PJs playing the DS mod. You?

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Its not fair, the year i leave the UK and all of a sudden snow! i dont get it! I come to australia and what do i get, either heavy storms, or really hot days! (and nights!) My friend who im talking to has the day off 6th form. I miss the cold :(

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I just got in from the northern US and it was -17 with snow that was over my knees(I'm 6'4"), alittle farther north it was -40 and both these temps are without wind. The truck ran fine, I was worried about fuel gelling, but I guess the Pilot fuel was ok for once.

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This snow is awesome, I stayed out all night frolicking around my uni. Also made a massive snowball, about 1 metre in diameter. Good times. Anyone else having fun in the snow?

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were all fine up north west,blackpool area..had a tiny bit but was gone within an hour,in recent years england has gone ott with weather...dunno why but our country cant cope with weather at all...in summer it gets hot,we run out of water..trains stop as the tracks bend,tar melts on roads,things stop working due to heat..,then autumn,leaves fall an clog up places ,drians,trains stop as leaves on ground,now we got winter and snow stops n suts down everything,even when its windy the country fall to bits,rains we flood....yet we all expect it here...an yet nobody in the councils/goverment seems to have a clue what to do or be prepared for it...they all say the same..the climate change brings un-predictable weather...yet the people of uk know whats comming as we watch the news n weather...then we panic buy,then shops say they forced to raise prices..then government says its petrol fault and puts that up...then we panic buy on petrol...next thing its DOOMSDAY.....an all coz it snowey....LOL.


so any county or person with the sights set on an invasion of england...STRIKE NOW..or on a rainy/windy day...coz then you know were crippled...


xx v xx

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I live in south Cheshire, not much snow here [as usual].....just the odd flurrie [sp?] which the local radio station is calling "blizzard conditions".....lol.

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It's snowing on and off here in Bury/Manchester. Nothing too bad though.


Having said that, when I got into work we found that the boiler had broken so we're going to close early :smile: And the boss forked out for fish and chips for everyone for lunch too :smile:


Also, when I dropped my daughter off at school this morning the kids were having the mother of all snowball fights in the playground!

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Here in London we've had about 5 inches or more of snow judging by the view out of the window. No buses, schools and businesses closed...

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just for you...a pic of snowey blackpool...as it is today at 14:15 pm...LOL



Edited by racindriver1

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"A heavy snowfall was rare in the Shire......."


Be glad you're not living in Kentucky, USA!

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just for you...a pic of snowey blackpool...as it is today at 14:15 pm...LOL


Lol...but where's the Tower?

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Yah - we were told to take the afternoon off work and go home early because of a severe weather warning :)


The snow on my car was about 4 inches thick this morning - and its been snowing heavily all day here in sunny Milton Keynes -


Even though the roads were about 3 inches deep my car was ok surprisingly - normally the traction control gets confused and wont let me go anywhere lol


the press is making a big thing of it because its the south thats affected - no one cares about the north lol












Lol...but where's the Tower?



imagine its buried under snow yeah?

Edited by MigBuster

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Yeah we have some snow... but me I got on the bike and rode to work scaring car drivers main roads are clear just the side roads that are a shade icy great fun... and its not a pushbike but a Kawasaki ZZR1100.... road in grinning like a loon damp roads but nothing major... and people at work looked at me in dis-believe when I arrived after watching 2 get out of their 4x4's and go ar$e over t!t... Roll on more snow.... and it always seems as though anything that happens down London way is a nightmare... up here in Northern England okay Leeds... we could have 12foot snow drifts and it might just get a mention on the news... all I can say to the southern's get a live enjoy it....

Edited by PACMAN

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As pathetic as it seems this is defo the most snow down here ive seen in 20 years!!



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the press is making a big thing of it because its the south thats affected - no one cares about the north lol


imagine its buried under snow yeah?


naw its not that no one cares about north..its that the south is so full of whingers who get scared at the sight of snow,and the news n press have to cover the south as nothing else interesting happens down there....LOL


as for the tower...we like big erections up in the north...not the little southern things .. :biggrin:


xx vanessa xx


(how ya doin miggy babes.. :wink: )

Edited by racindriver1

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ooohhh forgot to say miggy...im moving south in 2 weeks..to liven the place up..movin to reading..so watch out..!!!!! :diablo:


xx v xx

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Im okay sweet - hope you are struggling through life okay up there :)


oh btw


Blackpool tower = 158m

Canary Wharf = 235m


Think some northerners have been telling you lies about the northern particulars lol

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ooohhh forgot to say miggy...im moving south in 2 weeks..to liven the place up..movin to reading..so watch out..!!!!! :diablo:


xx v xx


You sure? whats that if you cant beat them join them? :)


Bring your snow plough! :good:

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You sure? whats that if you cant beat them join them? :)


oh ill be beating southerners...plenty of them...and as for canery dwarf,that aint worth mentioning as it not just a building that aint full of history n pride..its just full of londeners...govner..!!..lol


xx v xx

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Somerset, this afternoon.


Having spent a couple of years as a child in Canada, and gone on the odd ski holiday where the locals seem no better equipped than the UK, I'm continually embarrassed whenever we seem unable to cope with a bit of snow. It's not like this wasn't forecast last week or doesn't happen every few years.



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Talked to mum back in Blighty this morning. Kept going on about the snow................ as I'm looking out on a foot of the stuff that's been sitting around for weeks. Not that I'm advocating that she should go driving in the stuff. A little perspective might be in order, especially as the 'snow event' has been predicted for days. Still, it makes a change from 'The 11:43 from Ashbury St Trinians has been delayed due to leaves on the line' routine.

Edited by Hinchinbrooke

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Still, it makes a change from 'The 11:43 from Ashbury St Trinians has been delayed due to leaves on the line' routine.


No, leaves is autumn, rain flooding the track is spring and heat warping the tracks is summer*. See they've got every season covered.


*I wasn't aware 24 Celsius could warp steel either but there you go.

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No, I know the leaves is an Autumn thing................. I was just pondering the various excuses that come via the platform tannoy systems. :blink::biggrin:

Edited by Hinchinbrooke

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i like the fact boris suspended london congestion charge as a pat on the back for those who made it into work.and that the people of london are coping well with snow..lol...and the tube trains are running limited services...despite them being under ground.

But..the snow is causing problems for me aswell...its just totally ruined my sons football,i dont think it will ever work again...i hope i can get a government grant to cover the loss....LOL..




xx v xx

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