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Some shots from Jasta 7, 22. March, 1918.

Fighting those Bristols is almost suicide - but I had no choice; they attacked us from

high above, so we couldn't run. Read more at "Reports from the front".


That is a great skin for the Albatros!

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Thank you very much, Test Pilot!

Yes, it seems I'm getting closer and closer to the colours, that suit her best. Personnaly, I find

brighter colours better than very dark ones, but here are some dark, too.

Edited by Olham

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Thank you very much, Test Pilot!

Yes, it seems I'm getting closer and closer to the colours, that suit her best. Personnaly, I find

brighter colours better than very dark ones, but here are some dark, too.


That white one may actually be my fav of the bunch. I for one prefer these drabber colors to the bright ones myself :) But, I guess you cant go wrong dressing up an Albatross!

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Much agreed. If/when I ever fly an albatross campaign, I'm going to puruse the "Olham" section of Alby skins for sure. Bravo sir! :good:


But since this is the SS thread I figured I'd post a random shot for ya'll.


Thomas Macklroy's new se5 over the front.

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An S.E.5a vs an Albatros DII? When was that?

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Probably Leutnant Stachel's first plane..."the best planes goes to the best pilots. Reality is hard."

Anyway its a great screenshot! Smeeling dust and gun powder!

Edited by Snoopy syndrome

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An S.E.5a vs an Albatros DII? When was that?



10th of April 1917. RFC 56 flying with Albert Ball and company.

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Smeeling dust and gun powder!


Just occasionaly typo's can make you laugh...this one did!..thanks Snoopy!... All I can think of is a Mexican cowboy about to enter a Gunfight in the Wild West!


"Hey Gringo!.... I am gonna Keel you!.... You will soon be smeeling Dust and Gun Powder!"

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

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First off: I misspoke before about the date on that pic. It was the 7th of April, not the 10th. (havent even gotten there yet. :rolleyes: )


Secondly: The first claim reports on my new se5 pilot, flying for RFC-56, are in. 15 for 15! :blink: ! :biggrin: ! Whoohoo. I couldn't believe it.

My claim confirmation percentage is usally around 50-70% With my luck the next 15 will be rejected. lol oh well.





Just returned from a wet run over the main allied offensive in Arras. And it looks like the days of the DII are over sadly over for me.

Reported 3 of these new machines downed (those are the 3 pending claims).





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Sometimes it's just great fun to come to you all here.

Snoopy and Widowmaker, you made the first cup of tea even better - was really laughing. Hey, Speeedy Gonzales!


Mack, I hadn't thought, the S.E.5 came so early. My best pilot in Wasquehal sometimes fights them, but I never had

seen them earlier than May 1917.

About the claims: I've decided to put all available info in there, even altitude and how often I put how many rounds

into enemy craft; maybe even longitude and latitude. Cause I also have less than 50% confirmed so far.

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I just started a campaign with 56 Squadron on April 1, 1917. We're still in England flying home defense.



Edited by Cameljockey

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Met your "colleagues" again today, CJ. They where so busy attacking our trenches, that they

didn't see me coming. I got two down, and my wings two more! (see: Reports from the front).

If you made it until June 1, 1917, you could have been amongst them? (Time Tunnel - Lol!!!)

But I hope not - wouldn't like the idea to shoot you down.

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Short before my holidays, I felt the urge to fly in the Alsace area.

So I enlisted in Jasta 26, Colmar, February 1917.

First flight was with Goering and Fritz Loerzer. Although orders where, to patrol enemy front lines,

Goering seemed to make a ground attack mission of it. First I remained above, for high cover, but

since there where no enemy craft around, and the wheather and vision very dull, I decided to join

in. Got some Renault lorries, but didn't get any credits for them.

Edited by Olham

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Very last pics, from the fight against RNAS-3, we just had. More pics: see "Reports from the front".

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I don't have OFF yet, and this makes me concerned for the game's realism. :/


You can make it as realistic as you want!...this screenshot looks like it's on total easy peasy settings!

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Welcome Launchbury


Suggest you read the zillion other posts in the forum saying it's too hard or just right very few say too easy. I think you'll change your mind quite rapidly :)

As UK_W says there are many settings to make it harder or easier to taste anyway.

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Yes, I've seen many posts of people say "Lo! For I have just reached the 17 hour mark!" and they are congratulated, because this is evidently enough some sort of feat, but soon followed by another post that says "Woe, for my brave warrior has fallen," which quite brightens my day.

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Lol that's the idea ;) most people will not be super aces, but of course there are always some ;) There are many things that you can set to make it harder etc.

Check out the sticky thread above this one, for a tougher more realistic experience.



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I think I shall ask young Maclroy if he uses these realism settings: Young Maclroy, do you use these realism settings, or in the words of Henry V, do you hold your manhood cheap?

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S! Launchbury


To answer your question sir I have removed 'wind effects' and set my mixture to 'auto mixture' in the workshop. Other than that I fly on full DiD.


Here are my settings:



No "easy peasy settings here"! Unless you consider "light regional air activity" easy peasy. Otherwise it's set to full DiD. Normal claims and promotions.


Here is that pilot's current sheet:




As to your concern of the realism of the game. I can assure you that the OFF devs have done a fantastic job on making this a true SIM, and not just some arcade shooter. Really the only way to fully appretiate that is to play it. I can see how this pilot's dossier looks outrageous. But I can assure you that countless virtual brothers of young Thomas Macklroy have been shot down in flames prior to his taking to the stick. Some on their very first mission. I just didnt think those pilot dossiers would be any fun to post. :biggrin:


Anyway, I figured I had better defend my Virtual honor here. Just returned from a nice 7 day leave.


S! gents.

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S! Launchbury


To answer your question sir I have removed 'wind effects' and set my mixture to 'auto mixture' in the workshop. Other than that I fly on full DiD.


Here are my settings:



No "easy peasy settings here"! Unless you consider "light regional air activity" easy peasy. Otherwise it's set to full DiD. Normal claims and promotions.


Here is that pilot's current sheet:




As to your concern of the realism of the game. I can assure you that the OFF devs have done a fantastic job on making this a true SIM, and not just some arcade shooter. Really the only way to fully appretiate that is to play it. I can see how this pilot's dossier looks outrageous. But I can assure you that countless virtual brothers of young Thomas Macklroy have been shot down in flames prior to his taking to the stick. Some on their very first mission. I just didnt think those pilot dossiers would be any fun to post. :biggrin:


Anyway, I figured I had better defend my Virtual honor here. Just returned from a nice 7 day leave.


S! gents.




That young fellow should immediately be sent back to Blighty on indefinite leave, lest he fall and demoralise the Nation. Meaning, I want to see what that dossier looks like when the new medals come in the next release... so don't get him killed!

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S! Launchbury


To answer your question sir I have removed 'wind effects' and set my mixture to 'auto mixture' in the workshop. Other than that I fly on full DiD.


Here are my settings:



No "easy peasy settings here"! Unless you consider "light regional air activity" easy peasy. Otherwise it's set to full DiD. Normal claims and promotions.


Here is that pilot's current sheet:




As to your concern of the realism of the game. I can assure you that the OFF devs have done a fantastic job on making this a true SIM, and not just some arcade shooter. Really the only way to fully appretiate that is to play it. I can see how this pilot's dossier looks outrageous. But I can assure you that countless virtual brothers of young Thomas Macklroy have been shot down in flames prior to his taking to the stick. Some on their very first mission. I just didnt think those pilot dossiers would be any fun to post. :biggrin:


Anyway, I figured I had better defend my Virtual honor here. Just returned from a nice 7 day leave.


S! gents.


Sorry Macklroy!.... I didn't mean to be rude!...I was merely trying to point out that the settings can be made from very easy, to very hard!...I wasn't trying to suggest you were on 'beginners settings...though i know it came across like that!..probably just a late night!


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I think probably the issue is that we, as sim pilots, each having amassed probably thousands of hours of combat time, never have to live through much of a learning curve. We climb in the cockpit on mission #1 and can already loop, side-slip, spin, recover from said spin, half-roll, half-loop, and deflection-shoot like the very devil, all while mostly or fully drunk (if that's your style) and then do it all again for mission #2, except this time horribly hung over.


And I think Macklroy certainly has a job as a fashion eyewear designer, as his look very Avant-Garde, and King George would certainly desire a pair for hunting trips and so on.

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