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Inspired by Bullethead's tattered, torn, and re-repaired Fe2b, I finished up one of my own. "Patches" has served faithfully throughout the numerous Somme battles, and continues to fly and flaunt it's stuff, despite Fritzie's best efforts.









I also posted the following link just a bit ago in the General Forum as well. It is a brief video of the old bird winging it's way yet again over the lines:









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"Patches" has served faithfully throughout the numerous Somme battles, and continues to fly and flaunt it's stuff, despite Fritzie's best efforts.


A very nice and realistic Frankenplane! Bravo drinks.gif

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Bleech! Ze crumpetz make fun of us! Zeir craft should bee ridiculous enough vizzout ziss

scrawl on zee undersurfacess! Butt zey twit der Kaiser, no less!!! (Schnorch!! Steam!!!)

Oh, you vaitt! When one off zeese come into my gunsights, I vill make confetti of zem,

for ze Victory Parade on ze Champs Elysées!!! Grmbl!!!

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No real story to tell just some recent screenies. Thanks Bullethead for the DFW skin, Flynn for the Be2c skin and I think the Croc was done by Fubar, sorry if I'm mistaken.










Edited by Rickitycrate

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The unofficial, non OBD Gotha that is available found it's way unto my pc. Here are some pics. No story of great acheivements but I did have fun. If you have not yet seen it here it is. It functions pretty well, makes a nice target and is flyable. You can control each position, one at a time of course and she does drop bombs and has a bombsight. Also it's fun to switch to "rocket/bomb view" after you release the bombs and watch them blow. I've made some nice craters. Thanks to all responsible for this big bird and her large eggs. I see a lot of potential for many hours of good fun.







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Hard to fly an Albatross too far without your engine, heh! I know I've seen the flying engine screenshot before, but it was so much fun to see in the game for myself that I had to share.


This is my first post in the OFF forum. I grew up reading books about WWI pilots forwards and backwards, and later played Microprose's Knights of the Sky and the original Red Baron a lot, but I've been out of the PC game loop since then. We just got a new computer, so the first things I did were to look for a new WWI sim and then order OFF. I'm having a great time with it. Hats off to the developers!


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SlickJohnny, welcome aboard. You made the right choice wit OFF I think. Many of us share your WWI interest and sim beginnings. If you need advice with OFF this forum is the place to come. Consider contacting Olham with your general whereabouts for our OFF World flyers map. Best wishes with your OFFing.

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Wow! So many pics here - I'm just out the house for one day, and find all this!

Rickitycrate, your pics are very entertaining; Bullet's DFW looks good in it's Naval colours;

and the Gotha - does it have a "corridor" from one seat to the other? Funny craft!


Burning Beard, you must have made Rickitycrate very happy - he loves the post war SPAD

designs by the Americans and would love to have them all.

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Here is a post war US94 Skin I just completed.






Thats great mate,i'am trying to do the barbers pole but can't get the strips right on the fuselage yet.Rickitycrate will love this...clapping.gifclapping.gifclapping.gif a work of art.

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Dear Bearded One, I have a particular interest in the postwar Spads of the 94th. I currently, by curtesy of Red Dog, have two fine representations in my hangar. I wonder if maybe , perhaps, by chance, somehow, soon you might be uploading this fine looking work of yours to the download section?


I must say seeing this bird in this plumage really caught me by suprise. On my six from out of the sun.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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Hey guys thanks for thinking of me.

Olham, yes there is a walkway to each position. The Gotha only seems to be missing the wire bracings and some weathering. More little details are missing too. But it is very functional and certainly better than no Gotha.

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Well Burning Beard had promptly uploaded the Shamrock and you know me. I love to show my skins. Here we have Beard's Shamrock, Olham's Feuervogel and I believe the OFF stock Jehonnesheck DVa, I'm sorry I can't remember the spelling. I thought I had read that this man was a relative of Olham's but maybe I'm way off course. I will check and correct myself. My thanks again to all skinners and the creative people that make OFF so fabulous.

The Olham relative is Hans Jeschonnek and the Alb DVa with the bull on black fuselage is his.








Edited by Rickitycrate

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Glad you liked it Rickitycrate. I was pretty much smiling the whole time I was working on it. :smile:





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Thanks for the screenies Ricketycrate, I'm glad you are enjoying the skin. I am currently working on Lt. Cooks "Lightning Bolt". With any luck I will have it out in a couple of days.



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Welcome aboard, SlickJohnnie! New guy buys the drinks drinks.gif .


BB, very nice SPAD. Do you find it to have more luck than other SPADs?

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Oh Bearded One, I hope your not kiddin' me. Maybe one day I'll have the whole set of Showbird Spads of the 94th. I hope that does not sound too greedy. I hope one day that we might fly unigue skins from our squadmates. I'ld love to see the whole set of 94th showbirds on the field at the same time. With the work you and Red Dog are doing on these skins along with U.S. flag skin Olham did I'll have one of my silly dreams come true. I'm a modeler of sorts and I hope to one day build my model kits and paint them after these very patterns. So far I've done Kaye's Easter Egg Spad. The scale was 1/48. I want to do these in the old Revell 1/28 kits along with Rickenbacker and Luke and a few others. As you can see it would be a huge project. Thanks again to all skinners.



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Work in progress ' Eastah Aigg'



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Red Dog my man, looking very good at this point. Spot on I'ld say. Please see the PM I sent regarding the the wing lower surface. I found an informative link. I could not find the kit I built as it is packed away in case I move. The link shows that the blue and dots carried over to the underside of the planes on this crate. My best to you.

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Here's a painting I rescued many years ago from my Granny's garage:




Here's the same scene recreated with a bit of help from OFF:




Yes, the airframe Nos. are different, corrected for posterity if you like!

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