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He didn't have a Chance


Proceeding to our patrol area, we were still trying hard to catch up with Paul Billik's 1. Kette,

when we had to witness, how they were attacked by Sopwith scouts, 200 Meter higher.

Climbing as fast as we could, we watched the fighting helpless.

Then I saw that Pup coming down right on Kraemer, firing. We were suddenly fighting, too.

But these RNAS guys had first only seen Billik's flight, I' msure. Cause they were only five,

against our ten Albatros.

Now that they had given up their altitude advantage, we made a quick job of them - they

were falling like flies. We thought the work was done, when another swarm of them came

over us like doomsday - or so we thought at least.

They were only four, and again, it was a butchery. None of them escaped.


Only after the fight, we realised, that they might have been diving to attack the nearby spotter.

And when they recognised all our Albatros circling so low, it was too late for them.

They had no chance really...



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Things do not look so good.




But then another view it doesn't look so bad.



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Funny coincidence, Tranquillo - when were you flying?


I had just taken off with my new 1918 Jasta 32 pilot from Bapaume airfield, when we spotted Flak high in the west.

Short after, we sighted many British S.E.5a, coming down on us. We fought them extremely well - I witnessed two

of them exploding in mid air. I got my first victim hard - his craft exploded, too.

My second target was also burning already, when I touched his fighter with my lower left wing. The wing collapsed,

and I made the landing like this.



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Nice landing, olham. I was in enemy territory just east of Ypres. Got captured, they patched my burns up nicely then I escaped dressed as a nurse.

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A nurse???!!! With THAT face?????!!!! Well, perhaps they thought you were Nurse Gladys...


Congrats on your escape. If you should not make it to escape one day, write me a note,

where you are kept. I'll bring you some bacon, beer and chocolate then!

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A nurse???!!! With THAT face?????!!!! Well, perhaps they thought you were Nurse Gladys...




How dare you, sir. I demand satisfaction. Nurse Gladys is much better looking than I - a fine woman indeed.


Congrats on your escape. If you should not make it to escape one day, write me a note,

where you are kept. I'll bring you some bacon, beer and chocolate then!


Thank you, but forget the chocolate. I need to loose weight - your German nurses uniforms are much too tight :grin:.

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Thank you, but forget the chocolate. I need to loose weight - your German nurses uniforms are much too tight :grin:

Oooooh yeaaaaahhhhh!!!!!

That's why I am flying like a berserk. Everyone here may think, I was either so couraged or totally crazy.

But the truth it - I get really weak, when I see one of these slender nurses in their white dresses! (Faint!)

And to get near them - you need to get into hospital!


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Oh Olham, the lengths some people will go to to get a spectacular pic! :grin:


... and now daydreaming about 'slender nurses in their white dresses'. Is this the same man charged with leading the German air forces in the infamous "DiD Campaign"?


Tsk tsk, what is this war coming to?!?

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November 1916 - snow on the ground - fire in the sky


My long-serving (and lately, long-suffering) pilot returned to duty after back-to-back hospital stays, and was further disoriented to find RNAS-3 had been re-equipped with Strutters in his absence (replacing the Pups that they'd had first use of since July).


Nevertheless, the Strutter soon felt like an old friend and Birkin found his spirit glowing as the fresh wintery air blew away the staleness of weeks of inaction and spurred him to victory (albeit on his second pass) over the bloated 'sausage'.


A flight of Albatros scouts were spotted away in the distance, but Birken was content to leave that challenge to another day, and led his flight home - relieved to be able to complete a mission and land safely back at his 'home' field for the first time in 3 months!




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Oh Olham, the lengths some people will go to to get a spectacular pic! :grin:



... and now daydreaming about 'slender nurses in their white dresses'.

Is this the same man charged with leading the German air forces in the infamous "DiD Campaign"?

Tsk tsk, what is this war coming to?!?

I'm not only daydreaming - I HAVE been in hospital several times by now! :grin:

Edited by Olham

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Not so good like Olham`s screenshots but here are my first screenies :salute:

Flown 2 missions with Jasta2 and shot down 4 aircraft. Really don`t know what kind of aircraft type it was :grin: I am still learning.

On my third mission they shot down my right wing and I tried fly back to my homebase. Shortly after touchdown my bird crashed and my pilot died.









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Well, I don't see why they shouldn't be as good as mine, ReDDoT?

The two-seater was the BE2c, a reconnaisance craft without a rear gun - that's why you got so close.

The one that shot you down was either a different type of craft, or you got in front of his forward gun.

Enjoy the Albatros D.II - the D.III will have fragile low wings, that break in steep dives.

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Good stuff RedDot and don't feel bad about not being able to do as well as Olham posting your pics. He is the Rembrandt of the OFF screenies.

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Oh dear, Rembrandt will turn in his grave after that; but thanks or the compliment, nbryant!

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Back Over Flanders Fields!


My new rig is complete now and it's running very fast and smooth, even without overclocking. Here are my first two screens (Photoshop not yet installed).




Edited by Olham

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Very nice, Olham - looks like it was worth the wait for you. :drinks:

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Victory! But I lost feathers - the Fee gunner damaged my engine. I still hate to see flamers...



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"Today I installed the "Bloom & HDR" enhancer from "Creaghorn's Homebrew." I made a test flight with it,

and it was a "scramble"."




I just love that first screenshot. Very lifelike. I really must start doing more screenshots and then posting them in B&W, complete with bloom etc. I bet they'd look fairly realistic.

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Mighty, this screenshot was not made wit the "Bloom & HDR Enhancer". It paints everything rather dark.

But for B&W pics, it might be interesting for the contrast.

Edited by Olham

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Hi Olham,


I'm talking about your post of the 26th March, showing the takeoff of two seaters. I think that that was done with the effect 'on' so to speak. Either way, it was a gorgeous little shot. Go ahead and put Bloom et al on your new rig! I'm sure it will result in superb shots.


As for B&W, I think that they might well end up looking like the genuine article.


Off to experiment....




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Ah, you meant the pics from "Reports from the Front" - the Roland "Walfisch", Mighty?

If you want to try the Enhancers, I think it's in Creaghorn's download stuff somewhere.

For my taste, it makes everything too dark somehow.


Today I joined 24 Squadron, RFC. We are flying Pups from La Gorgue, and I must say, that although

the Albatros D.III is probably the better fighting craft, the Pup can hold it's own in climbing and turning very well.

At no time did I feel in danger really - you only have to watch their wingmen as well. Those guys know how to

fight in the air. I believe, I had shot one of those "peregrines" down - but I had no one near me to witness it.



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The Albatros D III is a nice Plane to fly :laugh:


Not as manouverable as the Pub or the N17 for example, but it has a good hard Punch with two Machine Guns...


Flying with Jasta 11 and found this lonely Sopwith Strutter over the Lines near Cambrai today, and gave her a quick Lesson in Air Combat :vampire:


Happy Easter :blum:

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Happy Easter, Andy! Was that your Easter fire? (Does anyone else know that old rite?)


Had another sortie with 46 Sqdn, RFC. We were sent to patrol near Arras, but then these cheeky DFW

tried to raid our aerodrome at La Gorgue, and we had to stop them.

I thought I had got this flamer, but then Captain Pratt decided, it was rather Monroe's victory.

Ah, well - I wouldn't like a flamer as my first victory anyway. Might bring me bad luck...



Edited by Olham

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That ice blue nose on your dark chocolate Pup looks quite smart, Olham. A nice change from the dark green one I had at RNAS-3 (until they went all retro and 'updated' it with the Strutter, again!). I shall have to watch out for Andy73 tho - he doesn't seem to like Strutters. :grin:

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Don't worry too much, TaillyHo - the Strutter can defend itself quite well, I think?


That Pup skin was only altered a little bit from a FUBAR skin for RNAS (see downloads).

I worked out / polished the metal cowling even more; and wrote "Daisy" on the sides.

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