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Had another sortie with my pilot in 46 Sqdn, RFC - and the Pup was a joyride again!


First we clashed with Jasta 27's black Albatros D.III and we had a hell of a fight. In the end, we beat them.

Then I wanted to return to base with half the ammo fired at least, but we ran into Jasta 22 Albatros D.II,

attacking one of our spotters. So we engaged, and I managed to shoot down my first D.II !



Edited by Olham

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. . . and now for something completely different!



(at least, for me - associated 'report' to come)




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Been finding myself quite entranced by the visual quality of you screen shots lately and, if memory serves, you just got a new system.


If you don't mind me asking what video card and CFS3 sliders settings are you using?


*Sorry for the minor thread hijack but it seemed silly to start a new thread*

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Olham's system even with no Vid Card upgrade yet, cries for P4... :ok:

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My new system is broken down right now - the hard drives are still the old ones, and now the C:bootdisk failed me.


Waiting for a friend to bring round an almost new SATA drive of his, I can only use my old (stoneage!) rig right now,


to be able to get into the forum at least.





My graphic card is still an ATI HD4870 (1 GB), but now I could max out all AA sliders.


The sim sliders are:


Aircraft: 5


Terrain: 3 (I don't like it too grainy)


Scenery: 4 (enough for me)


Effects: 5


Clouds: 5




The aircraft skins (Workshop) are on "normal" - the medium setting, cause I want to see damage.

But I think most important are the settings in the ATI Catalyst Control (which I can't access right now;


I could show them later).

Edited by Olham

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I've been working on several skins today - here is another Bavarian design for Jasta 76 b.



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Thank you, TaillyHo. Thanks also to JFM for some detailed photos he sent recently.

So I have now even added the writing on the lower wings' front edges "Nicht auftreten!" (No step!)

I will soon upload this basic factory-new Jasta 2 skin; so everyone can add their own crests or letters.



Edited by Olham

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Jasta 2, Bertincourt, 16. September 1916


Under way to a railyard southwest of Amienterres, my flight got under attack from several Nieuport 17

when we just crossed the lines. Within two minutes, the fighting spread out like butter on a toast, and

after shooting up one Nupe so badly, that he prefered to crawl home, I got this feller full hard.

His whole engine exploded, and he sank down into the mud.

As I couldn't find any other comrade near, I returned home to be the first one to land.

Von Richthofen with A-flight had travelled on to carry out the railyard attack.



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Nice shot, Olham - with your spandaus and virtual camera! :grin:

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Yeah, I know I'm a totally underrated alround talent! :cool:

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Great as always Olham! :good:

May I ask about the type of font you are using for the stencils on wings as well as for the serial numbers on the tail?

Is it possible to pass it/them over?



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Thank you, Elephant!

The serial number on the tail is OFF-made by the skinners; I don't have that font.


As a graphic designer, I cannot send any software (like fonts) to others, if they are not free.

As for the free ones, you could google for "free fonts" and you get loads of links, like this one,

which I sometimes "dig in":




The font for the little wing writing "Nicht auftreten!" was "Calibri" I think - should be even with Windows fonts.

It wasn't necessary to find out the correct font - it is just too small and blurred.

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Elephant, I will soon release some basic skins to the Download Section - skins which

don't carry personal markings of mine; so they can be made into everyone's own skins easily.

I will post in the Forum, when that is done.

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H I G H . I N . T H E . E M P T Y . B L U E


Edited by Olham

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That's a nice skin Olham - I like the simplicity of it.

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Well, I just copied the idea of a silvergrey fuselage from Udet's craft and combined it with the stripes

which I "stole" from some other aces' design.

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Jasta 37, Phalempin, 29. September 1917 - Ernst Udet led our late afternoon patrol over Ceurne airfield.

It was all gentle flying and bathing our eyes in the scenery of pastel clouds and the slightly failing sunlight.

I don't know if we were all only dreaming, but neither Udet's nor my flight sighted any enemy aircraft.

In moments like these I feel I could believe in god, but then, at the same time, I ask myself, how he could

have created such a wonderful world, with us as the pride of his creation - only to let us kill each other in

a gigantic war like this one. His patience about us is far beyond my comprehension...



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H I G H . I N . T H E . E M P T Y . B L U E



My wife says she likes this shot. A higher praise you can't get. no.gif

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Wow! Thank you very much, Miss Foreigndevil!


Edit: I had added another similar one, short before your post turned another page. Enjoy!

Edited by Olham

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Testflying a new D.V skin for Jasta 28w, I got into a fight with several Camels - and got 4 shot down.

Unfortunately, my wingmen got driven away from me, and I had only a witness for 1 Camel. Damn!

But at least I got this dramatic screenshot.



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You are quite the skinner Olham and, as always, your screen shots are most impressive!


I have been finding the white tails on some of your skins are quite attractive. Never was a fan of white before.

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Thank you, Duke. The white tails were the markings of Jasta 2, and they fit nicely with the

clear doped plywood fuselage, I find too.

There will soon be a basic Jasta 2 Albatros D.V in the download section.

Perhaps you check on the next weekend (if you fly that bird at all).

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