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Celtic Wars - What If scenario...

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2012. The financial crisis has brought the British economy to its knees. Unemployment is rife, and the underlying tensions running through British society have caused massive social and ethnic unrest. Minority groups have rioted violently throughout England, and the Armed Forces have had to intervene to impose stability. Meanwhile, government debt spirals without end as benefits and welfare payments far exceed predicted levels. Scotland and Wales are as usual the hardest-hit parts of the kingdom, and payments to those areas equal those made to the rest of the UK.


As a result, English MPs in Westminster vote for the dissolution of the Union. England leaves the United Kingdom, abandoning Wales and Scotland to face the future alone, and Northern Ireland at the mercy of the Republic.


Wales and Scotland have no option but to form an alliance against England, to claim back the huge sums of money taken in taxation which should normally have been used to help them out of the crisis. England will not budge. Various smaller groups join the Celtic Alliance; Cornwall secedes from England, and the Isle of Man joins some weeks later.


Meanwhile, Northern Ireland remains in limbo, caught between Nationalist factions who wish to exploit the possibility of joining the South, and loyalist factions, now cast adrift, who are attempting to preserve their independence from the South, with some under-the-table help from the English...


And fighting breaks out, first caused by popular unrest, but rapidly becomes militarised as cross-border skirmishes and air intrusions take place more and more frequently. England attempts to intimidate its neighbours, who still demand the restitution of their monies and citizens, into submission...





If nothing else, Spinners will enjoy it. By the way, this is my idea, and I will be very unhappy if you, Larry Bond or Tom Clancy exploit it for a book... That's my objective! But I don't know (yet) how to put together a campaign for SF! So any help?



Here's a MiG-29 of the Army of the People's Democratic Republic of Wales. Anyone speak Welsh, so I can make a nice decal to put on the aircraft somewhere?

Edited by ndicki

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Interesting idea... I will admit. Can you fly as England as well as the Celtic Nations? As the George Cross on a Eurofighter would look splendid...

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Interesting idea... I will admit. Can you fly as England as well as the Celtic Nations? As the George Cross on a Eurofighter would look splendid...


As I have no idea how to build a campaign, I don't know. It should be easy enough, I'd have thought.

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Celtic wars? A mod about the Lakers vs the Celtics? Hmmm you might be on to something. :lol:

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Sounds like a really good idea, i think ive got a desert skin Tornado gr.1 that i made, but it has like a four leaf clover and an Irish leprechaun on it if you want that sort of stuff?

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Interesting idea... I will admit. Can you fly as England as well as the Celtic Nations? As the George Cross on a Eurofighter would look splendid...


What, this sort of thing? Just putting the ideas together...

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Sounds like a really good idea, i think ive got a desert skin Tornado gr.1 that i made, but it has like a four leaf clover and an Irish leprechaun on it if you want that sort of stuff?



Can you do one in tartan, with a ginger haired pilot?


I'll have one!

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Can you do one in tartan, with a ginger haired pilot?


I'll have one!


What clan? :biggrin:

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What clan? :biggrin:


Hunting Stewart seems appropriate - hostility towards the English, and so on.

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I enjoyed it. In fact I'm in the middle of re-reading it for about the third time. Thought it was appropriate for St Patrick's Day!


For the Celtic Wars campaign, are you envisioning a scenario where the individual countries took over the weapons that were in place at the time when the UK broke up - kind of like what happened with the USSR? So you could have Scottish Tornados at Lossiemouth, but English Tornados operating from Marham. Of course this would change when the countries started buying in kit from elsewhere to make up any deficiencies.


Here's a map of current bases if it helps



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Hmm, the 8 Pilatus PC-9s the Irish air corps has, versus the hundreds of fighter jets the Brits have.

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That's the idea - I've just had a fight between RAF Typhoons and ScAF Tornadoes... The Scots won...


Ireland is another case - Northern Ireland has degenerated into total anarchy, with the RAF aircraft there falling essentially but not exclusively into the hands of the (ex-Loyalist) Assembly Forces. IRA forces have still managed to get their hands on others, which gives the Irish Air Corps a completely deniable but useful strike force. The level of training is however extremely low, although rumour has it that a number of American mercenaries of Irish extraction have begun training the locals...


It'll be a right shambles!

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These look nicer still...


Thanks for the link, by the way!

Edited by ndicki

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I'm loving those Scottish skins - this idea has certainly piqued my interest.


I have an old build of a British Isles map lurking somewhere on my hard drive that I can knock into shape for beta release, if you are interested. I don't have the time to place all the airbases allen gave the link to, but I can probably include the national capital for each of the separated countries and an auxiliary airbase or two, without too much trouble, for someone to take further if they wish, much in the same way Gepard released his Kashmir terrain.


And feel free to ask anything you like about putting together a campaign file.


Good luck with this :biggrin::good:

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Love the idea, especially as Cornish man but seriously:-


Wales and Scotland have no option but to form an alliance against England, to claim back the huge sums of money taken in taxation which should normally have been used to help them out of the crisis.



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Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! Wikid idea for a campaign!!!!!!!!!! In my youth I craved for a republican solution to the Celtic states, however living in the real world suggests a federal future including England would be the better for all of us, equal Celtic nations alongside England, all independently governed, yet somehow allied when it comes to the big issues e.g. defence. This campaign scenario could represent a violent stage towards such a federalised future, or not as the case may be. Either way, if you need any help with Welsh, that's my first language, so pm me anything you need translating!


By the way, how about the Eryr Wen (see my avatar) as a decal for a North Wales squadron? I assume the Welsh would have taken over RAF Valley and Mona and any assets based there along with St Athan, Pembrey Sands and Sealand. It would be ace to reactivate some old strips as well, I don't know how much remains in Porth Neigwl but can find out as my mum lives not far from there. Llanbedr was one of my favourites, many an afternoon spent watching Jinjeviks (don't know the spelling) being towed up into the air around there.


Man alive this has really piqued my interest ndicki! I may not have any talent at all when it comes to model building or artwork, but I'd love to help in some way!



Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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Hmm, the 8 Pilatus PC-9s the Irish air corps has, versus the hundreds of fighter jets the Brits have.


Please don't continue with the inventory of the Irish 'Flying Club' :blush2:

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I was actually thinking about this earlier today, but in an late 50's early 60's Scenario.

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Do you think we could have the Scousers join in on the Welsh side in some way? Personally I feel the divide between Wales and England is almost imperceptible as you go through the marches up to the Dee and on through the Wirral to the Mersey, I always feel at one with the people there and they show enough respect (in complete contrast to Shrewsbury and Chester). I think there may be a few regions of England, Cumbria for example, that given enough dialogue, would actually pause to consider whether it was worth fighting for a London based parliament and the Royal Family, or to join with a Celtic led independence movement.

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Beta UK terrain is well advanced. Those of you who remember this old thread may rest assured that I have not forgotten my Baltic Sea terrain, but the wheel turns, and TE gives up its secrets slowly :wink: The Celtic Wars terrain is a development of this work:




But that will take a long time to finish.


Anyhoo, here's where the little UK terrain is at (after about 4 hours work tonight):






Frontline, Groundattack, shipping and truck routes done. I'm having a few tiling issues (that always happens with mountainous terrain with rugged coastlines), and I don't know how you're going to get the Celts vs the Anglo-Saxons to show up in single missions (extra NATIONS.INI entries required, I suspect), but I'll fire up a beta release as soon as practical.





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In order... From the "historical" point of view, it's pretty clear that the borders aren't as hermetic as all that, and you'd end up with all sorts of trouble - as they have done in the USSR and Yugoslavia - where people aren't happy with the lines on the map. If this was CFS3, you could do a dynamic campaign with a moving front line (admittedly a bit unrealistic, where shooting a couple of fighters down means you can invade Normandy, but still) which you can place initially with co-ordinates. Coming back to SF, I'm not entirely sure how SF campaigns work; I tried a few Dhimar/Paran missions, and it seemed like the CFS2 "string of missions" style, where the outcome of one mission had no effect on the next one. I'll have to try and look at how all this works - I'm quite new to SF, and still have things to learn!


In any case, it might be amusing to involve "rebel" ground forces, but again, I'm not quite sure how that would work. The idea is a bit more complex than the usual blue side - red side conflicts we get!


I wonder if the Scousers wouldn't be more pro-Republican Irish (within this context)...? Which does effectively put them on the same side as the Welsh.


That map looks good! I was hoping there'd be one in the works somewhere! I'm already working on NATIONS.INI entries, so no trouble there. The trouble will probably be trying to define territory on the map! We'll have England and Ulster versus Wales, Scotland, Eire and IRA. And Cornwall. And anybody else we can think of who might get involved! Revolutionary Islamic Republic of Bradford....??? :fie:

Edited by ndicki

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