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Use this, works for all sims of Thirdwire Productions


When it asks you where to install hit, hit any folder in your WOE main folder,

then properties then adress, or kind of, copy the adress and paste in installer,

and let it work :good:


By the way, welcome to the forum

Edited by macelena

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This game has a relative simply folder hirarchy, just look into the games folder, all planes are installed in the Object/Aircraft folder. weapons are seperatly installed, sounds and effects also in different folders.. taht`s all ;-)

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I have been playing WoV for quite a while, and just started to add on aircraft like F-14, F-22, F-35. I just installed an update from this site, probably by a third party, called WOV_Update_Oct2008b.exe.


Before I installed the update, missions for F-14 were fine, but I could not fly the F-35. Now I can fly all three, but when I start a mission, tactical control says 'Mission accomplished, return to base.' The mission has ended before it began. Does anyone here know of the problem, and the solution? Thanks very much, you guys run an awesome site.

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I have been playing WoV for quite a while, and just started to add on aircraft like F-14, F-22, F-35. I just installed an update from this site, probably by a third party, called WOV_Update_Oct2008b.exe.


Before I installed the update, missions for F-14 were fine, but I could not fly the F-35. Now I can fly all three, but when I start a mission, tactical control says 'Mission accomplished, return to base.' The mission has ended before it began. Does anyone here know of the problem, and the solution? Thanks very much, you guys run an awesome site.


That is not from a 3rd party, that is the official, latest Third Wire patch for the game. You can't install the patch over a modded install without screwing things up. You will have to start with a fresh install, add the patch, and then add your add-on aircraft and other mods. Check out the knowledgebase section for more info.


FWIW - I'm not exactly sure why you get the mission accomplished message. Maybe haven't added any enemy aircraft that are available in the time frame you're flying in. For example, have you added soviet aircraft that are around in 2008 when the JSF is? But really, even if you get this fixed, you will continue to come across other problems until you start over with a fresh install.

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It's also a reallly REALLY good idea to NEVER run an add-on executable directly into your game. The ONLY exception is/are the official 3rd Wire patchs.


For aircraf like this, or any TMF Product ™ that uses and exe to install, I always run it to a temp folder, then manually add the new files.

This prevents the possiblity of anything being overwritten in the install process.


A little more work? Yup, it sure it is...but it beats getting things messed up in "new and interesting ways" :wink:



kevin stein


ps: welcome to CA!!!

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It's also a reallly REALLY good idea to NEVER run an add-on executable directly into your game. The ONLY exception is/are the official 3rd Wire patchs.


For aircraf like this, or any TMF Product that uses and exe to install, I always run it to a temp folder, then manually add the new files.

This prevents the possiblity of anything being overwritten in the install process.


A little more work? Yup, it sure it is...but it beats getting things messed up in "new and interesting ways" :wink:



kevin stein


ps: welcome to CA!!!


excuse me ..but i think its really not a good idea for Mirage Factory add on.


some time we add some script to do upgrades on files... and they don't be execute with your way.



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Ah! I'd forgotten that! My mistake :blush:


my apologies!


um..disregard my last :sorry:



kevin stein

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I'm trying to fly the F-22 Raptor, downloaded from this site, but I don't know how to execute thrust vectoring. Is there another independent control that I must use? or is thrust vectoring already incorporated into the flight model?


Any ideas? thanks

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Lol, i like TMF Mods for this, i don't need to be diggin in the foldrs to place them

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BPAO> This is indeed exactly why you should stop using this dumb executable idea, it's not perfectly compatible with SF2, it's a nuisance when it "updates" already modded files, it frankly is more of a hassle than a solution, even though I agree that the installer is the safest way to ensure the mod is installed as intended.


You also have to take into account that the installer format doesn't allow for simple extraction without execution, which is a problem on the long term.

For exemple, Vista dropped support of 16 bits executables, if the installers were in that format, they wouldn't be usable under Vista.

Of course 32bits support won't be deprecated for quite some time, yet it is a compatibility issue.

For security reasons, some systems do limit the executables and the actions they can perform, in which case installers are a hassle when there's no real justification for them.


C'est très exactement pour cela qu'il faudrait arrêter d'utiliser ces foutus installateurs...

Ils sont en partie incompatibles avec SF2, une vraie plaie quand ils cherchent à mettre à jour des fichiers déjà modifiés, c'est franchement plus un problème qu'une solution, même si je conviens qu'ils sont le meilleur moyen de s'assurer que la production de la MF est installée proprement et telle qu'elle doit être.


Prend aussi en compte que le format d'installation ne permet pas d'extraire les fichiers sans exécuter l'installateur ce qui est un problème à long terme.

Par exemple, Vista refuse d'utiliser des exécutables 16 bits, si les installateurs étaient dans ce cas, alors les installateurs de la MF ne seraient plus utilisables.

Certes ce n'est pas demain la veille que le 32bits sera déprécié mais tout de même, c'est un véritable souci de compatibilité future.

Pour des raisons de sécurité, de nombreux systèmes restreignent également les exécutables et les actions autorisées par ceux-ci, une fois de plus les installeurs deviennent un problème quand ils ne sont pas absolument nécessaires.

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Um Gunrunner none of TMF planes have been made or supported for SF2 yet. So you are using at your own risk using the installer. You are putting the cart before the horse. But 2 carts and no horse?

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our installer is vista compatible.

and work fine in x32 and x64 windows.


we never will stop using it.



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our installer is vista compatible.

and work fine in x32 and x64 windows.


we never will stop using it.




I havent had an issue with it at all.

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I do undestand and respect why you use it, all I'm saying is that from a pure technological point of view this is a stupid choice.


Ecoute, je comprends et respecte les raisons qui vous poussent à utiliser cette approche, mais cela ne change en rien que d'un point de vue purement technologique c'est une connerie monumentale.



The point is that we don't care, they can be made compatible... it's an issue of perennity and ease of use.

Installers are trading ease of use in a limited time-frame and environment for the inconvenience of being a nuisance outside that particular environment.

30 years of computing history will tell you that semi-proprietary installers with no means to extract content without execution are a bad idea.

Do you know how many software would work fine under Vista, if only you could get them to install ?

Alas, the installer were either coded in 16bit, or were using a now deprecated part of windows, hence, even though the software is compatible, the data valuable, you can't access it (unless you have enough knowledge, which is against the philosophy of ease of use and access of such installers).


Sauf que cela n'a pas d'importance, avec un peu de travail ils peuvent être compatibles... le vrai problème est un problème de pérennité de la solution et de simplicité d'emploi.

Les installeurs sont un compromis entre la simplicité d'utilisation dans une période limitée dans le temps et dans un environnement logiciel précis, et le fait qu'ils deviennent à la limite de l'utilisation une fois sortis de cet environnement.

30 ans d'histoire de l'informatique te démontreront que les installeurs semi-fermés sans moyen d'extraire le contenu sans les exécuter sont une très mauvaise idée.

As-tu la moindre idée du nombre de logiciels qui marcheraient parfaitement sous Vista si seulement on pouvait les installer ?

Hélas, soit les installeurs ont été codés en 16bit, soit en faisant appel à des composants de Windows depuis longtemps abandonnés, par conséquence, bien que le logiciel soit compatible, et les données toujours utiles, on ne peut y accéder (du moins pas sans un minimum de bagage informatique, ce qui va à l'encontre de la philosophie de simplicité d'accès et d'utilisation de ces installeurs).


Anyway, that's not the topic, sorry for hijacking this with one of my pet peeve...

Edited by Gunrunner

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Anyway, that's not the topic, sorry for hijacking this with one of my pet peeve...


When do you not have one? :biggrin:

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Well, we all have, let's say my douchebagery knows no bounds and is ranging far and wide... ^^


If I'm that insufferable, as I told you, just say the word and I'll only come for the downloads. :dntknw:

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Just picking on you Gunrunner. I didn't add my smiley. It was just a jab at you for fun.

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OT: Gunrunner, I'm just staring at this now... what the heck is that animal in your avatar?

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OT: Gunrunner, I'm just staring at this now... what the heck is that animal in your avatar?



I would say it´s an hybrid koala/aadvark (not 111)


Well, did the advise work? is our new member flying at last his favoured aircraft?

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