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Who Prime Minister is the biggest spoiled brat in the world...?

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...it would seems ours (Australia's) is unfortunately. :blink:




I don't care what side of politics you come from, but this is appalling behaviour for any person, let alone a head of state!

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"I don't pay a whole lot of attention to what I eat. When someone hands me something I stick it in my mouth, so there's a problem with that," he said.


SayWhat, no offence to your country, but what a twat.


To add, a meat-free diet is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of.

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SayWhat, no offence to your country, but what a twat.


Heh, hey, none taken. I just figure, you give the keys to the country to a new leader, they act like a complete tool behind the scenes and towards their staff, they deserve a bit of a slap. IMHO of course. :tongue:

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Actually, I could contest that the portuguese Prime Minister is probably worse. Sources claim that, amongst other things he is known to throw his cell phone around when he doesn't like the calls he gets or does (one time he threw his cell phone out of the window of the car he was travelling in, barely missing the trailing police motorcycle escort). Of course, since there's state censorship on the press in Portugal (I've got a friend working at the national news agency who can testify that), such stuff unfortunately doesn't make it to the public.

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I bet you all, that mine is worse. On one side is JFK, at least on the public side,

the opposite is ours, ZP, from wich we will get rid...in three years. Incoming...


Edited by macelena

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holly moses...

this guy sounds like a douche haha

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Guest ruhzyo



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Do previous Prime Ministers apply also? If so, check out Bertie Ahern our last 'Taoiseach' (Prime Minister in Irish) - a.k.a. 'Le Chancer':



This confidence trickster coveniently (for himself) resigned as leader of our nation just before the whole deck of cards they call the economy came falling down

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Not wanting meat is a fairly reasonable meal request and its odd they couldn't accomodate that, but there's just no excuse for breaking someone into tears.

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Not wanting meat is a fairly reasonable meal request and its odd they couldn't accomodate that, but there's just no excuse for breaking someone into tears.


That's my point exactly. Okay, they didn't have it. There could have been better communication between the PM's office and 34 Sqn staff(I mean, they're 15 mins down the road from Parliament at the airport!) if it was that important, but to swear and curse an attendant, making her feel like complete sh*t is totally unreasonable! If he was an employer, that kind of bullying would be illegal. The PM went on to say (from the ABC this morning):


"I had a discussion with I think one of the attendants about the provision of food," he said.


"It didn't last very long and if anyone is offended by that, including the attendant concerned, ofcourse I apologise."


The newspaper says the official report recorded that the cabin crew were distressed but later in-flight apologies were made by all.


"I said to the member of staff not to worry about it," Mr Rudd said.


"Prime Ministers make mistakes. I've made mistakes, I'm sure that's one of them.


In London, Mr Rudd was asked if he has a bad temper.


"All of us are human, I'm human, I'm not perfect ... and I said before if I upset anybody on that particular flight I'm really sorry, I apologise for it," he said.


"And as I said at the time to one of the staff on the plane, that's it."



What a douchebag.

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you don't know how the thing works here....


one parliamentarian took money to build schools and hospitals and leased one small jet to take his family to a vacation in norway...3 times!

other from my neighbor state thiefted the money to build social improvements and did an castle, yeah like those you see in europe , whata dumbass.

the first had to give back the money and the second is under investigation but i highly doubt he will get some punishment.


other day in london my President said the blue-eyed white man were guilty for the crisis.....he was shaking gordon brown's hands during this


sometimes you just say :bye: to shame here....

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I bet you all, that mine is worse. On one side is JFK, at least on the public side,

the opposite is ours, ZP, from wich we will get rid...in three years. Incoming...


como es? follar las relaciones con russia? :rofl:

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I bet you all, that mine is worse. On one side is JFK, at least on the public side,

the opposite is ours, ZP, from wich we will get rid...in three years. Incoming...



It's Rowan Atkinson (the infamous Mr Bean)!!! :rofl:


Well, at least you can be sure he'll be gone at the next elections, we in Portugal have no ETA on the time of when we'll get rid of our PM... terrible pun I know, but at least it's one of the causes you'll get rid of yours...

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What i find funny about the whole Rudd not eating red meat thing, is the fact that in Australia. and im not sure if anyone else has seen it, a new advert has just come out telling us to eat red meat. I dont know, eh he's better than nothing and aparently he's better than the old prime minister so i dont even want to think about what he was like...

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como es? follar las relaciones con russia? :rofl:



:yes: He met with Medvedev, "We´re gonna f*** relationships with russia, erm, support relationships with russia"


as txernobil said, he seems Mr. Bean

Edited by macelena

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you don't know how the thing works here....


one parliamentarian took money to build schools and hospitals and leased one small jet to take his family to a vacation in norway...3 times!

other from my neighbor state thiefted the money to build social improvements and did an castle, yeah like those you see in europe , whata dumbass.

the first had to give back the money and the second is under investigation but i highly doubt he will get some punishment.


other day in london my President said the blue-eyed white man were guilty for the crisis.....he was shaking gordon brown's hands during this


sometimes you just say :bye: to shame here....


Nothing compared to "our" banana republic prime minister or as is usually called "the premier Berlusca".

I feel so sad to be "represented" by this kind of thief clown.

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Nothing compared to "our" banana republic prime minister or as is usually called "the premier Berlusca".

I feel so sad to be "represented" by this kind of thief clown.



Mmm.. good to see that i´m not the only one feeling bad with my PM, perhaps things are not as bad..

compared to the remainder of the world.


I wouldn´t mind, anyway, to have someone with the capability

and discrection of Gordon Brown and the Balls (and the wife :biggrin: ) of Sarkozy)

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We need a new french revolution....this time we will kill the politics :butcher:

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I wouldn´t mind, anyway, to have someone with the capability

and discrection of Gordon Brown


You're joking right? If not we can probably come to some sort of deal, you take Gordon Brown and we'll take a collective sigh of relief.

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You're joking right? If not we can probably come to some sort of deal, you take Gordon Brown and we'll take a collective sigh of relief.


I concur with the honorable gentlemen's statement.

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I concur with the honorable gentlemen's statement.


Absolute +1.

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perhaps you, british lady and gentlemen, have not noticed that the guy in the photo i posted was NOT seriously Rowan Atkinson, nut my prime minister. I would switch him for anyone. In fact, in France he was more popular than Sarkozy. Shame that we can exchange them for a while

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No, we're serious you can have Gordon Brown, if you want we could probably throw in a few others as well. Fancy Jacqui Smith? Obviously her husband doesn't.....

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To show what the country thinks of our 'leader', there's urinals being made in his image


post-29988-1238801918_thumb.jpg post-29988-1238801956_thumb.jpg


See the resemblance?! :rofl:

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