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Were's WomenFly2 ?

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We must assess, that Lieutenant Womenfly is missing since a whole week now.

We hope to soon hear about her wereabouts.


Sir Henry Lord of Droolswoolshire, Commander of Staff

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The last time I saw WF2 she was hell bent for leather after two SE5s that were running like scared rabbits! Haven't seen her since.



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I suspect she's pissed off about her deleted thread. And the way it was said I can't say I blame her.

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We must assess, that Lieutenant Womenfly is missing since a whole week now.

We hope to soon hear about her wereabouts.


Sir Henry Lord of Droolswoolshire, Commander of Staff



Why would Sir Henry Lord of whatchamajigger care? All he knows is that he's got more planes in the sky because she isn't shooting them down! She flys for the right side! I hope she'll be back in action soon, there's too many Pups in the clouds for my likings, lol.



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Siggi, I must have missed something there...?


Right, Rooster - were was my mind! She's definitely flying for the right side!

So,I'll see, if I can get her back.


Perhaps someone tells me - here or in a PM - what happened?

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Not to hijack this thread, but more importantly, where is Gimpyguy? :tongue:

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LOL...who could miss that avatar


and,,i thout it was unclear......

Edited by sitting_duck

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Guest ruhzyo

ROFLZ. Step away from the virtual leather. :wink:

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Right Here . . . Uncle Al was my stagename prior to a SOH snafu


Wheww... would hate to loose you! :salute:

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Well, Geeze, Olham, not everyone can write 574 (and counting) posts in a single month.



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We must assess, that Lieutenant Womenfly is missing since a whole week now.

We hope to soon hear about her wereabouts.


Sir Henry Lord of Droolswoolshire, Commander of Staff


She is sometime at the RoF blog at the Neoqb.  :dntknw:    

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Haha! Tttiger, I'm writing more here than I fly. It's the only forum I'm in - and I don't need no other.

Were would I ever find SUCH A COMMUNITY - I deeply cherish this!

But to be honest, after two or three 110% reality sorties (so, more than real - Lol!!),

I really feel menthally exhausted. And that, although it can't even cost my REAL life.

(Shows me good enough, how strained the nerves of these pilots must have been).


Thanks, Rickity; and you sure are one of those, I wouldn't want to miss her.

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Probably getting ready for RoF release

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Well, I received a PM of her. She is really doing a tour with the orchestra or band,

to France and Italy, soon. They may be rehearsing a lot now.

And if the RoF people asked her to help, that's okay. She isn't only a pilot - this girl

has flown the Fokker Dr.1 - and even performed Voss' flat turn manoeuver in it.

She'll be back soon.

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"this girl

has flown the Fokker Dr.1 - and even performed Voss' flat turn manoeuver in it."


Wish we had a video of that




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