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Captain freed?

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Where do they tend to congregate?, what are their favorite anchorages?, who are the notable players? what tribes are most into it? what is the dominant clan?, who are their allies ?, who are their enemies?, what operational routines? what is their most predictible trait?, how is the ransom processed,who processes the ransom?, where does the money end up?,who has the most money? ETC,etc,etc,etc.


Those i came up with off the top of my head. You can imagine what else needs to be known before conducting certain operations.


I've known and known of street level hitters that accumulated more info and carried out more successful strikes on their targets than our Government demands of their operators.


If you intend to drop bodies, you better know who and what you are dealing with.

I like the idea of inspiration. You inspire Somalia to join the rest of the planet as a law-abiding nation. As a peace-loving, tree-hugging, American liberal, methinks a 200kt nuke in the top two camps should do the trick.


A mushroom cloud is very inspiring. Ask the Japs.

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Right on! I bet all countries have more ammo than Somalia can dish out pirates. Why they're left alive is a mystery to me. Though the pirates have now stated that they'd kill US and french crewers in retaliation to recent use of deadly force by US and french forces against them. Means the US and France don't have any reason to holding back anymore. Go get'em, boys!

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 Means the US and France don't have any reason to holding back anymore. Go get'em, boys!


Already started! French navy captured 11 pirates today. These Somali pirates are about to realise something a Russian friend of mine once told me, and I'll never forget it. He said "you don't f#&k with the West."

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I still can't believe that Hussein ordered the cold-blooded murder of three young black Somali maritime organizers.

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I still can't believe that Hussein ordered the cold-blooded murder of three young black Somali maritime organizers.


me neither. an utterly appalling situation of not pursuing all possible avenues including sanctions. After all, that always worked before!

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me neither. an utterly appalling situation of not pursuing all possible avenues including sanctions. After all, that always worked before!


I know. The hateful warmonger didn't even attempt to negotiate.

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I still can't believe that Hussein ordered the cold-blooded murder of three young black Somali maritime organizers.


:blink: Why couldn't he just have the Departement of Homeland Security send a social services worker to Somalia to try to understand pirate behavior and then educate us at home and shipping companies at sea why we should tolerate pirate behavior and be more mindfull of cultural diversity. If hijacking merchant vessels at sea and holding them, thier goods, and crews for ransome is a crime he should of just sent Departement of Justice lawyers to sue them or special agents to arrest them.

:bad: I'm tasting stomach fluids.

:ph34r: CL

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:blink: Why couldn't he just have the Departement of Homeland Security send a social services worker to Somalia to try to understand pirate behavior and then educate us at home and shipping companies at sea why we should tolerate pirate behavior and be more mindfull of cultural diversity. If hijacking merchant vessels at sea and holding them, thier goods, and crews for ransome is a crime he should of just sent Departement of Justice lawyers to sue them or special agents to arrest them.

:bad: I'm tasting stomach fluids.

:ph34r: CL


Exactly! Also, if we would just distribute free condoms and Viagra in Mogadishu, the maritime organizers wouldn't hate us so much.

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Exactly! Also, if we would just distribute free condoms and Viagra in Mogadishu, the maritime organizers wouldn't hate us so much.


I thought that is what is in those "UN" aid containers?

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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I thought that is what is in those "UN" aid containers?

:ph34r: CL


Actually an Army guy who did a tour in Afghanistan told me that they routinely gave out huge bottles of Viagra to the tribal chiefs to win their support. Apparantly these guys have a lot of wives and when they get up into their 30s and 40s life in the caves has taken such a toll that they can't get their groove on like they used to...all in the name of Muhammed of course.

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They need to eat a good bacon cheeseburger or a BBQ pulled pork sandwhich. Then they would see why the rest of the world is happy. Simple.

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If I lived in a cave I would need many wives and barbeque pork dishes, not Viagra.

:ph34r: CL

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Exactly! Also, if we would just distribute free condoms and Viagra in Mogadishu, the maritime organizers wouldn't hate us so much.


I shall quote again somebody also deployed nearby: Cpl Josh Ray Person, USMC, 1st Recon Battalion


It is lack of pussies what f*** countries. It is the lack of pussies the cause of world inestability. If more

hadjies were having quality pussies, there would be no reason for us to come f*** them up like this. Because a well

f***ed hadjie, is a happy hadjie


How many times this proved correct? Gen Petraus didn´t change anything about jobs in Iraq but got harens from Damascus

distributed around :biggrin:

Edited by macelena

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