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Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam is Released!

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Yes but it can be made to work with a simple ini edit, so far I managed to make everything work with new shaders, except the HUD's.

In all cases the solution was to assign a shader effect(*.FX files) to the material and it worked flawlessly...

I hope TK will support this as performance gains for those with good DX10 cards like me are gigantic!!!

Using "UseAdvancedShaders=1" I came from for me unplayable below 25fps to rock solid and super-smooth 50fps+, now if he would just fix the HUD issue, when asked for arguments for buying the new series he could add "a 100%+ performance improvement for those with good DX10 cards."

Now that is one hell of a rock solid argument if you ask me, I consider that alone enough to completely abandon the old series and go full throtthle on SF2 series :)



I second that :smile:

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I'm leaning that way as well. I think the B-1's and the B-52's may end up being for SF2 and SF2:V only releases. I have yet to even mess with the older stuff and have been working on mostly in SF2.

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Yes but it can be made to work with a simple ini edit, so far I managed to make everything work with new shaders, except the HUD's.

In all cases the solution was to assign a shader effect(*.FX files) to the material and it worked flawlessly...

I hope TK will support this as performance gains for those with good DX10 cards like me are gigantic!!!

Using "UseAdvancedShaders=1" I came from for me unplayable below 25fps to rock solid and super-smooth 50fps+, now if he would just fix the HUD issue, when asked for arguments for buying the new series he could add "a 100%+ performance improvement for those with good DX10 cards."

Now that is one hell of a rock solid argument if you ask me, I consider that alone enough to completely abandon the old series and go full throtthle on SF2 series :)


I'll have to look into this, thanks Brain32. Don't have much free time recently I'm afraid.


DX10 card running on DX9 :blush:


And, yes, I'm another one migrating to the new series. Reasons obvious.

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I tried the advanced shaders on my pretty mediocre onboard graphics card and suprise suprise I actually get lower FPS. I did see a massive improvement in the shading and textures but unfortunately no nukey flashy smoky stuff. However, the other little bonuses of running in SF2 environment are more than worth migrating I think considering the advantages of having a merged install, better avionics code, much smoother and better graphics even on my lametop. Now all we need is WOE2 and WOI2, like Pokemon you gotta catch em all!!

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We now have two patches in the span of one month after release.

SF2 series is the way to go as all the support seems to be going this way as well.

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Well interesting - can TK actually continue to support all the first AND second generation games fully??


Wouldnt be so bad - at least i wouldnt feel i had to keep redoing all my modded installs when another patch came out :)

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Well interesting - can TK actually continue to support all the first AND second generation games fully??


No, thats not the plan. SF2/VEI is the platform of the future.

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So the October 2008 updates are last for first generation?

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So the October 2008 updates are last for first generation?



Only the Man who makes the Sim can say for sure......

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SF2:Vietnam -I think the textures have been slightly modified , anyway look better than in WoV

Shaders create terrain noise so the old green fields get a bit richer and sharper texture when you fly low and look at them from above.

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Shaders create terrain noise so the old green fields get a bit richer and sharper texture when you fly low and look at them from above.


They were added in May 2006 patch...


I mean the textures seem slightly reworked, but i'd chave to compare them side by side.


Also the new lighting system and new environment system causes better look of the ground I think.

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They are just blurred and lightened a bit nothing else, but when you throw a nice shader effect over it to sharpen it up a bit via bump mapping, it gives an overall better image. Nothing very special really but it's nice to see terrain is on TK's mind, bit by bit and one day we might see something more :)

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They are just blurred and lightened a bit nothing else, but when you throw a nice shader effect over it to sharpen it up a bit via bump mapping, it gives an overall better image. Nothing very special really but it's nice to see terrain is on TK's mind, bit by bit and one day we might see something more :)


That's what I had in mind, some color corrections, nothing more, but look nicer IMO.


Something more? In Strike Fighters 5 perhaps :haha::wink:

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Now that 331Killerbee has unlocked the effects secrets. Is anyone going to update any off the 3rd party effects?

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Guest a10boar
The man from 3rd Wire - he say this:




Guess I'll just have to muster the courage to ask for the money to buy SF2,SF2:V and etc (Looking for work).It's time to move on anyway.Besides,no one really thinks ThirdWire going to go backwards,do they?That's not how you get a business to grow.You do this by looking to improve on customer demands (That are reasonable!) and TW has done this in my opition.


Little part of me does not want to let go but,I will get over it.

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Now that 331Killerbee has unlocked the effects secrets. Is anyone going to update any off the 3rd party effects?


Right now I'm rewriting Enhanced Explosions 3 emitters to use shaders (whole three types of them), -but- as I'm running XP with DX9c here, I can't guarantee full success. After finishing I'll post the updated emitters in new topic for those running DX10 for testing.


I do have plans toying with Windows 7 RC and DX10 sometime next week, must backup a lot of stuff before making new partitions and clean install PIA.

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Right now I'm rewriting Enhanced Explosions 3 emitters to use shaders (whole three types of them), -but- as I'm running XP with DX9c here, I can't guarantee full success. After finishing I'll post the updated emitters in new topic for those running DX10 for testing.


I do have plans toying with Windows 7 RC and DX10 sometime next week, must backup a lot of stuff before making new partitions and clean install PIA.


CA send it to 331Killerbee and I and we can test it out and let you know what is working and what is not. My only request is that you avoid using Lexx Luthors effects as it really mess's up the look of the sim. No offense Lexx but your screen shots justify that remark. All your aircraft are glowing off colors. Again no offense, I just dislike them.

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