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Winston DoRight

Winston's tracers and smoke mod

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In response to everyone who is having trouble making this mod, or unsure which mod is which or where to get it, here's all the files you need (both mine and Rabu's) in one place and an easy download with complete instructions and thanks to all involved. This file includes my complete effects.xml file so all you have to do is copy it and Rabu's latest tracers and smoke files over to the proper folders in your OFF installation.


Please let the old topic die and move to the back pages and feel free to post your snaps, videos and comments here so people will see what a great improvement this is to the game for better tracer and smoke visiblilty.

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Thank you Mr. DoRight. I have not done this yet but this seems to be what I was waiting for.

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Here's a few snaps to start things off. I'd like to invite Hiccup to repost his excellent youtube video here. It shows the effects much better than snap shots do.

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Here's a few snaps to start things off. I'd like to invite Hiccup to repost his excellent youtube video here. It shows the effects much better than snap shots do.



Thanks Winston, I appriciate the complement. Couldn't of done it without you. :biggrin:



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In response to everyone who is having trouble making this mod, or unsure which mod is which or where to get it, here's all the files you need (both mine and Rabu's) in one place and an easy download with complete instructions and thanks to all involved. This file includes my complete effects.xml file so all you have to do is copy it and Rabu's latest tracers and smoke files over to the proper folders in your OFF installation.


Please let the old topic die and move to the back pages and feel free to post your snaps, videos and comments here so people will see what a great improvement this is to the game for better tracer and smoke visiblilty.


Thanks, WD, very good of you. :good:

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Oh, Thank You Rabu! This could not have been done without you. With the effects.xml mod alone it just didn't look right until I added your different tracers and smoke. Now it's near perfect. I may mess with the settings at some point but now I'm too deep in a campaign to do so. Come to think of it, I've not played any of my other sims or shooters since I got OFF, except for one flight in CFS3 ETO 1.2 where I realized I'd lost my touch on the flight models there by flying the OFF planes for too long!

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Rabu- Good to see you are lending your artistic talents to OFF!

Winston - Thanks for putting this together.



Edited by cptroyce

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WD and Rabu


I installed the tracer mod last night following your instructions. Man, I couldn't believe how much an improvement it makes in the sim - enhancing the immersion factor tremedously. This mod really proves the point why tracers were invented. You can now actually see where your line of fire is going. I can accurately determine how much lead I must pull for a good deflection shot. My gunnery is definitely going to improve. I have flown in heavy clouds, light overcast, and sunny conditions and the color and size of the tracer trails appear to suit me just fine. This is absolutely an outstanding mod!


I installed a similar smoking tracer mod to Thirdwire First Eagles sim created by Jan Tuma in colaboration with Gbreuder and Fubar512 that hugely enhanced that game as well.


Again, what an improvement. The smoking tracers really make the dogfighting action come alive for me! I have yet to encounter ground fire so I cannot comment from personal experience how those tracers look but it should prove to give me an advantage in my ground attack missions if I can see where the AA originates. I sure hope Winder has the good sense to add this mod to the next OFF:BHaH upgrade. Excellent work!



Edited by OlPaint01

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yep..............a great visual add! many thanks!!!!

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I did it thanks for the easy to follow instructions. Increases the immersion yet again. It's interesting to see how many rounds are filling the air. Not that I can count it but now I can see it. And I can see that not all shots at my crate are hitting it. It used to seem that way. Thanks guys. Back in January I thought I was in WW1 heaven but this experience just gets better and better.

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Rabu's modifed tracers were already in OFF, but this is definitely an improvement we think. We would like to include it if Rabu and Winston DoRight are OK with that.. guys? We'd like your permission to put it the next patch as many people seem to like it.


Don't forget Rickity you don't see 2/3 of your rounds as it's 1 in 3 I think we have it set too.

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Yes, by all means, you have my permission to use it. That's what this community is all about. But please also use Rabu's latest tracer and smoke files. They are different than what came with OFF.

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Thanks Winston, we'll use the ones in the zip you made, but 3 of files seem identical to the original files anyway.

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Rabu's modifed tracers were already in OFF, but this is definitely an improvement we think. We would like to include it if Rabu and Winston DoRight are OK with that.. guys? We'd like your permission to put it the next patch as many people seem to like it.


Don't forget Rickity you don't see 2/3 of your rounds as it's 1 in 3 I think we have it set too.




I think it would be a good addition to the next patch. The tracer dds files I made originally for OFF are not the same ones in this patch though. I uploaded some ligher variations on them for Winston and that is what he is using now, I think.. might ask him.. any way, I think everyone seems happy with the currant version, so just use what's in there?


All the best,

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Thanks Winston, we'll use the ones in the zip you made, but 3 of files seem identical to the original files anyway.


Rabu is correct. The 3 tracer and smoke files are indeed slightly different so please use the ones in my zip file at the top of this page and, of course, my modified effects.xml file. Then you'll have the complete and best working mod.

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OK thanks Rabu. I did a file compare Winston and the two dds ending in "5.dds" are identical to the originals. In fact the date is 2006 on those two - unless you re-uploaded that file Winston since yesterday?

the 4.dds is newer sorry I meant 2 are identical, 1 different.


Everyone seems to like this anyway so we'll go with what we have?

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Everyone seems to like this anyway so we'll go with what we have?


That's a yes from me :good:

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OK thanks Rabu. I did a file compare Winston and the two dds ending in "5.dds" are identical to the originals. In fact the date is 2006 on those two - unless you re-uploaded that file Winston since yesterday?

the 4.dds is newer sorry I meant 2 are identical, 1 different.


Everyone seems to like this anyway so we'll go with what we have?


I checked back and yes, tracersmoke4.dds was the only file I actually uploaded; it being being lighter, at Winston's request (see the post here)


I had experimented at home with the other two tracer dds files and didn't feel the changes improved the looks.


Anyway, I think the current upload from Winston with my slightly changed smoke and the original tracer files I did, along with Winston's altered xml file seems to be working pretty well for everyone, so let's go with it.

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I'm totally digging it. Nothing like seeing angry tennsiballs whizzing by your head to increase the immersion :yikes:

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The more I play with these tracers the more I like them. Yesterday I was on patrol mission, it was raining and the sky was very dark. My flight attacked a few English R.E.8's, and the bright tracers looked really beautiful against that murky background. Really great for immersion. Good to know they'll be included in the next patch for all those players who aren't aware of this modification.

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I checked back and yes, tracersmoke4.dds was the only file I actually uploaded; it being being lighter, at Winston's request (see the post here)


I had experimented at home with the other two tracer dds files and didn't feel the changes improved the looks.


Anyway, I think the current upload from Winston with my slightly changed smoke and the original tracer files I did, along with Winston's altered xml file seems to be working pretty well for everyone, so let's go with it.


OK, yes agreed Rabu looks great well done guys.

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so ... will this one make its way into the next mini patch ? :good:


Thanks and greetings,


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Great stuff Winston/Rabu this makes it even more real :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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