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24 RFC gets a new recruit

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Been lurking around these forums for just over a week and really kicking myself that I didn't discover this Sim earlier. For many years I have been keenly interested in WW1 aviation (probably started from the Biggles books in the school library) and over the years have built up quite a collection of books on the 1914-1918 air war. First WW1 flight sim I bought was Microprose's Knights of the Sky back in 1991, followed by Red Baron, RB3D and Flying Corps. Also played Falcon 3 and 4 purely for the campaigns.


I had given up on the flight sim genre as titles became more and more 'Quake at mach 2' but then stumbled across this site over Easter. BHAH arrived yesterday morning :) I had been expecting to have to wait 2 weeks but was 5 days from order to delivery in UK so nice surprise, especially as I have a few days off work. Only annoyance is that I could only get the CD version of CFS3 from Amazon but I suppose next day delivery at £3.99 isn't bad.


My original plan was to ease myself into the sim with lots of free flight practice but that went right out the window seconds after after install finished. My request to join Lanoe Hawker's lot in St Omer in Feb 1916 was accepted and I am now putting the DH2 through paces. Not seen much action yet but I guess that will change. A few dawn patrols, one strafing mission (after which I vow never to make a second pass again!) and 2 ballon busting flights. J O Andrews bagged the gasbag on the first...but I finally have my first claim, an observation balloon NE of Ypres.


Loving this and will keep you informed as to the fortunes of 24 RFC.

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Hi prophead!..welcome to the Mess...very pleased you could join us!


It's a superb Sim isn't it!..I have been playing BHaH since it was released, and have only just scratched the surface....with Phase 1 & 2 before that.


I agree totally with your comments regarding Quake at Mach 2..lol...very accurate description!..... WW1 aviation, as you know, is very up close and personal.... You can almost smell the burning Flying Jacket!


Well done on taking 'the leap of faith' and purchasing it...you will be richly rewarded!!!


Someone once said on the forum, that "BHaH is not so much of a Sim, as it is an Experience"




I could never say anything more accurate than that really....welcome aboard, and I look forward to hearing your reports!

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Ditto to Widowmaker's words, and Welcome in this experience, Prophead.


You may not find that much air activity in 1916, but believe me: in 1918, it can be mad as hell.

So, not the wrongest way, to start a bit quieter, until you can handle everything.

Have you got TrackIR? If not - it's absolutely great for air combat simmers.

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welcome to the show, prophead.


you'll love the sim. you'll get addicted...


and say a big hello from me to major hawker!

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HI Prophead,


Welcome to the sim that'll truly put life into those textbooks!


And a hello from me too to my local hero, Lanoe Hawker... keep an eye on him, PH. :biggrin:

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Welcome! And good luck with your DH2, it's not the best of fighters against anything but Eindeckers... but if you live long enough, you get to fly some really great British scouts!


PS. Say auf Wiedersehen to your free time, OFF is going to consume it. :yes:

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Welcome! And good luck with your DH2, it's not the best of fighters against anything but Eindeckers... but if you live long enough, you get to fly some really great British scouts!


PS. Say auf Wiedersehen to your free time, OFF is going to consume it. :yes:



Indeed!..The all consuming fire!..hahaha


Now..where's my wife gone?..I haven't eaten in three days!!!

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Hi Prophead,

Welcome to the 24th!

I try different squadrons now and then but I primarily fly the RFC/RAF 24th in 1918.

I don’t know why really. I just feel comfortable there and I fell like I’ve found a home.

Plus I love the SE5a! Since you enlisted in 1916 I’ll see you in a couple of years.


Cheers mate!



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Welcome to the squad, Prophead. Dinner at 6, bar opens st 7, lights out a 10pm

Sounds like we have the same background of books, flight sims and giving up on the genre. I just got here a few weeks back myself. This is the sim we've been waiting for all those years. Too sweet for words. Best luck with Hawker & the boys!

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...and keep a sharp eye. There really are Huns in the sun.

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Yezz, zere are! But you can djoin us! Come to der Kaiser's side of ze trenches!

Fly der beautiful German planez, vizz der polished twin gunz! Ant 1.000 roundz

of Dshermann quality ammunishion!!! Help us vipe der 'crumpetz" off ze skies!!!


Edited by Olham

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S! PH!


I live at the field at Droglandt as a 2nd LT for 28 RFC. Good pace of action near the front. A few good aces to help you out. And the Sopwith Camel is king!


Enjoy your stay with the 24th. And welcome to OFF!

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Welcome to your new home recruit Prophead. You are among friends, and enemies, haha. Best wishes for your OFF time.

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