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Its a Litening Targeting Pod IIRC.

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When I was 14, I used to peddle my bike down to the airport and spend all day watching the Connecticut ANG F-102s taxi by. I used to use binoculars to spot and write down the serial numbers and tail ID numbers too...not such a bad hobby if you ask me!


Mike D.


When I was 15 my dad let me Taxi a B-52, he was getting me ready in case he was ever captured in a unnamed middle east dictatorship and abandoned by the US government to fly a B-52 there and rescue him with the help of my friends, a Crusty old Vietnam Vet and this super Napalm bomb.


Its a Litening Targeting Pod IIRC.



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PAPPY you made the white vinyl roof AwSim.


I did this to your first skin.

You do the greatest thanks!!! Can't wait for the real pappy vinyl.


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Wow! A buff flying over Tralfamadore. Billy Pilgrim (and Kurt Vonnegut) would be proud!


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Guest a10boar
When I was 15 my dad let me Taxi a B-52, he was getting me ready in case he was ever captured in a unnamed middle east dictatorship and abandoned by the US government to fly a B-52 there and rescue him with the help of my friends, a Crusty old Vietnam Vet and this super Napalm bomb.






Watch much Iron Eagle?LOL! :rolleyes: I was watching aircraft and taking notes long before that movie came out.

Its a Litening Targeting Pod IIRC--For GBU's?I thought GBU's was used for exact bombing.Is this done alot by using the B-52's platform?Wouldn't it be better not to risk crew and aircraft by using stand-off weapons in todays modern battlefield?Carpet bombings,what I understand,is used to get inside the enemies head and to deplete a large area of it's targets.Since Vietnam thought Nato that sending heavy bombers "up north" in over populated SAM sites,is just a bad idea without proper support.Guess it's easy for me to sit back and judge these tactics being a non-military type.Not trying to come off like that.I really want to understand why there is still a use for this humble aircraft that was starting to be build back in the 1950's,when there's capable aircraft like B-1 and B-2 that could be used to save aircrewman lives.Could be politics and cost maybe?If that's the case,than it looks as if aircrewman loss is exceptable.

Hope I didn't take this too far and offending anyone.Treating as a discussion/debate and not to look like the a-hole by saying that military tactics are stupid.Because god knows,i'll get in over my head a time or two by not explaining ones self clearly.Just let me know politely and will try to reverse the offended.


Pappychksix,looks great to see all schemes put out by you.Study your skins and others to learn what best looks good as far as skinning myself for personal use.Top notch!

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Well, in areas where an IADS and enemy aircraft are non-existant, bombers are actually one of your best options with modern PGMs.


They have loiter time, speed (in the case of the Bone), payload, and multi tasking capability.


The Bone for instance has been heavily sought after in the big sandbox for those exact reasons...'Fastest with the Mostest' as it were.



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Guest a10boar
Well, in areas where an IADS and enemy aircraft are non-existant, bombers are actually one of your best options with modern PGMs.


They have loiter time, speed (in the case of the Bone), payload, and multi tasking capability.


The Bone for instance has been heavily sought after in the big sandbox for those exact reasons...'Fastest with the Mostest' as it were.




Okay,when is the heavy bombers likely to be effective?1st wave of offense or later into a campaign?What I notice is SEAD and Air Superioty (can not spell,never could win those spelling bee's :no: ) have to meet their objective in order for heavy bombers to be applied in war or conflict,if you will.Am I close?Feeling that there is another part of the equation and just not getting it.

Reasons for all these questions is,want to be really decent at campaign making using what sources that are available here at CA.Knowingly there are people here who do these in real life and this will help in finding out the right information.WIKI is another good source but,rather here it from the horse's mouth.Mine goal is to do a SAC type campaign.Thank you for your time.

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Okay,when is the heavy bombers likely to be effective?



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Or ask the North Vietnamesse :yes:

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Guest a10boar

Alright,guess that was a stupid question.I meant for modern times.

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first wave of ODS B-52G's launched outta barksdale many hours before first shots fired launched ALCMs into iraqi targets from just outside the border then later in campaign when IADS was shut down served as bomb truck destroying Republican gaurd units

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Okay,when is the heavy bombers likely to be effective?

US/Serbian War? That final forest bombing on troops hiding in the forest, and ended the war, or something like that?

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Well...Here it is.....comments welcome....Pappy



Edited by pappychksix

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Well...Here it is.....comments welcome....Pappy




If you want, send me the two .psd's that have the fuselage, and I'll add the wrinkles.


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If you want, send me the two .psd's that have the fuselage, and I'll add the wrinkles.



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