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I'm so sad

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with him i had iron cross 2nd class and 1st class, order of hohenzollern and pour le merite.


the claims number is not correct, because i claimed only what i have seen or where i was sure i have shot him down. enemies i have touched with one bullet and who disappeared and died somehow else i didn't claim, although automatically listed. so actually i have claimed 32, not 36.


so sad. just two days ago my virtual brother didn't return from a sortie and a day later his death was confirmed.

in my last mission i fought against two spads, shot one down and went after the next one, filling his belly with lead from very close range. too close because as he begun to spin we collided.


i am glad it's only a sim (and damn, what a sim it is). two letters home to the mother at the same time would have killed her (if in real).

Edited by Creaghorn

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Oh, my! Sorry for you, Creaghorn, my condolences about your pilot.

Next time, you better retire him - with so many sorties, hours and kills, he would have deserved it.

And then, you can always leave him in the log book, retired, but alive.


My best pilot is only just getting towards the 17 hour mark, with 17 confirmed kills.

And even for him, I'm getting more and more nervous each sortie. He's in August 1918.

Will he make it to the end of the war?

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It is always sad when a green tail dies!

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May he rest in peace :salute: . For he must have been one of the bravest.


I too lost my pilot today as well. Our flight of 3 Pups got attacked by 10 Alb DIII north of St. Quentin. One flight of 5 came from north and the other one sandwiched us from the south.


But you must not feel sad about the loss Creag. I am sure you are going to develop an even better pilot in the future.

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R.I.P. Daniel from Jasta 5! :salute: Your aggressive and courageous heart was an example for us.



Einheit Jasta 5! Gewehr heraus! Feuer! :salute:

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Holy Crap! 184 hours! I've been trying to make it from the lowest rank to Hauptmann since P1, and if it takes 184 hours I dont stand a chance!


Great job Creaghorn. Jasta 5 should be renamed: Jasta Cvjetanovic.



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This is a very sad time. Although 180 odd flying hours is really rather good. Have you noticed the poor deceased fellow looks a bit like you Creaghorn ? Please accept my sincere condolences.


But you will insist on playing in Creaghorn-mode :grin:

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I'm sad too....I have not yet had a pilot go past 2 1/2 hours....... :blink:

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Maybe we can add a wreath to the ordinance list

If so, I'd slip over and drop it on your aerodrome


Fine work man!

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thank you all,


i'll continue to do the "creaghorn-mode" because i think it's the closest to realism. your task is to survive and to do your job as good as you can, but not suicidal knowing it's a sim. i think the key is to really treat your pilot like a living beeing with ONE life.

i think with him i experienced things, what real pilots might have experienced. there were times when i said to myself, ok. in the beginning of the next month, i'll grant him couple days leave. then i realised it's still 4 days, so do one step at a time. you still have to survive each mission on those four days. then you can talk about leave. within the time it was really tough to be concentrated on every mission all the time. it was really exhausting. occasionally i caught myself falling almost asleep, scanning the skies, but without really beeing focused. muscle memory but without really looking. it would have been easy to shoot me down. there were fellow pilots who were there from the beginning and i grew with them, seeing their progress. and within the time after many months suddenly they died. there came new pilots and i didn't pay too much attention on them because there was no feeling of beeing a band of brothers. there were missions my SA was completely gone. just a bad day probably. but i think that's how it was in real. why MvR, Mannock, Guynemer and lot of others have met their ends. suddenly doing stupid things they never did before. because beeing tired of combat, going up several times each day, for months or years. and so losing concentration and SA every now and then, and more and more often, as the time goes by.


thank you all. i am looking forward for my new career with jasta hajduk



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Ouch, losing that long-lived a pilot must be terrible! That is a very remarkable amount of flight hours gathered during his career. I'm trying to achieve something similar with my Pfalz pilot, though with 30 hours he's still far from your achievement. But it is very immersive to try to fly with no help and keep it as real as possible.


Creaghorn, if OFF had Austro-Hungarian air forces, would your pilot be flying for them? As far as I know, the Austrians had quite a few Croatian units (and many elite units too) in their service over the centuries, and used them effectively against the Ottomans, for example.

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Ouch, losing that long-lived a pilot must be terrible! That is a very remarkable amount of flight hours gathered during his career. I'm trying to achieve something similar with my Pfalz pilot, though with 30 hours he's still far from your achievement. But it is very immersive to try to fly with no help and keep it as real as possible.


Creaghorn, if OFF had Austro-Hungarian air forces, would your pilot be flying for them? As far as I know, the Austrians had quite a few Croatian units (and many elite units too) in their service over the centuries, and used them effectively against the Ottomans, for example.


thank you hassewind,


you'll get there. just try to stay focused and concentrated on every sortie. never get sloppy (like i got),

it is indeed a completely different and new immersion without any aids. every kill and every day you survive is well earned. and you feel a lot better. i just hope in future add ons the devs are going to find a way to reduce bionic eyes to about 2 nm, so the odds would be equal.


good knowledge about croatians my friend :good: . if there would be austro-hungarian airforces, from the historic point of view i would fly for them. on the other hand all the fame and glory was on the westfront, so maybe i would stick there because i know much more about events and pilots of the western front.

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Hi, Creaghorn

Where did the Austrians fight? I still hope, we receive an OEFAG Albatros from the devels, and would like

to fly it then.

When my pilot from Jasta 9 dies or retires, I will start the new one in "Siggi/Creaghorn mode" - you two

have shown, how it should be done.

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Hi, Creaghorn

Where did the Austrians fight? I still hope, we receive an OEFAG Albatros from the devels, and would like

to fly it then.

When my pilot from Jasta 9 dies or retires, I will start the new one in "Siggi/Creaghorn mode" - you two

have shown, how it should be done.


what a compliment, thank you, sir.


i don't know where the austrian fought. i think against the italians somewhere at the adriatic sea, but i am not sure.

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There was a quite lot of air activity on the Italian front during WW1. There were also many plane types in service there that weren't on the much more well-known Western front. The Austrian air force (K.u.K. Luftfahrtruppen) had several own plane types in service, as did the Italians (but both sides also used plenty of planes made by their bigger allies). The Italian front would be something that's never been seen in flight sims, if it were included in OFF some day. (A hint to the devs. :biggrin: )

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