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F-35 too loud

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Clicky :haha: Edited by Atreides

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If they dont like the sound then move, its the sound of freedom. They dont HAVE to live by the airbase.

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I just thought that with the newer engines they would be a tad bit quieter is all.

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Are you kidding me...modern fighter engines are LOUD! You can't make a high thrust engine quiet unless you put a super giant fan on it like a modern airliner.


I've grown up around jets all my life, flew an aircraft that could literally make you ill if you were stupid enough (like me) to stand right between 2 of them (parallel runways) during takeoff roll.


Yet, the first time I heard an F-22...even I was surprised how much volume those engines can put out (louder than a Bone). You can FEEL how much power those engines have standing on the ground.


And the best way to shut up the noise complaints? Threaten to BRAC the base.


You'd be surprised how quickly people get used to the noise then...especially in this economy.



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On the F-14 Assoc site there's a disussion on how the F/A-18 E/F is louder than the legacy Hornets and how pissed the Key West community is. I'm with FC on this one.

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I think that if they have that much of a problem, still FC, then they can move. And I am sure the TU-95 engines are louder, so they shouldnt complain, lol

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Guest a10boar
I think that if they have that much of a problem, still FC, then they can move. And I am sure the TU-95 engines are louder, so they shouldnt complain, lol


Yeah,it is like DUH!You live beside an airbase or airport.Wonder why the property was cheaper? :rolleyes: Really never could understand why people never do their homework.You know how long it takes to buy a house.So,wouldn't they hear the aircraft takeoff/land while they where inspecting the property?Think the airbase purposely held down the noise until they bought the house?Please! :rofl:

Another thing,sueing the NAS for hearing loss when they have 15" subwoofers in their automobile.True story!Looking for the link.

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Ironically, Valparaiso, Niceville, Destin, and the other towns surrounding Eglin and Hurlburt only exist because of Eglin AFB. Many of the people who live there, are retirees. The base has been there since the 30s.


The towns have built right up to the approach/departure corridors to the runways and then have the nerve to gripe about noise. Amazing.


The house I own right now, I bought because it was close to my base. I see and hear my jets fly over all the time. Granted it's not F-15s, but 4 CFM-56s make a nice roar going over.

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We get noise complaints at our base all the time...and all we have are a handful of C-130s, HH-60s, and some visiting planes!

Who are they from? Retired military living near the base so they have access to the BX and clinic! They literally want their cake and to eat it, too, and they can just STFU.

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Loudest plane I've ever heard, no joke...DC-8.


Sure, a whole flight of F-15s or F/A-18s taking off is noisier, but even the Bone can't compare to the sheer timpanic membrane destruction caused by a DC-8 at takeoff.

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used to get to deal with complaints at Strathallan a small Skydiving field with 2 aircraft... always fun when you inform the little twerps that the field has been there for over 90 years :boxing:



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I wish I lived near airbase. Put me right to sleep. I'm one of those that fall asleep with cozy thunder and ripping rain on the roof.


Some of you may know what I'm talking about here. The most surreal sound ever man-made is a jetliner flying high above at maybe 30k+ feet. Its rather quiet being so high up -- you don't see flying chickens in the barnyard -- but its so DEEP. I love how the atmosphere between you and the high jet makes the sound slowly warble. If I were a game dev, that would be the Siberian Sky Soundtrack. Laugh.gif

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a few years back I was on a trip in the southernmiddle of germany, was walking along a hill and out of sudden I hear a noise down in the valley. All I saw were Tornados passing by... severel meters bellow my position.. damn what a sound a a nice view!

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Exposure to that kind of noise, he said, is not only annoying but will drag down real estate prices,...

Good. About time too. Homes should price out at 2x to 3x annual pay, but the central bank engineered a housing bubble and now doing everything to prop it up even if it kills its own "dollar."

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We have a similar problem in Linkoping Sweden were I live the people in Jagarvallen and Malmslatt always complaining about the noice from Malmen. It's like "What is it an airbase here? We didn't know that before Jas 39 Gripen came" Malmen existed long before Malmslatt and Jagarvallen. Malmen is Sweden first "Airbase" and it has been a military territory long before airplanes existed

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Loudest plane I've ever heard, no joke...DC-8.


Sure, a whole flight of F-15s or F/A-18s taking off is noisier, but even the Bone can't compare to the sheer timpanic membrane destruction caused by a DC-8 at takeoff.


Same thing goes for a 727. I mean my god, your heart could stop.

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The point is though that in many cases the bases/airfields have been there longer than the towns, so anyone living there complaining about noise has got noone to blame but themselves for moving in next to the base. Don't like it, then maybey they should have looked into it before moving in.

Maybey its just me though I dont really see the problem, especially with complaints of civil aircraft. My girlfriends aunt lives almost directly under the approach to Glasgow within spitting distance of the perimiter fence... it isnt that bad, and once inside you dont notice.



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Guest a10boar

Used to love to hear Huey's,Cobra's,Kiowa's,Jolley Greens,F-4's,Mohawk's,DHC-4's,C-130's,C-5's,C-141's and Blackhawk's all the time in Raeford,NC.My brother and I lived with our grandparents close to Ft.Bragg.Sometimes the noise would go on for days while 82nd made jumps around the clock about mile from where we lived.But,the most noisiest aircraft we heard,was an old Golden Knights twin engined radial driven sucker.Could hear it coming for miles!Did not bother us though.It was a free airshow on a regular bases.And man what hot dog pilots from Seymour Johnson and Cherry Point would come over at tree top.They would get in alot of trouble for giving those pigs heart attacks at the rural pig farms.To remember correctly,an F-15 pilot from SJ,NC. broke the windows out of some buildings in Fayetteville,NC. and,of according to local paper,burnt up a soybean field in middle of a drought year.All in one pass!Now,that would be something to complain about.Do not blame residents there at all.

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"That's in direct contrast with Air Force assertions that the F-35s are no noisier than the present fighter aircraft. "



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The guy talks about kids 20 years old going deaf.

Have you heard the stereos in their cars!

If they were in their car with the stereo on,they wouldn't even hear the F-35.


I sure miss the roar and the smell of burning JP in the morning.(A couple of Phantoms on a section take off were fantastic) :good:

That is the sound and smell of FREEDOM for those that don't realize it.

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The guy talks about kids 20 years old going deaf.

Have you heard the stereos in their cars!

If they were in their car with the stereo on,they wouldn't even hear the F-35.


I sure miss the roar and the smell of burning JP in the morning.(A couple of Phantoms on a section take off were fantastic) :good:

That is the sound and smell of FREEDOM for those that don't realize it.


Can I get an AMEN?



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