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My life is a soap opera

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So, yesterday I passed my QC for installation patrol. My practical was an RVI and I did everything right except apprehending the subject for drug possession. But at least I spotted the drugs and did something about it. Last week while my car was at the shop to get a tranny mount replaced, a customer there was backing out and hit my car, causing a nice softball size dent. The cool thing is that person owns a car dealership and has already setup an appointment for my car to get repaired and have all the other scratches on it from road debris taken care of. On June 2nd, I have to go into court to fight a ticket I got from CHP. Apparently they have a standing order to issue citations if they spot a vehicle exceeding 15 mph over the speed limit, even if they pulled over the wrong vehicle, and they don't give any exceptions to cops either. Hopefully my presence in my Air Force blues might help me out a bit. After that, I have to go back to court on June 8th for jury duty. And last but not least, my sister got a speeding ticket for doing 64 in a 45 yesterday in my second car. She admitted doing the speed, and she does drive really fast, so she does deserve it. However, she can't take traffic school because she already took it within the last 18 months for another ticket. Her problem is getting up late and not organizing her time wisely to get to places on time, such as work. Hopefully she'll learn from this, but I doubt it.




Edited by serverandenforcer

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Dude, I SO wish my life had a little less drama at the moment.


I feel your pain.



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Dude, I SO wish my life had a little less drama at the moment.


I feel your pain.




During the mean time though, I'm hitting on a really young female major who is a predator pilot when she comes through the main gate on days that I'm posted there. I've been challenged by everybody in my flight to get her number. She is considered "untouchable". However, she seems to really like talking to me. :wink:

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LOL, Better watch it.

Edited by Jarhead1

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During the mean time though, I'm hitting on a really young female major who is a predator pilot when she comes through the main gate on days that I'm posted there. I've been challenged by everybody in my flight to get her number. She is considered "untouchable". However, she seems to really like talking to me. :wink:



So you haven´t got enough trouble?

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About the Major:

Reminds me of an old joke.


God gave man a tool,and God gave man a brain.

The only problem is,He didn't give man enough blood to operate both at the same time. :rofl:


Good luck in your endeavor.


If any one is offended,I seriously apologize.

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About the Major:

Reminds me of an old joke.


God gave man a tool,and God gave man a brain.

The only problem is,He didn't give man enough blood to operate both at the same time. :rofl:


Good luck in your endeavor.


If any one is offended,I seriously apologize.


If anyone is offended, they need to seriously lighten up!



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Have you noticed how people are allowed to be offended by almost anything except being offended?


Well, that's me. I take offense at people who take offense at stupid stuff.

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I, sir, am offended at your being offended.


serverandenforcer, do you really want to hook up with someone that has the capabilities to stalk you from "x"thousand feet and put a Hellfire into your bedroom window if she finds that you have a "guest" staying overnight?

Edited by firehawkordy

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I, sir, am offended at your being offended.


serverandenforcer, do you really want to hook up with someone that has the capabilities to stalk you from "x"thousand feet and put a Hellfire into your bedroom window if she finds that you have a "guest" staying overnight?



:blink: good point

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ROFLMAO damn bro I was thinking about Security Forces myself for the Air Force I would like to ask you a couple questions if you wouldnt mind man. Firehawkordy is right though about the majpr it's all fun and games until you get a Hellfire while siiting on the can dude.

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ROFLMAO damn bro I was thinking about Security Forces myself for the Air Force I would like to ask you a couple questions if you wouldnt mind man. Firehawkordy is right though about the majpr it's all fun and games until you get a Hellfire while siiting on the can dude.



The answer to your question is no... there is no hangar 13. Just kidding, what's your question?

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hehe...spot the changes below...word placement is everything.




I'm hitting on a really young female who is a major predator...




That has to be SiG worthy. hehe Server!!!11!


You fellas/fellattes have any military security forums? If not I found one buried in here ~> http://forums.officer.com/forums/

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You fellas/fellattes have any military security forums? If not I found one buried in here ~> http://forums.officer.com/forums/


Actually, we just spam youtube with videos of us wrestling each other, shooting ourselves up with simunition rounds, or making a fake interview at Edwards AFB and calling it Iraq (you would be surprised what AF cops would do when they are really bored and desperate to stop the boredom). :wink:

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Yea, but you lost wrestling sim with a major predator? You like!!!11!!

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Yeah I just need a perspective on what to expect from the training man and it has always been something I have always wanted to do. My cousin was Security forces and he loved it and I have always loved Police type duty.

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During the mean time though, I'm hitting on a really young female major who is a predator pilot when she comes through the main gate on days that I'm posted there. I've been challenged by everybody in my flight to get her number. She is considered "untouchable". However, she seems to really like talking to me. :wink:


there are a few lines from "A few Good Men" Jack Nickholson says but I'm not going to type it here.I'm sure most will get what I'm reffering to.


Good Luck.

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Yeah I just need a perspective on what to expect from the training man and it has always been something I have always wanted to do. My cousin was Security forces and he loved it and I have always loved Police type duty.


As a pipeliner, I wouldn't say it's hard, but more like frustrating because while you're trying to learn the basics of your job, there is competition going on within your own training flight for leadership status (which IMHO I think is really dumb to have in a training environment). You still get yelled at a little bit like they do in basic training, but only if you're a real duche bag. I never got yelled at. There's also mandatory PT.


As a TDY, it's kind of like a vacation. You don't have to deal with the competition within the training flight because you're really not part of it. You don't get yelled at, even if you're a duche bag, unless you're challenging the instructor's competiency as an instructor in what they're teaching (and some of the things they teach are very very wrong - for example, we had one instructor that was literally using the video game "Splinter Cell" as an example of how we should be clearing buildings. All the TDYs who were prior Army and Marine got pissed, yelled at her that she was going to train all the pipeliner on how to get killed, and in the end they got yelled at by her supervisor to just shut up and take the lessons that she is providing). Don't worry though, what you learn there will get corrected and appropriately updated when you get to your unit. The tech school is more like a basic introduction into the career field. You really learn the real stuff when you get to your unit and when you get deployed (all though, some of the things that they teach at ground combat school is pretty much BS too). Oh, and you still have to do PT.


As far as the training in general goes, you learn about the background and history of Security Forces, you'll learn about the UCMJ and the MCM in a lot more depth, you'll learn about being a close boundary sentry, how to do your duties at the gate, how to counduct random vehicle inspections, how to do the job on the law enforcement side (conducting stops, writing tickets, handcuffing), you'll learn your use of force model and what your actions should be from your risk perception (such as contact level of force, a very gayed up version of hand to hand fighitng tactics, and lethal force - you will not be trained on any form of chemical irritants or the use of military working dogs... that's for a more advanced level of training which can be provided to you once you get to your unit). You learn the basics of convoy duty, and the appropriate actions to take when you get ambushed or come up across a suspicous situation. You'll get qualified up on weapons, such as the M9, M-4, M-203, M-249, and hopefully the M-240b if the FATS are working (you don't get to fire off live rounds from the 240b, only a simulated range). You'll be doing a lot of foot work, where you're part of a foot patrol out in a East Asia type environment where you learn how to us your compass correctly when your out in the middle of no where, and to conduct reconaisance (your adversarys will be the other teams as they're patrolling and you are armed up with a limited number of blanks). Oh, and you have to clean your temporarily issued, f-ed up, Lackland crap weapons that will be getting used over and over and over again by different people who treat the weapos in accordance to their own idea of respect. Last, but not least, you'll learn how to guard aircraft, how to challenge individuals that break red into your area, and how freaken boring the job can be. The training is about 13 weeks long (over three months). There's some other things that you will also learn, but some of it is kind of security sensitive that can't be posted on the net.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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there are a few lines from "A few Good Men" Jack Nickholson says but I'm not going to type it here.I'm sure most will get what I'm reffering to.


Good Luck.


Now that really would be a code Red... :wink:


Server...excellent info, enjoyed reading that. Keep us posted on non-security critical issues, it's interesting.

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Server...excellent info, enjoyed reading that. Keep us posted on non-security critical issues, it's interesting.


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