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Does P4 get it's own name?

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Yes, good thoughts indeed, Hellshade, and well explained.

I took the sword in, because the original Icarus was not a flying fighter in any way.

So I added the sword. But "Sons of Icarus taking the Sword" would be too long.


Well, they won't use it anyway, and come up with something completely different.


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This is very true. They highly likely won't use it. But I think it would be a cool name.


Well, since the Devs are obviously going to be putting lots of great new stuff into P4 we could call it:


Over Flanders Fields: Legends of the Sky (OFF:LOTS). haha



Edited by Hellshade

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Oh dear, UKW,


I will have to make a double confession: I nicked it, and (the horror) it was from a poem - by Wordsworth:


" Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting;

The Soul that rises with us, our life's star,

Hath had elsewhere its setting,

And cometh from afar:

Not in entire forgetfulness,

And not in utter nakedness,

But trailing clouds of glory do we come..."


You're lucky, I could of quoted the whole thing - it goes on and bloody on.


Worth a read but.


And - damnation, France just beat Wales !!!


I never knew that! (about the Poem I mean)..I knew about Wales! :this:


It would be nice to have an opening title in P4 of some suitable prose...just to get one in the mood!

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Over Flanders Fields: Burning Sky


Over Flanders Fields: Doom & Victory


Over Flanders Fields: Wings claim the Sky

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OFF: War Above the Trenches


OFF:Angel Wings and Hellfire


OFF:Stories from the Front


OFF:Air Warfare Begins


OFF: Diaries, Memorials, Personal Reminiscences

OFF:Fight for the Sky


OFF:High Flight


OFF:Phase 4 - The Great Push


etc, etc, etc.............



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Hmm. There's been plenty of interesting suggestions as to what the title for P4 might be, but it seems to me that the majority of them - including my own previous non-frivolous suggestion (Aces Falling) - all dwell more or less upon the immediate reality of the air war, but edge towards romanticism.


That being the case, how about this:


OFF: Three Miles to Fall


Not much romanticism or heroism there.


Or, if you really want to hammer home the point with a massive great Belisha beacon on it, how about:


OFF: Dulce et Decorum Est


pace Wilfred Owen, who knew whereof he spoke.

Edited by themightysrc

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OFF: Dulce et Decorum Est


Or OFF: Pro patria mori, which cuts more to the heart of the matter.


Or perhaps OFF: Dona eis requiem

For some reason, I want to hit myself in the face with a board about now :blink:


OFF: Morituri te salutant


OFF: Oderint dum metuant










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Over Flanders Fields "Burning Angels"



Edited by Olham

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I rather like Pro Patria Mori, for sure it's commonly enough known as a phrase.


And course it echoes Wilfred Owen and the hideousness of the War that he conveyed... again, commonly enough perceived.


Although one could drop the Mori and just have Pro Patria which features on many a motto and monument.

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Over Flanders Fields "East Wind - West Wind"

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Over Flanders Fields "Burnished Skies"

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:grin: OFF: Smoke trails, OFF Burning Coffins, or OFF Wooden Coffins or, OFF Melee over France.:salute:

off: Fiery Coffins AND FINALLY, OFF: Burning Creates :heat:

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OFF: Dark Skies


OFF: Fire in the Sky


OFF: Death From Above


OFF: Duel in the Sky


OFF: Deadly Skies


OFF: Death in the Clouds

Edited by Shiloh

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OFF: Abandon all Hope, Ye who Enter Here


OFF: Hell's Birdcage


OFF: Bloody Hell! (aka BH :grin:)

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Winder was saying how P4 isn't really even a "Phase 4" at all. It's a complete re-write from the ground up of almost every single aspect of the game. I wouldn't be suprised if they didn't drop the "OFF" part and give it a brand new name. Pol was wishing for something shorter anyway so if they were going to re-brand the series, this would be the time to do it. Look for a 1 or 2 word title, would be my bet. Three total at most.




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OFF: Beyond clouds, courage, and duty


OFF: Beyond horizon, beyond clouds, beyond glory


OFF: Joust over France

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OFF: Over Dead Man's Land

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Over Flanders Fields "The First Furious Few"

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A few ideas - apologies if they've been suggested before:


OFF: Dogfighters


OFF: Cannon Fodder


OFF: Flying Coffins


OFF: Broken Wings


OFF: To End All Wars


OFF: Fly on - Fight on


OFF: Death or Glory


OFF: Hell HAS Wings









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OFF: Between fame and death


OFF: Between action and Eternity


OFF: Gladiators over the arena


OFF: Into the eagles' nest

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OFF: The Fall of Man

OFF: Thrills, Kills, Love and Death.

OFF: War Rising

OFF: Ripping Canvas.

OFF: Ripping Yarns.

OFF: Mortal Skies

Edited by Wodin

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