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Updating Older Planes to SF2 Standards

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Anyone else want to step up to the plate? I mean really...


Admin hat off, modder hat on...


RANT MODE IN FULL-------------------


Are the majority of you going to leave it to a few people to do all this work? People say "Who is going to convert these mods?" "Are things going to be brought up to SF2 standards?" I put a post up and only a few have stepped up. Has it gotten so bad that its now gimme gimme gimme and as long a someone else does it I don't care? We get praise and thanks but you really want to make a statement, help out, read the knowledge base and lend a hand. Don't sit on your collective asses and download, be part of the team, be part of the legacy, take an hour or 2 out of your week, step up to the plate and take a swing.


Am I chewing the communities ass? Yes I am. There is god knows how many aircraft that need to be converted and only 63 done and of which some are SF2 only and didn't have an SF1 version. I know some of you do not have the skills, but there is some that do and I haven't heard a peep from.


Those of you who have helped thank you so much.


RANT MODE OFF. (If you are offended, I am sorry but I really do not care. Quit standing on the sidelines and get in the ball game. )






This post was made as modder and not as a CA Admin.


My offer still stands, as soon as someone tells me which aircraft to do, I will get started. The initial idea of having groups working on specific planes so as not to waste peoples time was a good one. I won't bother starting something not having a clue if someone else is already five minutes from finishing it, not being rude, just don't wish to waste my time, or others. Any specific plane requests? Family of planes even? Maybe we should all post a list of what is done, being worked on, and what's left to do?


Edit: didn't see that list above oops.

Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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I would like to volunteer for A-6 and F-86 families if that's alright?

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I would like to volunteer for A-6 and F-86 families if that's alright?


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar, thank you.

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You sir are a gentleman and a scholar, thank you.


No worries! Just off to the download section for some guilt free downloading! Will be ready as soon as possible.

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Anyone else care to step up?

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Roger that Skipper!

This is a list of the files I just DLd to do over the coming days/week (or possibly a little more)




























A_6E_USMC [early]

A_6E_USMC (1) [late]



So that's all the A-6s and all but the F-86D 45 and F-86K from the Sabres. If anyone has some of these done already please let us know so as not to duplicate. Cheers.

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Are being done by the GMG


ST0RM is taking care of the D/L/K Sabers


So do not worry about those.

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Ok, I'll try out the Mirage 2000D by AmokFloo. I'll do my best.

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Are being done by the GMG


ST0RM is taking care of the D/L/K Sabers


So do not worry about those.


Nice one.

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Not really a plane, but after talking with Fubar512 on a different subject, I can knock out the 2S6, all I have to do is work up a RWR texture and a readme, and verify the SA-19 missile works.

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Dumb question: how to add a squadron in to the game?

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Dumb question: how to add a squadron in to the game?


Open up the SquadronList.ini and you can use the entries in there to create new ones for the new units.


Here are some examples:




DisplayName=No. 106 Spearhead Squadron





DisplayName=58th TFS 'Gorillas'





DisplayName=VF-114 'Fightin Aardvarks'





DisplayName=No. 617 Squadron 'Dambusters'


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Roger that Skipper!

This is a list of the files I just DLd to do over the coming days/week (or possibly a little more)







Hey m8, just remember that slats need to be fixed on slatted Sabres like this;






Anyway I'm still fixing my computer and I think it will be done today, so then I'll do the MiG-31's

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Has anyone signed up for Julhelm's F4D-1 Skyray? I'll give it a shot if its still available.


No one has signed up for it so go for it.

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Dave are you doing the Mike's A-10 pack at all? If not I'll do that.

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Dave are you doing the Mike's A-10 pack at all? If not I'll do that.


Thanks JimmyB (But after you do the Quail. :good: ) :lol:

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Hey m8, just remember that slats need to be fixed on slatted Sabres like this;






Anyway I'm still fixing my computer and I think it will be done today, so then I'll do the MiG-31's


Thanks! I will search for those entries. The current settings for the F86-30 for example, are:




Are the existing values wrong and need to be reduced universally to those numbers, or do you mean to watch out for reversed entries (greater/lesser) as in with the swing wing issue?


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Thanks! I will search for those entries. The current settings for the F86-30 for example, are:




Are the existing values wrong and need to be reduced universally to those numbers, or do you mean to watch out for reversed entries (greater/lesser) as in with the swing wing issue?



Just the reversed entries as that changed over the years with patches and updates, I don't know which would the right values be...

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Just the reversed entries as that changed over the years with patches and updates, I don't know which would the right values be...


Right, I shall keep an eye out when testing! I assume for slats, as they help out during high alpha, low energy states, that the retract value should be higher than deploy. Cheers for the heads up.

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I could do the F-14A. It'll may take few weeks for me.. I'm a slow learner. I looked at migbuster's tutorial and I said "I can do this."



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It'll take shorter than that to get it finished. If you have the actual data... then fix it, but most of my edits are off his tutorial so you can run with the basics and still have it work. Most of it is just simple copy and paste. I think it took me like 15 minutes total time to figure it out.

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It'll take shorter than that to get it finished. If you have the actual data... then fix it, but most of my edits are off his tutorial so you can run with the basics and still have it work. Most of it is just simple copy and paste. I think it took me like 15 minutes total time to figure it out.


I'll crack at it this afternoon then. Thanks for the boost.



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