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Updating Older Planes to SF2 Standards

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Well...so far Ive found that the present version of the AMX Im fooling with right now is using the A-4 cockpit and it DOES have an audible RWR only. It worked when I ran a couple of ground attack missions. My research on-line has found no mention of an RWR of any kind either. Yes, you would think a ground attack aircraft would have something. I even found a site that mentioned the upgrades Italy and Brazil started in 2005 and no mention of RWRs. Oh well, Ill press on and as soon as possible if no one has an issue, I'll upload it.


One of the reasons I like this little plane...just got in a shootout with some Mig-17s that wanted to stop my little mud-moving party. Nailed one with a 'heater but the other got on my tail and wouldnt let go. My wingie finally nailed him with an AIM. Glad it hit him and not me, lol.


Edited by pcpilot

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PC I would make sure it has a pit with a visual RWR. I am pretty sure it does have one.

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Hi Dave, I have version 2.0 of the AMX and all it uses apparently is thew A-4 pit. Ill look tonight and see if I can find an updated version of the AMX and see if it has a better pit.


Edit...a quick note before I go to work...I found the AMX Nations kit by Miracleman in the downloads section. I'll see what it adds.

Edited by pcpilot

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Whoa...been doing some research while at work and now when I got home. Seems theres not tons of info on this plane online from what I can see. Even Wickipedia is pretty puny in the info dept. I did find this on www.vectorsite.net/avamx...


The AMI AMX and FAB A-1 have different avionics suites. Avionics for the AMI machine include:


UHF & VHF radios, plus identification friend or foe (IFF) gear.


A Litton inertial navigation system (INS), along with TACAN beacon-navigation system and a heading reference system.


An electronic countermeasures (ECM) system, integrated by Elettronica and featuring a radar warning receiver (RWR), with an antenna in the top of the tailfin, plus an RF jammer and four chaff-flare dispensers. Sources are inconsistent concerning the chaff-flare dispensers and images are ambiguous on the matter, but it is hard (though not impossible) to believe they wouldn't be included in a modern strike aircraft.


A flight computer, plus and a navigation / attack system integrated by Alenia, using a simple Israeli Elta EL/M-20001B ranging radar, license-built by FIAR in Italy.

The FAB A-1 differs from the AMI AMX in having a simpler navigation system, consisting of a VOR / ILS beacon navigation / landing system, and a FIAR-Techtelcom SCP/01 radar. In either case, avionics are modular to make them easy to swap out.


AMI AMX machines are fitted with internal armament of a General Electric M61A2 Vulcan 20 millimeter six-barreled Gatling-type cannon with 350 rounds and firing out the left side of the nose, while the FAB A-1 is fitted with twin DEFA 554 30 millimeter revolver-type cannon firing out both sides of the nose. Apparently the FAB did want the Vulcan, but the US would not approve it for export to Brazil.


The AMI machine is the Italian plane and the FAB is the Brazilian. Ive updated the guns on both aircraft by both type and ammo capacity. They both get chaff anf flare dispensers too apparently which I can add later. The Nations pack by Miricalman does include an updated pit with a RWR display and what is likely an appropriate type of radar. But its used for the Brazilian aircraft. The Italian one uses the F-4 radar which seems way to powerful and only an audio RWR. I suppose I could use the same Brazilian pit for both aircraft since the performance is more likely in tune with reality.

Edited by pcpilot

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I just submitted the A-5A for approval, so I'll do the S-3B next if it is still in need of conversion. Has anyone done Enrico's G-91 Gina's? I'll take those if they have not been converted by someone else.

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I just submitted the A-5A for approval, so I'll do the S-3B next if it is still in need of conversion. Has anyone done Enrico's G-91 Gina's? I'll take those if they have not been converted by someone else.


The Gina's are done in NF4+. The S-3B still needs to be done.

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AMX is being beta tested right now. I have also gotten permission from Russo2002 to update and upload his BAE Hawk. Im well underway with that.

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I'm going away for two weeks (real time) so won't be updating more files until then. Rest assured I will be straight back to it as soon as I'm back! Have fun in the meantime.

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I'll do the conversions on Monty's C-119 and AC-119, assuming they are still unclaimed.


the AC-119 is going to be a challenge. Can you handle it? The guns are going to be tricky to get right.

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The BAE Hawk is uploaded and a-waiting approval. That little plane flies real well. A lot of fun in a furball with a MiG-17.

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I'm sure everybody's noticed, but just in case.... Su-35 beta was uploaded.

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I'm sure everybody's noticed, but just in case.... Su-35 beta was uploaded.


Yup I saw it. Since it's beta, what else needs to be fixed?

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Erm.. I think it's model issues, not so much ini, like the gear could be redone fo sho. All the fixes (so far) are from that topic, fixing the stabilizers, foreplane animations to be correct. Other than that man I'm not sure.

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first off thanks to all the modders for the work you put into this site. i've been alot deeper into the system of SF2 than i ever was on WOE and am muddling my way up the learning curve. i appreciate the help from everyone whenever i have a question. and i'm even learning to check the knowledge base. two questions i have this time though are (1. is there a standard for .ini edits going from Gen1 to Gen2? and (2. is there any plans or protocol for moving said files from the SFP1 d/l section to the SFP2 section? i downloaded Spillone104's J-79 Exhaust Effects the other day plugged into effects folder and made the changes to the data.ini. no other work on my part and viola! better smoke trails for the double ugly. i thought the .ini edits that work could be moved possibly for the new folks and knuckleheaded ones like me.

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As far as redoing a jet for SF2 goes - the minimum you can do is look through here:




put in any fixes - make changes if there are obvious things wrong compared to the real thing


For weapons / tanks see here:




For pilots and seats see here:






Ive gone as far as changing the flight model and brushing over skins that were poor - but you don't need to go that far unless the flight model is particularly bad in SF2.

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ok thanks. J-79's workin fine on my system but then i swear all the metal in my laptop came from a 57 Chevy named Christine. as for the jets thread got it as a favorite right now. when internet is up i refer to it. frequently. thanks again

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Thanks for the work!!

Edited by Soulfreak

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I'm doing the J-10A now :)


Hi Brian, pls check the support post of the J-10A. Posted some stuff that I discovered.

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As a note, be advised that when converting original works to SF2... it can only be ini edits, and that's about it. If the model's jacked up from the get go, then it'll be jacked up in the conversion process. We can only do so much.

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i've been seeing that as i try my hand out on this. the F-16C Blks 50 and 52 have been giving me a conniption fit for a week now. worked on the FGR Mk2 last night and its coming along alot smoother. gotta add a threat library and edit off goofier weapons loads like AlphaJet gunpods and I think it will be up and running. tried the EF-4C though and all i could get was weapons flying in formation! :blink:

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i've been seeing that as i try my hand out on this. the F-16C Blks 50 and 52 have been giving me a conniption fit for a week now. worked on the FGR Mk2 last night and its coming along alot smoother. gotta add a threat library and edit off goofier weapons loads like AlphaJet gunpods and I think it will be up and running. tried the EF-4C though and all i could get was weapons flying in formation! :blink:


Dont worry about the Blks 50, 52. those models are getting updated in addition to just ini work.

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ok then. i'll still work on them for my own system and education til yours comes out.

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If they are not taken yet, I'll do the conversions on the Super Etendard, the Gnat and the Ajeet.


A while ago Storm was working on the RA-5C, but there was some problem with the file and it never re-appeared. If Storm is busy with other projects, I've already done the A-5A and could probably bang out the RA-5C quickly. Let me know if I can help out.

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