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Funniest stop ever

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I just got pulled over tonight by LAPD for not having a front plate. It was two cops which happened to both be chicks. Now when they walked up to me, I had no idea why I was being stopped because I was driving under the speed limit. I also already knew that it was two female cops because I noticed them before they initiated the stop. Now keep in mind, I am also a cop with the federal government and I was in my uniform at the time. So I was all ready cracking a smile because what ever they stopped me for had to be little, but they did it to either find something bigger, or for training a new cop.


So they walked up to me and the first thing I said is, "Howdy, how are my fellow law enforcement sisters doing tonight."


The cop on the passenger side asks, "You're a cop?"


I reply, "Yes I am. I'm a military police officer. Infact under DoD regs, I'm classifide as a federal police officer."


The cop's tone changes to a bit uneasiness and says, "Well you can show my partner your ID. She's the one who stopped you."


I reply, "Oh, ok." I turn to her partner and say, "Hi."


She replies back, "Hi there." I notice that she's beaming a smile at me, finding the situation a bit humorous that they had stopped a cop.


I then say, "Well let me see if I can get my ID out for you." I pull out my military ID and hand it to her.


She looks at it really quick and says, "OK, you're good."


I then said, "I noticed that you guys were watching me and I recognised that look, which says that you found something wrong and would be pulling me over."


The first cop replys, "Yeah, we were stopping you because you didn't have a front plate."


I then said, "Oh, well the story with that is because we've been getting harassed by the locals off base while driving our personal vehicles and we have a directed order to minimize the amount of info that we advertise about ourselves. Since the state of california doesn't rcognise us as actual cops, my plates aren't registered as confidential unless I can get authorization to get them registered as such. So I took off the front plate as part of that order. But since I already told you that I'm a cop, I'm sure you would want to see my badge."


The cop on the driver's side says in a giggle, "OK."


As I start pulling out my badge, the first cop says, "sir, that's all right. We appologize for stopping you sir. Have a good evening."


They then run back to their cruiser and peal out as they make a U-turn to drive away. I guess I scared them some how.


I just thought that was funny and had to share it.

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Were they cute? you didn't get either of their numbers?

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Id like to make a statement and ask a question, and hopefully, for once, get an honest answer without everyone getting all defensive.

I realise that laws and regulations are many and varied from state to state, but, (yeah, theres always a "but"),you, as an officer of the law, albeit a "federal" officer should know that front plates are required on all vehicles. blah blah blah,

yeah I know, its kinda minor, but as you said yourself, they were probably using it to find something bigger.

Now, in your situation this turned out to be no big deal and everyone went on their merry way, but, (yeah, theres that "but" again), put yourself in , lets say, my position. Ive been pulled over lots of times for what turned out to be an obstruction of view. What was that obstruction, you might ask? A small chain with a cross on it hanging from the rear view mirror.

Now, some might get all pissed off about it and agrivate the situation even more, but Ive learned to just "assume the position" let em search the car, run the plates and I.D. , sniff around a bit, and after wasting about a half hour we both go along our merry way. The point Im trying to make is that when I was brought up we were told that the cop was our friend and that he is there to help us, but cant you see how "fishing" for infractions using stuff like no front plates or obstruction of view can drive a wedge between the governers and the goverened?

It seems like anymore, the police consider themselves a seperate society, and all the rest are just dirtbags until proven innocent. Yeah, I know that todays day and age are a lot different than when I was a kid 40 some odd yars ago, and some people might hate cops, but I ask them this, if your house is being robbed or your daughter got raped, who do you end up calling?Roto-rooter? NOPE.


Am I rambling? This is during my first cup of coffee this morning, so I might be,,,

Oh yeah, get that front plate back on your car mister, you should know better. Bad cop, NO DOUGHNUT!!


(just yankin on your chain, dude, peace)

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sounds funny enough! i'm with eraser.. were they cute?

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The point Im trying to make is that when I was brought up we were told that the cop was our friend and that he is there to help us, but cant you see how "fishing" for infractions using stuff like no front plates or obstruction of view can drive a wedge between the governers and the goverened?

It seems like anymore, the police consider themselves a seperate society, and all the rest are just dirtbags until proven innocent.


The worst thing they ever did was take cops off the streets of neighborhoods and stick them in cars, completely disconnecting them from the community.


And this gets reinforced when the judicial system gives the police the absolute benefit of the doubt. I can name 3 seperate occaisions the locals have commited perjury to make a ticket stick despite evidence proving their lying.

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It seems like anymore, the police consider themselves a seperate society


LOL...one of my friends is a police lieutenant. He once asked for my help in diagnosing and repairing a performance issue with his truck. Once I did, we went out for a ride, and my friend was so happy to have his ride performing the way it should, that he starting acting like a kid....peeling out, doing power-slides, etc. Sure enough, he happened to attract the attention of the local constabulary...one of his own men, in fact. His reaction to seeing the cruiser's lights in his rear-view mirror? "WTF does this A-hole want?" :haha:

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Were they cute?

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LOL...one of my friends is a police lieutenant. He once asked for my help in diagnosing and repairing a performance issue with his truck. Once I did, we went out for a ride, and my friend was so happy to have his ride performing the way it should, that he starting acting like a kid....peeling out, doing power-slides, etc. Sure enough, he happened to attract the attention of the local constabulary...one of his own men, in fact. His reaction to seeing the cruiser's lights in his rear-view mirror? "WTF does this A-hole want?" :haha:



you left out the important part. did he get ticketed for exhibition of speed?


hmmmmm, i got $10 that says no

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you left out the important part. did he get ticketed for exhibition of speed?


hmmmmm, i got $10 that says no


He probably didn't. Whether it be cops, fireman, IT workers, or janitors there are perks to being part of one those exmaples. So yes people get let off, or hooked up with this, that or another. I work in command and control and there is things we do for the operation side of the house that we wouldn't do for a maintainance unit. Its all part of being in that "clique". Membership has its privledges. Its life, its reality. Its a good story he told.

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They were both cute and I was trying to work my way to get their number. The one that I was handing my ID to was enjoying talking to me. But her partner wanted to leave.


Anyways, I was driving in an area that is very high in crime. Infact the guy who was driving in the lane next to me was more nervous about the cops than I was, and I sped up to pass and merge in front of him. It was late at night and there should only be one or two reasons for driving on the streets during that time. So they were doing their job in suppressing crime as much as possible. Once they realized that I was definately not a bad guy, the stop changed to a friendly salute to fellow law-enforcement workers with respects given to both sides. Some laws are put in place so that those who violate them give cops an opportunity to make contact with those people and to see if there is anything more wrong with that person. I had a valid reason why I was breaking the law and they had no problem with that. If it was an issue, they would've told me to put the plate back on.


But man, I wish I had gotten their numbers.

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Do you have B.Willis pic on your ID too?

Maybe that's the reason!

Remember when i was a kid and the town police stops me on my mooped,was evening and i parked it under a street lamp,using the folding pedestal of course,they don't saw it!!!And commit me to pay for that!Than spells my plate using ICAO alphabet...I was petrified.

As I've said:"Ok Romeo..Tango..Alpha and so!Would you like to call Strasky&Hutch? Look mine is particular!It floats in the air using thrust vectoring!"

Finally they saw the pedestal,look me wrong, (I was enraged) and let me go!


Were they cute?

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errr, a valid reason to break a law? with all due respect, sir, a law is a law. If I have to have a plate on the front of my car, then so do you. Because you carry a badge should not put you above the law, correct?



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WHOA! hold on a minute! a moped with thrust vectoring!?!? I want one!!!!

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you left out the important part. did he get ticketed for exhibition of speed?


hmmmmm, i got $10 that says no


When the PO walked up to the car and saw the LT's shield, all he said, "Oh, I didn't recognize you, sir" and "Nice truck". He then walked away.

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errr, a valid reason to break a law? with all due respect, sir, a law is a law.



Cause of justification: When some illicit fact is done but it is not against the law. i.e: Accomplishment of Duty, Legitimate Defence, or Exercise of Right

Sorry, criminal law took me effort to pass, i gotta see a use for it


What has no justification is that you are missing their numbers, server

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errr, a valid reason to break a law? with all due respect, sir, a law is a law. If I have to have a plate on the front of my car, then so do you. Because you carry a badge should not put you above the law, correct?




Remeber, I stated that we have been getting harrassed by the locals. In fact I just recently had someone nail a dried up and rotten piece of meat to my appartment door the other day. Three months ago, someone who didn't like cops or anybody affiliated with the government tried to drive one of our guys off the 215 fwy when he was driving to work in his personal car. So the threat right now is very real. Am I above the law? With some laws, such as this one, yes because there is a valid reason to break it. Infact, after that incident at my place the other night, I'm seeking authorization to get confidential plates. Actually, this topic reminded me of an administration of justice course that I took many years ago in which the instructor asked if cops are above the law. The answer was yes and no. There are some laws that cops are exempt from because of the nature of their job. I'm not exempt from speeding so I abide by the speed limit at all times. However, if I'm at my folks place (91 miles north of the base) and suddenly all hell breaks loose and thertes a major national security issue, then I would be authorized to exceed the speed limit to get back to the base. Believe me, if the front plate was reallly an issue they would have still let me off but tell me to fix it. For the average joe, they might have let them off but still tell them to fix it. The average joe isn't involved in the career field in which almost everybody and their cousin hates them. Cops are a target by society because society does not want to be regulated. Nobody likes to be told what to do. When I'm on patrol, 98% of the stops are brief and release (warnings). I don't give tickets to people that I wouldn't give to a cop unless I found something else going on that was definately not right. My reasons for not having a plate are valid. My dad has a security clearance for the work he does and he doesn't have a front plate. You need to understand that there are people out there that don't like folks who work for uncle sam, and some of these people that hate us will even try to stalk us, hurt us or our family, or anything else to make our lives that much more uncomfortable just because of our job. We live in a post 9/11 world and really need to start thinking in that sense. We're still stuck in pre 9/11 mindset and haven't gotten it in our heads that there are folks out there that want to see us dead. I'm not going to die easily, and I'm going to make it as hard as possible for someone to do something to me and my family.


Now on to the next sub-topic, yes, they were hot. The only reason I'm upset from this stop is because I didn't get their numbers.

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Now on to the next sub-topic, yes, they were hot. The only reason I'm upset from this stop is because I didn't get their numbers.


A lesson to be learned there, methinks. :wink:

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Well that's LA, cops are hated there far above anywhere else in the world. Same thing happens here in NY if you're from boston :biggrin:

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WHOA! hold on a minute! a moped with thrust vectoring!?!? I want one!!!!


After that it belongs to McDonnel Douglas and than moved to Lockeed Martin,just for tests...they've said! :biggrin:

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After that it belongs to McDonnel Douglas and than moved to Lockeed Martin,just for tests...they've said! :biggrin:


And here I thought it was the son of Ironhide and Chromia... :grin:


Edit: Server, maybe you can find out more about them if you can get info on their deployment... or don't they keep record on who goes on patrol where and when?

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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And here I thought it was the son of Ironhide and Chromia... :grin:


Edit: Server, maybe you can find out more about them if you can get info on their deployment... or don't they keep record on who goes on patrol where and when?


Ok, that's called stocking. I'll just have to do something stupid in front of them to get pulled over the next time I see them on patrol. Man, what a great excuse to give to a hot female cop after getting pulled over.

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gwar did you not read about how the federal law trumps the state law? He was complying with federal law for the protection of his military and federal status? That is just the way it is.

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The first week that I had my Motorcycle learner's permit, which dictates that I must have a supervisor following me at all times, I got pulled over. My Dad was in his Jeep behind me, and I had made a left turn in front of a car which I soon learned was a police cruiser.


He pulled me over with a flash of lights/siren,a nd I stopped. He walked up to me, asked to see my license, and was just about to nail me for not having a supervisor when my dad pulled up. Phew!


The best part, though, was when he was checking my licence and I heard the dispatcher over his radio say "Unit 312, in prisuit of 1985 Honda motorcycle." For about ten seconds, I was honestly being prisued by the police. Way cool. :biggrin:

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Do you have B.Willis pic on your ID too?


Actually, I currently have my head shaved and I do look a lot like Bruce Willis right now.


But Dave is right. Federal law will over-ride state law. In a sense, under certain conditions, I kind of out rank city cops because of my federal status. However, my jurisdiction is only at the base, but if martial law is ever imposed upon the populace (that's if all hell broke loose), I then have authority over city cops. Infact, during the Miramar airshow last year, we had some city cops and Marine augmentees posted with us, and they were placed under our command to use. Although, we never really exercised our authority over them because that's just not how we role with fellow military and law enforcement members. We worked as a team, being on the same level as everybody else. I made quite a lot of friends with San Diego P.D. and the Marines at Marimar. Got letters of appreciation from both the police department and the base commander for Marimar. I've already been selected as part of the team that will be going back there to help out for this year's airshow.

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Actually, I currently have my head shaved and I do look a lot like Bruce Willis right now.


"Just the fax, ma'am, just the fax..." :rofl:

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