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Sheila just bought me a Belgian Malinois. I always wanted one but hadn't mentioned it for years. Well out of the blue she bought this little guy. Well I can't think of a name for him. I name my dogs after famous military men. My big dog I have now is Bull after ADM William F. "Bull" Halsey. My dachshund is named Rommel. (It is a German dog and dammit it will have a German name!) :lol:


I have no idea who to name this little guy after. He is only been in the house 2 hours and is giving the other 2 dogs hell.


Any ideas folks? Sorry naming him asshole after me is not an option. :biggrin:


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Well he looks like a Patton :smile:

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Actually....taking a que from Patton, and being that he's from that area, how about "William", as in William the Conquerer?

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The only famous Belgian I know is Hercule Poirot, and he's fictional!

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Suske, a famous Belgian cartoon hero, or Kuifje, another very famous cartoon character.

Jefke is another good Begian name, as is Gaston !!! Maybe you should ask Sony for a real Belgian military hero.

There are several of them from the time of the Romans, but they have very long single names, hardly anything a dog will listen to........

Good luck, have fun (tomorrow we're going to have our second Newfoundlander, a puppy named Lilly)


Hou doe,


Derk :smile:

Edited by Derk

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Curtis as Curtis E. LeMay!

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How about Butch. After Butch O'Hare?

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An idea has just popped into my mind after watching a documentary today....


Seeing as he's a Belgian, Godfrey of Bouillon in Belgium was a leader of the First Crusade and the Knights Template group, not a bad way to go down in history. Not the most recent of famous military men but maybe a thought. (Probably a bad one at that.)

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I named him Chappie. After Gen Daniel "Chappie" James.

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I've always wanted to name a dog "dammit"


so I could say - "come here, dammit"




the rest of the household wouldn't let me.......


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Since he was Belgian, you could've named him Smurf!

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Nice puppy Dave. Sheila is spoiling you again. Enjoy the housebreaking.

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