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What Does Your Cockpit Look Like?

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Yeah, it's all Great War stuff - well, nearly all. And it's a work in progress - there's always the next book I just have to have. Actually, I know there are several librairies in our little community that outstrip mine, and that I would just love to sit in for a few days, or weeks.




Envy! Can you take a clearer shot of your bookcases please, Shred? I'll peer at the pics and compile a list of books to expand my own library. Basing it on yours would be no bad thing I think :biggrin:

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Envy! Can you take a clearer shot of your bookcases please, Shred? I'll peer at the pics and compile a list of books to expand my own library. Basing it on yours would be no bad thing I think :biggrin:



Yes, please do. I see some nice titles unfamiliar to me.

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Here's my temp playplace. I have an Aker-Barnes Cockpit built but at the moment it is disassembled in my basement waiting for the man-cave to be finished.




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This is my "cockpit":







Some of you have already seen it in my Over Flanders Fields Phase 3 Review. It is a home-built rig, made last year to replace the 10 year old PC I used before. The Simped pedals are from 1995 and working as on the first day. The steering wheel on the left hand side is used for Grand Prix Legends and is also about 13 years old.




Edited by Gremlin_WoH

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It might not match Shredward's bookcase, but most of the books in this bookcase are WW1 aviation related. I got another for WW2 and vietnam, and miscellaneous, and two four drawer filing cabinets of my research into Aussies in the RNAS.


A good idea to also look at the bookcases. Shred's looked well-stocked indeed.


Looks like a few years' worth of "Cross and Cockade", Windsock Files. Some really nice books there. Jealous!!!!

Edited by Check Six

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I'm also a lefty, though I switch my mouse around about every 3 months or so to avoid the Carpal syndrome. I also fly left-handed, though I have found over the years that I am gradually getting more and more right-handed as time goes by. I learnt to play the guitar upside-down as a teenager and when I picked one up ten years later found that I was right-handed. I also can't hit the board with a dart now with my left hand. But some things don't change - I hit things with hammers left handed, use a rifle left handed and drink left handed.


The only time being left handed is an advantage is when touch-typing as the QWERTY keyboard was delilberately designed to slow the right handed typist down.


Oh, and my rather cheap Rockfire joystick is of the ambidextrous kind.

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Here is a photo of the Great War bookshelves in my War Room. I know that there are lots of you out there with all kinds of books I wish I had. Wish there was some way of pooling it all.




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I have to say its such a shame that you can´t get books like this in Germany.If you search,and i searched the last 14 years,it looks like this: :tumbleweed:

you just get three or four different books at best.And two of them are about Richthofen..Its easier to find a book from 1930´s than something new

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Well, I didn't want to be a show-off, but I guess I better toss my picture into the ring.


This is my cockpit. Notice the realistic joystick and the seatbelt tied to it. The seatbelts keep me from falling out of my chair, errr, I mean seat, if I nod off. Notice also the CD storage device cleverly disguised as an ammo drum. The walls are a nicely varnished wood to give the ambience of an early aircraft.


Sorry that you can't see the pedals or chair, but believe me they are very authentic. And the monitor is also above and out of sight in this picture.


Last of all, full surround sound and amazing motion realism!


For a small payment I will send you the plans so that you can build your own very realistic WW1 scout cockpit. Don't wait another moment…operators are standing by to take your orders. :telephone:





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Nice collection mate. I have many of the great reference materials you have, but not the collection of "Over the Front", "Cross and Cockade", "Aircraft of the Aces". Nice to see you got an AFC book there too, and the aircraft files, Naval serials, Sopwith aircraft series. "Naval Eight" and "In the Teeth of the Wind" are also two great books on Naval 8.


Very nice collection.

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Okay....heres mine, old drafting table



Made platforms for foot pedals and subwoofer



Vintage "Goodform" aluminum chair, factory made plane airframes during WWII



A later modification to speaker placement to improve sound


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Here's my daytime cockpit.


Like the 'Custom' interior by Pippen? :ok:





Wasn't overly impressed myself. :no:


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Wasn't overly impressed myself. :no:


Because of the steering wheel located on the wrong side and no machineguns? :biggrin:

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Unbelieveable, Jimko - yours is looking SOOO real! :pilotfly:

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Unbelieveable, Jimko - yours is looking SOOO real! :pilotfly:


Thanks, Olham!

Yes, I'm really into this 'total immersion' thing!


Now I guess I'll have to take a picture of my real home cockpit, once I get my digital camera back...it's travelling with my wife and her mother. (Yes, I chose not to go...not because of the travel companions, though.)

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Hey Flyby pc, I've got one of those too! (Except the seat in mine is in better nick and I got carpets on the floor. 1995 tdi)

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Here's my 'Landing Pad' and a little tour ...



Pic#1.... The view behind me hold my 1/72 scale models that I've made over the years, dating back to my college days. Some are crap, but hey, they're getting old like me. ;) I have a poster from Rhinebeck, and a Bavarian flag from my visit there in 2008. Also the two framed shots on the right are from a vendor I came across at an Air Show at Embry Riddle, back in 1992. The 3 frames above the window were given to me by a close friend who found them at a garage sale... go figure. More about him in a bit.


On the wall next to the window is my prized possession, one of two framed prints from Jim Dietz. This one is more special, I saw it first in a museum in Tennessee, and I had taken a photo of me standing next to it. I sent it to Jim asking him if he had any more... the guy actually sold me his last copy of it.. I think it was his. Talk about a cool guy... Jim defines it. It was framed at a local Michael's Art Supply. The Fish is from my daughter for Father's Day. She wants to go fishing someday, but I won't take her... I hate fishing... I hate fish... bleech. Sorry kid... you're Dad sucks. :biggrin:


Pic#2.... The next shot is front facing, and my desk. Above it on the top shelf and the shelf to the left are several jars of soil and or sand from places I have been over the years. I love to collect dirt... above the desk on the wall are my all so coveted, and God-aweful expensive diplomas from Riddle-Diddle Kite School, and to the right is my A&P License (or my License to Kill). The airplanes are Sexton Iron molds from back in the 60's. Those can easily be fround on eBay and are great for any WWI buffs desk area! The top spot on this view is the framed picture on the left... it's me, in Frank Luke's pose. The same friend's husband who got me the other prints painted it for me. I've already convinced my daughter that I am over 100 years old with this one... :rofl:


Pic#3... Finally behind my right shoulder, is the stairs to the landing... and my other framed Dietz print.


One more important part in the second picture is the rickety old chair at the desk (not the green one) ... that chair has been with me since 1995. It was my Grandmother's. It's a total disaster, BUT... in it... HASP was created, as well as all other RB3D stuff I did, and all OFF creations. I will finally retire it soon, before it retires me, the a$$pad is gone, and it barely hold me in the set when I lean back, but.. it's very sentimental. Sorry to see it go.


I hope you enjoyed the tour.. no I am not self gloating here.. this is just stuff I have collected over the years from friends, traveling, and the love of aviation.. I just thought you might enjoy a little look into my 'personal space', rather than just posting pics. :good:


This is a great thread, keep it going!!! All the best,




PS.. the Dragons... well.. I love anything that flies, and Dragons are no different. They are the McFarlane 'Dragon' series.




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Thanks for the tour and the great presentation OvS! Really nice!

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Thanks for the tour and the great presentation OvS! Really nice!


No problem...


One more... if you look closely at Pic #2... inside the 'wall' of my desk, there is a large paper cartoon strip to the right. It's a TV Repairman standing with a woman, looking at a TV with a large lamp post slammed into it. She is saying to him...


"My husband said to send the bill to the New York Jets"...


Kindly note my green baseball cap on the left... "NYJ"... story of my life. :rofl:

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Nice combat room, OvS - we both have the same joystick!

As for the kid and the fishing - if Widowmaker should get near your home on his USA visit, he can show her

how to throw the rod, or how those fishermen say.

Shame on you about the Romano-Luke story - it's unbelieveable what parents fool their kids with, and later they

want them to be realistic (Lol!) But the baseball story is good!

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Maybe someone should sell 'joss sticks' impregnated with castor oil. I remember the stuff from the Castrol R that the 2-stroke moto-cross bikes used in their Villiers engines back in the '60s - also the J.A.P speedway bikes - they used castor oil because they ran on alcohol and no mineral oil could cope with that then. Such a lovely smell! I somehow think SWAMBO would not like it unless I moved the computer to the garage.


This would be 'total immersion' for those flying rotary engined planes :good:

Edited by JimAttrill

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Maybe someone should sell 'joss sticks' impregnated with castor oil. I remember the stuff from the Castrol R that the 2-stroke moto-cross bikes used in their Villiers engines back in the '60s - also the J.A.P speedway bikes - they used castor oil because they ran on alcohol and no mineral oil could cope with that then. Such a lovely smell! I somehow think SWAMBO would not like it unless I moved the computer to the garage.


This would be 'total immersion' for those flying rotary engined planes :good:


Well, that plus a REALLY large fan, a set of goggles, and a silk scarf. And get SWAMBO to rattle your chair around :biggrin:

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