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something interesting happened in SF2 Europe

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I was flying the F-86D

i wasn't in contact with the enemy or in range of AAA(I had just taken off)

i ordered the wingmen to coverme when one seemed to lose control.he went into a spin and was dropping straight down as he lost altitude.It appered that he was trying to recover because he was turning on and off the afterburner and I saw the rudder and ailerons moving.afet a few thousand feet of freefall the pilot disapeered.after that there was no more attenpts to recover and he crashed shortly after.Did the pilot die from the g forces?that would be interesting if that what happened.so far I havn't been able to get it to happen again but havn't tried to much to be honest.Any thoughts?

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I think he bailed out. The game doesn't have a bailing pilot animation or pilots in chutes, but it does model it non-visually.

Is the 86D's FM updated to work with the latest patches? I've never seen an undamaged plane lose control unless there was some FM compatibility issues.

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I thinks its a FM issue had lost many a AI wingie on that account especialy in the F-86D, they simply loose control and crash, seen it so many times. It's a dream to handle yourself, but AI has a lot of trouble with it

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I've never seen an undamaged plane lose control unless there was some FM compatibility issues.

I've seen my wingman on an undamaged stock F-15 pull this stunt in SF2E. The abandoned plane had plenty of altitude and recovered itself...

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If the pilot bailed would the canopy be gone too?I hadn't thought of bailing out for some reason.To me the AI bailing out is as cool as the pilot dieing.

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actually I dont think the F-86D has a canopy animation

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actually I dont think the F-86D has a canopy animation


It would be nice to see mod where you can see pilots on chutes...



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Ive seen it in WOI-being chased by an enemy MiG-21 in a Mirage III.Unable to shake him off I took the fight as high as I could...mid chase at an excess of 50000 feet he pops the lid...just like that!


I think I even had a thread on it

Edited by Stick

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Slightly OT but is anyone else seeing (enemy) MiG-17's crash into the ground a LOT more than before??

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Which F-86D? The D-45 or D-31? I requested the D-31 and F-86L be removed as I missed several things during the update. I'm working on them now.


They both flew fine in SF2E. AI had no problems with them. Are you on HARD for your FM setting? I tested in both. One thing I did notice is that the AI does pull very hard when manuevering. If you are just after takeoff, low speed and/or close to the ground, they may have simply stalled and spun in.

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If the pilot bailed would the canopy be gone too?I hadn't thought of bailing out for some reason.To me the AI bailing out is as cool as the pilot dieing.


A lot of 3rd party planes don't show the canopy open once the pilot bailed out.

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Slightly OT but is anyone else seeing (enemy) MiG-17's crash into the ground a LOT more than before??


I keep getting Mig 19's departing normal flight in dog fights. Also when i'm clod busting in A-4's i usually get a Mig 17 or two decide that life isnt worth living and plough into the ground when they try to engage me...

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Which F-86D? The D-45 or D-31? I requested the D-31 and F-86L be removed as I missed several things during the update. I'm working on them now.


They both flew fine in SF2E. AI had no problems with them. Are you on HARD for your FM setting? I tested in both. One thing I did notice is that the AI does pull very hard when manuevering. If you are just after takeoff, low speed and/or close to the ground, they may have simply stalled and spun in.



All F-86 are missing some values for the flaps-settings this is what i did for the Canadair Mk6 to have a better takeoff/landing of for the AI no more crash on take off or landing at NORMAL setting HARD i never tested

























































Edited by ravenclaw_007

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