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Guest British_eh

Favorite OFF aicraft ?

What 2 scouts are your favorite OFF planes  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Scout

    • SE5a
    • Dr.1
    • Sop Tripe
    • Sop Camel
    • Nieuport 17
    • Sop Pup
    • Spad VII
    • Alb DII
    • Alb DIII
    • Alb Dva
    • Pflaz DIII
    • Aico DH
    • Fokker DVII
    • Eindecker
    • Other
  2. 2. Bobmer - pick two

    • Strutter B1
    • Sop 1 1/2
    • RE 8
    • BE
    • Bristol Fighter
    • Roland
    • DFW
    • Hannover
    • Neiport 17
    • Sop Camel
    • Se5a
    • Other - bicycle
  3. 3. What do you fly most?

    • Bomber
    • Scout

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Guest British_eh

So although this has been done before,there are some new faces ( OFF Pilot's) out there. For purposes of building missions, please vote so I may have some inclination as to your preferences.





Edited by British_eh

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You might get a better responce, if you spelled Bomber correctly, however Bobmer won't do it . . :biggrin:





Miss some planes here, I like flying the Halberstadt   

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Yes, the Halberstadt is a good climber and a stable gun platform.

I could turn with Nupes in her and shoot them down. Must do another Campaign in one.

Thanks for the reminder, Dutch!

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All of the wonderful creations Over Flanders Fields of course.

Actually, my beloved Tripe.



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I like Pup. Actually, my most successful, longest lasting pilot was flying Pup. Bloody german flak...

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I had a good love affair going with my Sopwith Tripe, but recently started getting an itch, and I looked around. The Wolsely Viper SE5a is a superb aircraft, great to fight in. If you stall (even at very low altitudes), it regains speed very quickly, and doesn't wallow around in the sky falling like a leaf. Adequate ammunition supply, good speed, sturdy in a dive. Very forgiving aircraft. Can't go past it really.


The tripe is much slower, but climbs very well. I'm afraid that she stalls all too easily, and is reasonably difficult to regain speed after the stall.


SE5a gets my vote. Mind you, I haven't flown all the aircraft in OFF yet. I have had a flight or two in the Camel, and found her to be a b**ch to handle, but I understand that once you master her eccentricities, she makes you a better pilot.

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definitely Alb DIII.

I would vote for any of the ALBs because they are all beautifull, outclassed by almost every allied scout, but nontheless a great fighter and performer with a hard punch and the heart of a lion. :victory:

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Creaghorn, I could hugg you for this fine statement!


Stary, not only the German Flak is nasty - I have also lost two good pilots through AA fire.

The Pup is a fine craft for flying, superb climb, very nimble! Only a bit fragile for fighting.

When I fight them, a good burst right into the center, and it literally falls apart.

I like to just fly around in it - beautiful like a butterfly. And as fragile...

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I don't think the early Albs are outclassed by Entente fighters, on the contrary. For example the Alb. D.II is better than any Entente fighter in late 1916, and in early 1917 the D.III is definitely not inferior to enemy fighters. The Tripe is an exception to this rule, but they are rare compared to other scout models. That's been my experience in OFF, for what it's worth. I agree about the D.V and D.Va though, when they come into service the Entente is getting much improved types into action, like the SE5a and the Camel.




The Pup is not a Pfalz or a Spad, but it's still much stronger than the Nupes. So if it's a butterfly, it's a much bigger and sturdier species. :yes:

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I don't think the early Albs are outclassed by Entente fighters, on the contrary. For example the Alb. D.II is better than any Entente fighter in late 1916, and in early 1917 the D.III is definitely not inferior to enemy fighters. The Tripe is an exception to this rule, but they are rare compared to other scout models. That's been my experience in OFF, for what it's worth. I agree about the D.V and D.Va though, when they come into service the Entente is getting much improved types into action, like the SE5a and the Camel.


i think it depends a lot of what pilots were facing. the DII was inferior to the various Nieuports and SpadVII. the DIII was a unsuccessfull try to copy the characteristics of the Nieuport. all albatros versions were stable gun plattforms, but any allied turnfighter was better in turning then the Alb, and any boom'n zoom fighter was better in boom'n zoom then the alb. of course if an alb pilot could force a spad into a turnfight, he had the upperhand. IMHO the alb is a mixture of both variants, but in neither variant better then any allied counterpart if the pilot flew the strengths of his scout.

i think the better and more experienced pilots (with a lot of flighthours in two seaters before) made the difference against lot of allied rookies in the better machines, but without much experience.

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You might get a better responce, if you spelled Bomber correctly, however Bobmer won't do it.;..

What about us poor Bobmer pilots?

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You are well off, Hauk, as the Germans only attack bombers.

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One of my favorite scouts wasn't listed: the mighty Fee! I never fly that as a bomber, mostly because you can't strafe with it :).

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Bullet, I wonder, if you ever flew the Brisfit? With that craft, you CAN fight!

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Although I am new to this and single seaters in particular, I come to like a few on the easy settings. On the german side the Albatross D-3 as a boom and zoom or engery fighter works well till U get two Spad 7s on your tail at the same time ( guess they like my pilot). The D-5 is a nice kite steady as a rock and has ample power. The Albatross D-2 is a soild performer dives like a brick, but doesnt do well when engaging the Trip plane or a well flown Airco D-2. :haha: On the other side, The N 11 BeBe is a fun kite and turns on a dime. I dont do much damage, but I have a fun time. Gotta luv the 1 1/2 stutters by sopwith a completely steady machine.fun to fly. The down side, they seem to be easy meat on the table unless in large flights. :rofl:

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Bullet, I wonder, if you ever flew the Brisfit?


A fair amount. It's a great plane, no question. In fact, I voted for it as a favorite "bomber", even though I only fly it in fighter squadrons, because it wasn't listed a fighter for some strange reason. All Fee fighter squadrons eventually become Brisfit fighter squadrons, so if I live long enough that's my reward. But that usually happens in the fall of 1917, and the summer getting there is so boring after Bloody April (and May) that I often don't have the patience to wait for it and just start over again. And when you do get the Brisfit, it's so friggin' good against most contemporary opposition that I don't find it that much fun compared to the out-classed Fee :).


My other "bomber" pick was the Camel, for the same reaons. All Pup squadrons become Camel squadrons, so I've flown it a fair amount, too. But when I get it, I find the experience less enjoyable than being stuck with the Pup in Bloody April, and there's the same lack of activity in between.


I don't fly OFF to massacre the AI and beat MvR's score. I fly OFF to be in hopeless situations but somehow survive anyway, whether I kill anybody or not. If I can start a pilot in an out-classed machine around the beginning of Bloody April and have him make it to the end of May, without spending so much time in the hospital that he basically slept through it, then I consider myself to have beaten the game :yes: . Then it's time to do it again.


I know, I'm a weirdo into self-flagellation, but it makes me happy :biggrin: . I suppose one of these days I'll try a Pfalz squadron in 1918, once I get tired of Bloody April.

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Carrick, wait until you learn to know the Albatros better. Today my flight of 6 Albatros DIII (early)

where engaged by a flight of 6 Spad VII and one Nieuport 17. While everyone went down for the deck

very soon, I remained high up with the Nupe, turned it out and shot it down.

Then I went lower and fought the Spads. After killing two of them, there was no wingman left my side;

I was alone with 3 Spads (my wings must have killed one at least).

Now it was extremely tight turning, and I can do that better than any Spad. Problem was: high up I saw

6 - 8 specs, that soon turned into more Nupes! I remained cool and shot down two of the Spads, before

my ammo was out. Now I collected my first hit from above, and it was more than time to run.

I was right behind the lines on our side, and I did my hedgehopping again, following roads or brooks

through the trees, slamming rudder left and right, always in danger to touch ground hard with my wheels.

Behind me very close: the Spad, like a hawk. Further behind: 6 Nupes.

But I reached my airfield and went over to "tent and hangar hopping", until the Spad crashed. Great!

Now I did an approach to the field with full rudder, sailing sidewards toward the hangar, adjusted in the

very last moment and touched down. I almost rolled inside. Safe!


The Albs are doing pretty well against all fighters - when boom & zoom is out, move to turning.

She can do that well, as long as you keep the nose below the horizon.

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Guest British_eh

Hello there, and thanks Uncleal for the tidbit.


It really wasn't a slag against Bobmer Pilots, they're a fine bunch of guys. Even had them buy me a pint in the Mess, if I listen to their yarn. But, it's a scout for me, don't want to depend on some other wanker to fly me about, or fire the gun for me! Besides, most of my victories have been against those blokes, as Richtofen and McCudden have both done quite well too. Besides, when was the last time you saw a fancy paint job on a recon plane? Me, a fancy bit of painting by Giovani, my Royal Engineer, who keeps things right, did a magnificent job with the brush.





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Obvious choice - S.E.5a.

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I know, I'm a weirdo into self-flagellation, but it makes me happy :biggrin: . I suppose one of these days I'll try a Pfalz squadron in 1918, once I get tired of Bloody April.


Flying a Pfalz is a challenge, but that makes it very enjoyable if you're a person who likes challenges. Just remember you don't have an observer to shoot at enemies all around your crate like in the Fee. And you'll have to be very cautious and cowardly with the Pfalz, otherwise you won't survive two hours. It is the ideal plane for flagellants who like to play OFF. :biggrin:

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I chose Nieuport 17 and Sopwith Pup for scouts, i like my small rotaries, and for two seaters itd have to be Strutter and Be2c.

Edited by sgran

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