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An Apology Guys and Gals

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I am really sorry about the guy over at the 3rd Wire forum. He really has a hard on for me and the CA staff. His dismissal from here for various and never ending infractions has caused him to go over there and vent his ire there. We have been dealing with this guy since February. I hate the fact you all had to even waste your time reading his posts. I feel compelled though to apologize for all of this ongoing nonsense, to you all and to TK. Again my humblest apologies.



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Yeah its hoppe, rhuzyu, and about 2 dozen others. His MO is always the same. I can assure you he was treated well and given chances before all of a sudden he would just snap. Then kept doing it, time after time after time. I am just not sure how we could of ever appeased this guy. Its sad you all had to be privy to it and waste your time on it. I do feel real bad about it.

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I feel more bad for TK, having to put up with his nonsense. Having been on the recieving end of his diatribes via PMs and other nastiness, well...it's just a pity TK had to suffer it as well



kevin stein

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I thought Rhuhzo was just on a "vacation".

Edited by Jarhead1

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Was Spiff the same guy?


No way.....this guy Rhuzyo's a troll and a turd from Nebraska. Spiff is a solid citizen.

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I don't think you need to apologize, Dave. It's him thats the asshat and you have no control over that; it is a shame because he reflects badly to new users and community members, but it isn't Dave's, FC's, Fubar's or anyone's fault here (though he likes to bring you all up for some reason). He got banned for being an ass and he won't let it drop so he brings it elsewhere. I just hope that TK will shut him up for good so no one else has to deal with his BS. Either he's 12 or needs serious mental help, almost seems obsessive...keep that AR-15 handy, Dave.

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Honestly folks, the best thing to do is ignore him and bring any posts to the moderator's attention via PM. TK checks his board pretty regularly for spammers and morons.


The reason why he spams TK's board is because he can't do it here. If he's ignored over there, it just makes it all the more frustrating.


Also, for those who don't know, on TK's board, there is a 'User Control Panel' option in the upper right corner of the forums. Click on that, and you'll see a Manage Friends and Foes. Click on that, then Manage Foes, and you'll see an area you can enter names of folks you wish to ignore. The board will then hide any future posts by that person from your view.



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These guys have obviously had very unhappy childhoods. rofl.gif

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You have ignored him very effectiv, cause haven`t seen him here around or any of his posts, that`s new to me. Only remember the argumentation of, "forgot the name" between Dave and G*** over at another board.

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rule number one on the boards to avoid this kind of crap



don't feed the troll

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Is this site backed up and hacker-safe.

Hope this doesn't go the way of Avsim.

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Jomni, don´t paint the devil on the wall! :blink:

Hopefully not, that would be very sad...

Edited by Soulfreak

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Is this site backed up and hacker-safe.

Hope this doesn't go the way of Avsim.



Yes we are safe, we learned from the hack we had 3 years ago.

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