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Roster question

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I bet it is being worked on for future release. It is a huge amount of data and is date specific. Probably a matter of time involved to compile the data and then to get it into the program. I imagine too that the Devs. would like to have it all done in one fell swoop rather than make it available piecemeal. Just my suspicions of course, not based on any facts of what may be happening.

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Occasionally you'll see an Ace's victory tally

While each's Ace's final toatal is probably well known

...getting each date is likely very time consuming as Rickety said

Edited by Duce Lewis

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Like everything else, it's a WiP, and a staggering amount of work at that. Last time I looked, we've got about 1500 aces. Multiply that by the lines for date, a/c shot down, casualties, location, a/c flown etc - well, it's a lot of work. But we are whittling away at it. Just takes time.



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Because an Ace is never killed, merely shot down


Which I can understand, but in my opinion (this is not a complaint!!) I think it would be neat if you shot down an ace he was actually done. Sort of like altering history in a way. Or if an ace didnt have the nametag untill he was actually granted ace status (MvR is listed as an ace in Jasta 2 even when he had no kills). Or if you yourself was added to your squadron's ace list when you became one. Anyways, sorry to thread-jack!


(again, this is not a complaint)

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We thought about it long and hard. Bottom line - an individual's actions in the Great War (with very, very rare exceptions) made absolutely no difference. Even if you were serving beside your little brother, watching over him, there was nothing you could do to protect him or save him - it was just luck, and an almost inevitable outcome the longer you were there. If an artillery shell decided to land in your section of the trench, that was it. There were two, maybe three instances where an aviator's actions made a difference to the outcome of a battle. And so, we decided that you will not change history by hunting down MvR. Roy Brown, or any one of several hundred Diggers eventually did, and it made no difference. Neither will you.



Edited by shredward

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But we are whittling away at it. Just takes time.


Incredible team! That must really be a huge amount of dates.

And I absolutely agree about the historical death of the aces, and no other way.

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And I absolutely agree about the historical death of the aces, and no other way.


Yeah, that way you get to kill them multiple times. It's like Widowmaker throwing the big, named carp back in the pond to get him again next weekend.


This is purely wishful thinking on my part, of course. None of my guys have ever lived long enough to see a rematch with an ace they've beaten.

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Anyone know whether, if you DO follow an ace on the day of his death you get to see him shot down? I had a feeling Olham was going to try it.

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Anyone know whether, if you DO follow an ace on the day of his death you get to see him shot down? I had a feeling Olham was going to try it.



i don't think so. i think as soon as the day is reached the pilot is no longer active. actually even the newspapers knew it the day before and already printed the obituary the night before to announce the aces death at the very same day lol

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" actually even the newspapers knew it the day before and already printed the obituary the night before to announce the aces death at the very same day lol "


Ah...if only they could do the Euromillions lottery results in that way... Knowing my luck it'd be the results for nineteen bloody seventeen, and I'd be in a forward trench, my ticket turned to papier-mache in my pocket. Anyway, if they print them the night before everyone would select the same damn numbers. And that wouldn't be any use either. I bet blokes in the trenches couldn't get the Berliner Tagesblatt or Daily Humbug on the day of issue anyway. I'm rambling aren't I. I'll stop.

Edited by themightysrc

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Anyone know whether, if you DO follow an ace on the day of his death you get to see him shot down? I had a feeling Olham was going to try it.


Back when this forum was at SOH, somebody mentioned having seen Gueynemer flying along all by himself one evening, so followed him for a while. Eventually, without warning, he just nosed over and crashed. Turns out that was his day to die, his number came up in the game, and that was that. Kinda cool he didn't just vanish. Also, now the mystery of Guynemer's last flight is solved good.gif

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Dej, I remember someone wanted to check that - but that wasn't me.

I will join MvR's Jasta 11 that time sooner or later, and then, if I should be in the same last flight,

I'll watch him. If he goes down low after another craft, I'll follow and observe. And tell here.

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Is there any likelyhood of making an optional setting that you can kill aces? Invincible aces may make the game more historically acurate, but i cant help feeling it would make it less emersive and less realistic... ignoring ace kills seems a little false/forced. I understand the view that not many pilots changed the course of the way.. but if you shot down an ace it would have an effect... the ace wouldnt magically come back to life.


After all its not as if it didnt happen all the time in the war... otherwise all the aces would have survived.


Anyway just my opinion, minor point in what seems to be a fantastic game!

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Anyone know whether, if you DO follow an ace on the day of his death you get to see him shot down? I had a feeling Olham was going to try it.



On one occasion I followed Boelcke on the the appointed day and after a long flight watched him crash. There was no collision - in fact, no other aircraft in the vacinity other than the two of us, but he did crash. It could have been coincidence, or, equally possible, perhaps if you follow any other random friendly around maybe they crash at the end of the scenario flight time, rather than actually returning to their airfield. Dunno- I never tried it a second time.


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Stiffy, you CAN shoot him down - he only won't be killed.

I like to imagine, how he get's out of the wreckage and steals away, until he reaches his side of the lines.

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Yes I understand how it works.... just doesnt work for me, seems a little fake. would rather have a game in which the course can be altered slightly by killing an ace than a game that artificially forced an unrealistic result. The effect for me i'm afraid would be to remove a potentially very exiting element of the game... I't would be fantastic to see and ace and think maybe... just maybe i can be the one to kill him (just as many real pilots thought) even though the result would most likely be my death... would make for very thrilling an emersive gameplay. What will in fact happen is i'll see an ace and think, 'theres an ace, he has a magic healing potion, i'll just fly away' completely dropping my out of my total emersion and reminding me i'm in a computer game.


Only a minor point though! not enough to put me off the rest of the game! But i'm sure i'm not the only one who has considered it....



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Just bringing an ace down gives me the satisfaction I need. The Von Richthofen brothers were both shot up and brought down wounded but recovered and flew again as did many others so in my mind it is not unrealistic as it is. Just my 2 cents.

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yes, its not a mojor problem :) just that 'probably' wont kill him is what would happen in the real world 'definitely' cant kill him only happens in computer games.


To my mind red baron got this perfectly. possible to kill if you meet but likely to kill you. also if not killed by player still dies at correct historical time.

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It's easy really.


You start an RAF pilot called Roy Brown in 2nd week of April 1918, and then hang around where jasta 11 are likely to be. You then knock MvR out of the air, so he's properly croaked, and fill in the claim at the end of the flight. "Shot down the Red Baron" or suchlike as the narrative. You can then have the party to end all parties in the mess, whilst they verify the claim.


Then you find out it's been credited to some bloody Ocker sat in a pit of mud with a Lewis gun.

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