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I miss him

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So, Im a newb at this game, and had just gotten a career going and was beginning to be really attached to my pilot FOkker Heindlick. Guess I made all of the rookie mistakes, spent a few times in the hospital, evaded capture, and was even shot down. Then I suppose I made the biggest mistake of all and that was to talk about Heindlick on the forums here talking about his fourth kill pictured here, thus cursing him into sure doom.



Yes, he had a short career, but he was one kill away from potentially being an ace, with four uncomfirmed kills in the potential bag, he decided to change his lucky paint job on his albatross and to honor his fellow aviator Oswald Boelcke. No sooner was the paint drying on the aircraft, that Fokker was informed that they needed to scramble immediately and ward off an attack.


Once airborne and after some maneuvering Heindlick was lining up victim number five into his sights, when all of the sudden he saw a set of two toned german landing gear in his face, then a sick thuddering crashing sound, fire, lots of fire, and then blackness.


Fokker Heindlick has seen the end of war. It is chilling that Heindlick met a similar fate as boelcke, right after he pained his aircraft in boelckes colors. In a bittersweet bit of news, it was announced that Heindlick's first uncomfirmed kill was confirmed post mortem. RIP Heindlick....ohhh what could have been.

Here is his dossier:


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Ah yes!...You will lose many good men before this war of attrition ends!.... Best not get too attached, a Pilot would do well to stay a lone wolf, and befriend no-one in this Hell that is 1916 France! :salute:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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I know what you mean appraiserfl.

Since I've lost my best pilot, I can't set up another one, they die before long and the legend of Herr Mainfeld lies above them all! But I'm sure you're going to make it and get better with a new pilot, even better!


BTW, how do you take a Dossier screenshot?



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Iti, you press the "print" key (top right on keyboard somewhere),

then you change to Photoshop or any other picture program,

click "new file" (you'll get a blank one in the size of your screen

resolution now), and press Ctrl. + V (insert).


apraiserfl, the first pilot lost is the worst perhaps. You'll have many more,

and after some time you realise, you are getting better and better.

I don't have you in the OFF Pilots map yet. Would you tell me your town

and country/state, please? Thanks!

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Iti, you press the "print" key (top right on keyboard somewhere),

then you change to Photoshop or any other picture program,

click "new file" (you'll get a blank one in the size of your screen

resolution now), and press Ctrl. + V (insert).


apraiserfl, the first pilot lost is the worst perhaps. You'll have many more,

and after some time you realise, you are getting better and better.

I don't have you in the OFF Pilots map yet. Would you tell me your town

and country/state, please? Thanks!


Ahh yes exactly what Olham said, hit the printscreen key and then go into windows paint and right click and hit paste, then edit out the parts you dont need.....like edit out the line that says your guy is dead :(


Oh and I am located in sunny Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA!

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. RIP Heindlick....ohhh what could have been.


I've travelled this world all over

And now to another I go

But I know that good quarters are waiting

To welcome ol' Rosin the Beau


When I'm dead and laid out on the counter

A voice ye will hear from below

Sayin' "Send down a hogshead o' whisky

"For to drink with ol' Rosin the Beau"


Then get a half-dozen stout fellows

An' stack 'em all up in a row

Make 'em drink down their half-gallon bottles

To the memory of Rosin the Beau


Then get these half-dozen stout fellows

And let them all stagger and go

Make them dig a great hole in the meadow

And in it put Rosin the Beau


Then get ye a couple of bottles

Put one at me head and me toe

With a diamond ring scratch ye upon them

The name of ol' Rosin the Beau


I've got only this one consolation

As out of this world I do go

I know that the next generation

Shall resemble ol' Rosin the Beau


I feel that Old Tyrant approaching

That cruel remorseless ol' foe

So I lifts up me glass in his honor

Let him drink with ol' Rosin the Beau!




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You'll get used to it - except when you lose a top pilot with a lot of kills and flight hours, then it REALLY hurts.


I should have saved the names and other data of all the pilots I've had in OFF. I've lost so many of them over the months that I can't possible keep all of them in the OFF pilot dossier.


Haig and other generals of the Great War have been called butchers and murderers and whatnot, but I'm the real Grim Reaper - for my own pilots...:butcher:

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It's a real bummer appraiserfl

Just when you get some confidence in a bloke, he up and croaks

Some stick with you for a long time

I still remember Lt. Stephen Campbell and his epic last battle with 5 Dr1's in P1

Buck up M8, you gave a good show!

There will be others

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Iti, you press the "print" key (top right on keyboard somewhere),

then you change to Photoshop or any other picture program,

click "new file" (you'll get a blank one in the size of your screen

resolution now), and press Ctrl. + V (insert).


apraiserfl, the first pilot lost is the worst perhaps. You'll have many more,

and after some time you realise, you are getting better and better.

I don't have you in the OFF Pilots map yet. Would you tell me your town

and country/state, please? Thanks!


Thanks Olham i've been trying to do this for age's

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Glad I could help, Red Dog. Next time I hope to see some victories in there?

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It's a real bummer appraiserfl

Just when you get some confidence in a bloke, he up and croaks

Some stick with you for a long time

I still remember Lt. Stephen Campbell and his epic last battle with 5 Dr1's in P1

Buck up M8, you gave a good show!

There will be others


Oh yes well Heinlick's replacement, "Hornswaggle Von Goldenwulf," has just scored his first uncomfirmed kill with Jasta 2! It was a nasty affair, my wingman was right on the enemy's six chopping away at his tail and I swooped in and fired a strong burst directly into the cockpit, which was immediately met with the most horrific blood curdling scream and lots of fire. The struck bird then plummeted 3,000 feet in an accelerated burning death spiral. Poor fellow, but now he gets to hang with Heinlick.


I don't think my wingman likes me very much now, but it was strictly for humanitarian purposes I swear. I couldn't stand to see the poor french bloke suffering from my WM's in accurate shots.... this should really encourage moral now I think, lol.

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Hornswaggle Von Goldenwulf ?


He must be quite a chimera of Anglo-saxon and Teutonic blood - a Germnglish son of the devil so to say?

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Hornswaggle Von Goldenwulf ?


He must be quite a chimera of Anglo-saxon and Teutonic blood - a Germnglish son of the devil so to say?


hahaha great name!!


I have an 'Otto Von Shnitzelpoop' at the moment :good:

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I don't think my wingman likes me very much now, but it was strictly for humanitarian purposes I swear. I couldn't stand to see the poor french bloke suffering from my WM's in accurate shots.... this should really encourage moral now I think, lol.


yes sometimes i honestly think my wingmen need to go more often to the gunnery range or at least sit in the gun simulator while being screamed at by a French Commandant (Red Baron Film Anyone)


Humanitarian purposes sometimes more than often are needed ive noticed.. hahahaha ;) :blink:

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Hornswaggle Von Goldenwulf ?


He must be quite a chimera of Anglo-saxon and Teutonic blood - a Germnglish son of the devil so to say?


Actually he is 1/3 Black, 1/3 Native American and 1/3 German.... yea it was a real drunken party when he was conceived lol

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Stiff upper lip, m8, no letting the lower lip wobble either. There now, carry on. Salute to your fallen pilot, a knight of the air. Salute.gif




Losing the first is tough, losing the 'best so far' is tougher--- and then losing about six others after that, before settling back down, and actually having a chap survive is really tough in the "Crap, I've lost it" sense...... thats been my experience so far. Cheers m8, keep the faith. drinks.gif

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I don't think my wingman likes me very much now, but it was strictly for humanitarian purposes I swear. I couldn't stand to see the poor french bloke suffering from my WM's in accurate shots.... this should really encourage moral now I think, lol.

It's a love/hate relationship

It's infuriating when the ravenous hounds cut you off ...or worse

But when those 2nd & 3rd flights of HA show up, they're delighted to have em around

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appraiserfl, the air in this sim is fraught with danger as you are finding out I'm afraid, and...well...I believe paraphrasing Tim might say it best:




"Follow! But! Follow only if ye be men of valor, for the skies of OFF lie between Heaven and Hell, and are haunted by craft so foul, so cruel, that no man yet has fought with them for more than a moment and lived! The bones of forty thousand and fifty lie strewn about the mud. So, brave knights of the air, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty big sharp pointy teeth!"



Just remember, it may LOOK like a harmless bunny, but... biggrin.gif







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My god - did I accidently pop into a lyrical evening here?

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