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Aaah, thank you Siggi, I am not home right now so I could not check the pipeline for #2 RNAS, but I assumed it was the same as #3. Apparenty it is not. Switching to the RFC or another RNAS unit is just fine and dandy by me, and I will go with whatever the majority of our Allied flyers wish. A good leader needs to remain open to all options. :smile:







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Aaah, thank you Siggi, I am not home right now so I could not check the pipeline for #2 RNAS, but I assumed it was the same as #3. Apparenty it is not. Switching to the RFC or another RNAS unit is just fine and dandy by me, and I will go with whatever the majority of our Allied flyers wish. A good leader needs to remain open to all options. :smile:








I edited my last post:


RNAS-1 has the N17B available, and transitions to the Tripe on jan 16th 1917.

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Now there would be a fun line-up with a bit of variety. N17bis and Tripe are both outstanding fighters, and truth be told the Tripe can fly circles around anything the Hun can put in the air, including the DR1. Even though it gives us single-gun fighters I would still vote for RNAS-1 as our scout outfit. Thanks for the heads-up on this unit Siggi.







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Well, without meaning to sound harsh (I don't mean it to be), it's either a case of dumbing down the rules or smarting up the hardware. Or those players with a genuine need improvising with forbidden functions just enough to make themselves combat-capable without over-using the forbidden function and cheating. Nobody's looking over your shoulder and there is the spirit of the rules as well as the letter.


Do what you have to do to overcome the limitations you find without TiR. And let's face it, using TAC, even full time, you're still at a serious disadvantage in an actual dogfight without TiR. With TiR, there is absolutely no excuse for breaking the rules. Without it, do what you have to do to give yourself a fair chance (that will still be less of one than that enjoyed by those who do have it).


We're all adults and all honourable players, and as such know what's right and fair. My recommendation remains the same though, get a TiR by hook or by crook asap.



TrackIR not an option for my wallet at the moment.


What I have decied is that the radar is just too much visual information so I will try to target planes as they move in front of me so I can use padlock. If I end up looking at the floor when it targets a random van 8 miles away I will pause the game and correct the target. Seems a fair way of counteracting the lack of TrackIr without resorting to HUD displayes.

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You're a brave man Stiffy, and I wish you the best with those limitations. More than that I hope hope jolly old St. Nick is particulalry kind to you this season and you find a new TR5 in your stocking. :smile:







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Back to the idea of us flying the Tripe. If we do, we could make use of the new skin I did for it a while back at the request of Ras.











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Stiffy and all with no TrackIR:


"Pause" button is not forbidden, as far as I read. So you could "pause", mark a target, and continue.


But that kills immersion; here is something better: My joystick solution I used before TrackIR:


There is a command to toggle between "static angles view" and "glide view" (forgot the correct names, you'll find it)

Now, put that on an easy to reach button.

As long as you are flying along, you shall use glide view now, for scanning the skies.

Once a fight begins, toggle to "static angles view". That is even faster than TrackIR for a quick check six.

I have never used padlock, never.


Last and best advice: GET TRACKIR rather sooner than later.

Make it an advanced/preponed Christmas present to yourself - you will LOVE yourself for that!

Edited by Olham

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Ras, no offence old chap, but that name...really. The King's Regulations clearly stipulate the need for a real name when signing up for military service. We simply don't hand out planes to Doodles or Dandies, Yankee or otherwise. lol.gif



I fear I was thinking about the New York Yankees and the baseball world series. grin.gif Put me down as William Christian Rasmussen, then. After my grandfather who was a WW1 vet in the US Navy.

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Now there would be a fun line-up with a bit of variety. N17bis and Tripe are both outstanding fighters, and truth be told the Tripe can fly circles around anything the Hun can put in the air, including the DR1. Even though it gives us single-gun fighters I would still vote for RNAS-1 as our scout outfit. Thanks for the heads-up on this unit Siggi.








RNAS-1 it is then. They get the twin-gun Tripe later on as well, and while it loses a bit of agility compared to the one-gun model it still flys rings around the Albs (just tried out the N17, Tripe and 2-gun Tripe).

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SWEET! The twin-gun Tripe. Ta, Siggi.


Ras, we can still have Buntie, Mutton, and Smilin' Billy paint "Yankee Doodle Dandy" on your kite Sir, along with that Uncle Sam top hat you requested.ok.gif







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Lou, your C.O. persona is up on the board (Elder), need a flying-persona name for you too. :good:

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Stiffy and all with no TrackIR:


"Pause" button is not forbidden, as far as I read. So you could "pause", mark a target, and continue.


But that kills immersion; here is something better: My joystick solution I used before TrackIR:


There is a command to toggle between "static angles view" and "glide view" (forgot the correct names, you'll find it)

Now, put that on an easy to reach button.

As long as you are flying along, you shall use glide view now, for scanning the skies.

Once a fight begins, toggle to "static angles view". That is even faster than TrackIR for a quick check six.

I have never used padlock, never.


Last and best advice: GET TRACKIR rather sooner than later.

Make it an advanced/preponed Christmas present to yourself - you will LOVE yourself for that!



I'll give that a try!


As for getting track ir... I think you all live in a very different world to me.



TrackIR = 1 months food. Not a hard choice for me lol

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but if anyone ever sees a trackir 3 going cheap....

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Sorry, but I have to cancel my participation in this campaign due to some RL issues. So one slot at the RNAS is free again dntknw.gif

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Sorry RL is keeping you from the campaign Manuc. If things change later on don't hesitate to transfer in then, we'll be glad to have you aboard Sir.







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SWEET! The twin-gun Tripe. Ta, Siggi.


Ras, we can still have Buntie, Mutton, and Smilin' Billy paint "Yankee Doodle Dandy" on your kite Sir, along with that Uncle Sam top hat you requested.ok.gif








You bet, and I am very excited about the Tripe and the twin gun version. My favorite airplanes.

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Siggi wrote:

Lou, your C.O. persona is up on the board (Elder), need a flying-persona name for you too.



Roger that Sir. My flying persona will be Flight Lt. Frederick W. Chapman, in an effort to honour two gazetted real life RNAS-2 flyers, Lt's Frederick Russell and Cyril Chapman. I hope I can do their memory proud.







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Ras, I had a hunch you'd be particularly fond of the Tripe assignment. :biggrin:









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Welcome in our team, Zoomzoom! We will be in FA(A) 250 for the twoseats, and after 17 hours,

or 5 kills, you will be flying an Albatros D II with our special group within Jasta 6.


Gentlemen, we seem to be even again, since Manuc had to leave, and Zoomzoom joined in:













Canvas Wings











Hasse Wind





Siggi, could I still change my pilot's name?

I'd like to fly as Juergen Jeschonnek, to honour Hans Jeschonnek from Jasta 40,

who was a far relative on my father's side.

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Meine Herren!


Intelligence reports, that our British competitors seem to be dancing with joy,

that they may be able to fly a twin gun craft for a short time in the near future.


Well, everyone what he can, I say - we will be flying twin gun fighters all the time!


Prosit on that!

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Red-Dogs Strutter ready for action Sir. Salute.gif



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Hmm - I had thought, personal skins should come only after being an ace / having 5 kills?

On the other hand, they do look nice...

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Salute.gif I have a suggestion on the subject of the disagreement over English sqns. Some want RNAS some want 54 becauswe of the time frame for replacement Bombers/ Fighters. How about, Letting those that want " Go Temporary Duty to the sqn they want , but send their TDY reports to 2 nd RNAs. In that manner No one needs to change the current set ups i,e, Reports, Boards, sgn numbers ect. drinks.gif

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Salute.gif I have a suggestion on the subject of the disagreement over English sqns. Some want RNAS some want 54 becauswe of the time frame for replacement Bombers/ Fighters. How about, Letting those that want " Go Temporary Duty to the sqn they want , but send their TDY reports to 2 nd RNAs. In that manner No one needs to change the current set ups i,e, Reports, Boards, sgn numbers ect. drinks.gif


No, nope, nein, nix, niet, nada, nish-nippori. :grin:

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Strange how unwilling you krumpets are to fly your excellent DH2's and Nupes and whatnots - we'd welcome you with open arms and twin Spandaus. :grin:

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