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USS New York

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I heard the history behind that ship. It is a very beutiful one, tought - apologies if anybody takes offence - an AEGIS Class Vessel would been more fitting.

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I heard the history behind that ship. It is a very beutiful one, tought - apologies if anybody takes offence - an AEGIS Class Vessel would been more fitting.


I think the idea of showing up somewhere with a Battalion Landing Team to go ashore and kick some @$$ is entirely fitting................



Edited by Typhoid

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I cant think of a more fitting memorial to the victims. Its great the way the steel has been reused. Everytime someone sees this ship it will remind them of the purpose of the war on terror. Salute.gif



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Way to go. Now go kick some @ss :good:

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I live near a ship yard that produces AEGIS destroyers, and I have to agree, it would have been sweet if the ship made from the steel of the trade towers was built here! :grin: BUT, i also agree that landing a battalion of troops on the shore from the steel of 9/11 is a pretty great thought too! That day was my 18th birthday and will be in my mind forever, now there is a happier thought to add to it! :salute:

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I live near a ship yard that produces AEGIS destroyers, and I have to agree, it would have been sweet if the ship made from the steel of the trade towers was built here! grin.gif BUT, i also agree that landing a battalion of troops on the shore from the steel of 9/11 is a pretty great thought too! That day was my 18th birthday and will be in my mind forever, now there is a happier thought to add to it! Salute.gif


I don't think so... why make it send more lives to battle...


Considering the number of friends I lost on 9/11... I would rather have seen it made into an AEGIS as well... however, with 2 huge stacks standing high and tall in the middle representing the 'Twins'... on the side of the hull, painted in huge white lettering "WE WILL NEVER FORGET" ... then permanently anchor the F'n bitch off the coast of IRAN in the Persian Gulf and keep pumping everything it had into any available target within it's range... for decades.


And everytime it blew something up... I'd like to hear that cool 'whoop-whoop' all clear siren blast. That's a more fitting memorial in my eyes. Take it right to the heart like they did to us... except they would collapse, we never will.



Edited by OvS

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I don't think so... why make it send more lives to battle...


Considering the number of friends I lost on 9/11... I would rather have seen it made into an AEGIS as well... however, with 2 huge stacks standing high and tall in the middle representing the 'Twins'... on the side of the hull, painted in huge white lettering "WE WILL NEVER FORGET" ... then permanently anchor the F'n bitch off the coast of IRAN in the Persian Gulf and keep pumping everything it had into any available target within it's range... for decades.


And everytime it blew something up... I'd like to hear that cool 'whoop-whoop' all clear siren blast. That's a more fitting memorial in my eyes. Take it right to the heart like they did to us... except they would collapse, we never will.




I agree one hundred and ten percent with your sentiments OvS, however geographically I have to suggest another local seeing as the AlQaeda scum, and the whole host of affiliated Sunni insurgents hate and loath the Iranian regime who are shiite (spellchecker doesn't like them either). The feelings of the Iranian extremists are actually closer to ours regarding them than you think, for example http://news.bbc.co.u...ast/8340535.stm I know they hate us (the West) too, and are just as fubar in the mentals, but just thought I'd clarify that! It would be like attacking the Royal Ulster Boys Brigade for something the IRA did if you get me? Cool, Gwyn drinks.gif

Edited by GwynO

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I agree one hundred and ten percent with your sentiments OvS, however geographically I have to suggest another local seeing as the AlQaeda scum, and the whole host of affiliated Sunni insurgents hate and loath the Iranian regime who are shiite (spellchecker doesn't like them either). The feelings of the Iranian extremists are actually closer to ours regarding them than you think, for example http://news.bbc.co.u...ast/8340535.stm I know they hate us (the West) too, and are just as fubar in the mentals, but just thought I'd clarify that! It would be like attacking the Royal Ulster Boys Brigade for something the IRA did if you get me? Cool, Gwyn drinks.gif


Regardless... the entire area over there should be turned into a heavy-weapons/ordnance testing ground for the US Military


I have no pity anymore... seems even the ones that we think will do us right, slam a huge knife in our back the first chance they get. Kuwait was a good example of that... "OK, Sadam Hussein gone... leave our country now".



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Regardless... the entire area over there should be turned into a heavy-weapons/ordnance testing ground for the US Military


I have no pity anymore... seems even the ones that we think will do us right, slam a huge knife in our back the first chance they get. Kuwait was a good example of that... "OK, Sadam Hussein gone... leave our country now".




You don't need pity, just do a bit of searching for the real culprits and prioritise. You don't win a huge furball by shooting off missiles at anything that gives a tone, you will shoot down friendlies, enemies and anyone who is near an all that will result is more of the same until one side or the other runs out of lives/materials. I am intrigued about Kuwait, as far as I was aware, they are about the most pro US, pro western Arab country of all. My next door neighbour worked out there throughout Gulf War 1 and for many years after, as I understood it, post Gulf War 1 Kuwait was a good place for business unknw.gif


Anyway.. the ship is what counts, so I'm going to bugger off and do some work.

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