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2nd mission Report :


VF-114 / CVA-63 Kitty Hawk Rolling Thunder – North VietNam


Date : 04/10/66


Task : Escort Denver flight (8 A-4 Skyhawk)


Target : Noi Bai airfield



Flight :


Anvil 11 : Ens Louis “Locker” Bernardino / Ens Kyle “Vampire” Hamond - 200


Anvil 12 : Ens Ray "Salmon" Richard / Ens Matthew "Toxic" Christianson - 201


Anvil 13 : Lt Roger "Tankard" Schumacher / Lt Gareth "Lawyer" Wise - 202


Anvil 14 : Lt jg Robair “Duster” Wilkinson / Ens John "Gorgone" Souder -203



Take off : 19:59 / Flight time : 13’


Ammo fired : 1 AIM-7E



Notes : Anvil 11 was shot down by AAA near Dong Suong.


Ens Bernardino and Ens Hamond are held POW.



When they returned back home, they retired to civil life...

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The triple A is now beyond incredible for a sim! All my thoughts now are on avoiding it as much as possible.

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Hehe my last two runs last night on single player missions got me chewed up by flak twice. It's pretty intense. The SA-2s are easy to avoid but man....

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Hi, here's my new pilot:


Ens Peter J. Raczesky


VF-114, CVA-63 Kitty Hawk – F-4B Phantom II – Take off 11.02 – Landing : unknown


Target : Quang Suoi barracks, vehicle port


1 barrack, 1 building and 1 MiG-17


Bison 11 : Ens Pete “Linger” Raczesky / Ens Mark “Snake” Short


Bison 12 : Ens Spence "Baron" Flagg / Lt jg Tom "Butcher" Speer


Bison 13 : Lt Samuel "Indian" McCoy / Lt jg Bud "Daisy" Ketchie


Bison 14: Lt jg Scott "Machine" Ruliffson / Lt jg James "Clockwise" Stender


Report :


At 11.02, Bison flight took off and headed to WP3 (460knt/1900ft).


As we reached WP3, we tried to lock on bandits but they were out of range to launch AIM-7.


When in range, I fired one AIM-7E with no result.


Entering DZ we saw the target very late as there was intense AAA barrage.


I dropped 6 Mk82 with no success. Bison 12 (Baron/Butcher) destroyed the primary target (vehicle port).


We turned and headed west full speed (Mach 0.9/500ft) when a MiG-17 passed in front of me.


I followed him and fired one AIM-9D. I saw the Sidewinder detonate but the MiG was still flying.


I heard Baron “You got one!”. They confirm that the MiG crashed after the Sidewinder explodes close to him.


Bison 13 and 14 destroyed several targets and joined up formation.



Edited by Cliff11

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I did have the intention of flying at least 1 mission a day but so far I have only managed 1. I plan on flying when I get home from work later though. I don't think I will go into as much detail with the AAR this time however.

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Double Ds. The concept sounds really interesting. I only saw this thread on New Year's Eve but decided to give it a try. Not too keen to attempt in WOV campaigns so decided to settle upon:


WOE August 06 patch

Mods: 1) Nato Fighters 1 with Environmental Mod

2) UberAI V2.0

3) Comms by USAFMTL


Campaign: Red Hammer, 21st August 1968

Campaign length: short (Very busy in real life so I only get to fly sims once in a while; sometimes a long while)

Difficulty settings: All hard except HUD mode and Black out - normal


Pilot: 2nd Lt Hans "Sabre" King of Danish Esk 730 squadron, flying the "Not so" Super Sabre F-100D.

Mission: Strike runway at Wittstock

Flight of 2 (fellow wingman another 2nd Lt)

Armament: 1 centreline 2000lb Mk84 and 2 pairs of M-117 with a pair of drop tanks; same setup for wingman.

Took off at about 5.20am


Initially the F-4D escort that was ahead was engaging MiGs enroute to target. But when my flight was near the IP waypoint noticed a MiG-21F-13 at 25K and my escorts were no where to be seen! My guess the Phantoms were out chasing MiGs and went far off the flight routes or they were all shot down (don't recall hearing any allied flights got shot down).


Then saw a MiG-17F heading my way at 9k feet. Passed my flight to the right and circled around. I decided to call my wingman to cover my 6. So he jettisoned the bombs and tanks and when to engage it. By then I was only a few miles away from the runway.


Climb for some attitude (was low to avoid SAMs) and then dived at the runway and dropped the bombs. the MK84 missed but the all the M-117 hit and destroyed the runway. Just as I engage the burner and turned to the new waypoint, my plane got hit by 23mm ZU-23. Plane on flammes and tumbling in the air. Pilot ejected.


Mission summary: Primary target destroyed - 3,000 points but my pilot went MIA, campaign over!


So what was the rule regarding MIA? :dntknw: Do our pilots get found and come back for another but latter campaign like POWs? :dntknw:

Edited by WLJet

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My pilot just bought the farm. Just went up on a MiG-CAP over Noi Bai airfield and ignored one too may 'SAM launch' calls by my wingman. an SA-2B hit me straight in the face as I was chasing a MiG-17. Unfortunately I forgot to start up FRAPS before going into combat so I have no shots of what was a rather spectacular death.


Round two. Im going to fly an FA/18 Hornet in ODS for the USN. Will post pilot details etc once I get it set up.





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I think MIA=KIA But others might a other opinion. In fact it had never been discussed so I'm open for suggestions.

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It's sad but realistic to say MIA=KIA.

I've read that Capt Roger C. Locher (USAF F-4D WSO) survived 23 days in north Vietnam after ejection 90 miles from the border, during Linebacker I.

He has been rescued, so he wasn't MIA...


Sorry for 2nd Lt Hans King... Salute.gif

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I didn't last too long either.


I had two campaigns going; one a F-8 pilot in Linebacker 1, the second an A-4E USMC pilot in Easter Offensive.


The A-4 pilot got through 3 missions. On the fourth mission I took it down a bit too aggressively to dodge a SAM and drove the jet into the water. I just wasn't expected the controls to be as heavy as they were with all the ords on the wings.


The F-8 pilot bought it on the 3rd mission. I was flying a strike mission against Kep airfield. Wow, what an absolute mess. I took the flight in at 14k until 10nm from feet dry. Dropped the flight down to 200' with SAMs just going off everywhere. It was just silly. Got through the coastal SAM belt, took the flight up to 500'. Hit the seconds SAM belt near Hanoi and dropped back down to 200'. Ran right over top of a AAA site that just lit me up completely. Plane caught fire, climbed to 1,000' and punched out. Spent the rest of the war in the Hanoi Hilton.


The SAMs are just brutal in N. Vietnam. I don't want to derail the thread, but is stand-off jamming modeled at all in this sim? It's absolute suicide over N. Vietnam right now in an F-8.


Anyway, going to start a new pilot, just not sure what I want to fly yet.

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Ok my new pilot is Miguel 'Manny' Santa Cruz. Flying for the VFA-81 Sunliners during Operation Desert Storm in the FA-18A Hornet. Only mods (apart from ODS itself ) is the END mod. Im not going in to as much detail with this pilot as it is too time consuming for me at the moment.



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Damn I haven't had a full hour yet where I could play. envy you guys

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Got through the first mission alright even if i didn't hit a thing. Luckily i figured out what loadout would work with my guys and so they didn't go Tard on me.


Well, i'm off on a strike up North now, wish me luck fellows!

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Good luck LT

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Ahhhhhhh the horrors!


Long flight to Vihn, target already hit, chose alternate targets, dropped amid heavy AAA, lost wingman, long flight home, game crashes when i'm less than 25 miles from home.


Had enough for today, will try again tommorrow.

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Well my last comment didn't help me at all... Ens Andrews was put in the hospital but got the Air Medal for being stupid and getting his jet all shot up flying straight and level for longer than 20 seconds... lost the port wheel didn't notice until I was on finals and did a quick check was a bit of a mess the entire flight...



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I feel your pain Lt. been there myself. Never trust a computer you cant throw out of the window

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LT I have one of those soft hammers that you get at funfairs over here in Blighty and when I get annoyed with PC I beat the living daylights out of it with said Soft hammer... Also I work in IT and I keep meaning to get another one to have in the office... :lol:


Yeah its annoying I know but this is what makes DiD so much fun is the PC gonna crash or isn't it you could look at it as though you made the mission okay but there was a failure in the Jet on the way home... :salute:

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I'm so sick and tired of having to do with inferior gear.



I really got an urge to empty my bank account and pick up one of those state of the art gaming rigs you see in places like CPU magazine. There are other things i'd like to do with the comp but if it can't even handle the newer TW sims, how can it possibly run something like a top of the line Pro Tools program.


I truely hate having second rate equipment. Even my monitor is a loser.


Just can't ever seem to win.

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LT I have one of those soft hammers that you get at funfairs over here in Blighty and when I get annoyed with PC I beat the living daylights out of it with said Soft hammer... Also I work in IT and I keep meaning to get another one to have in the office... :lol:


Yeah its annoying I know but this is what makes DiD so much fun is the PC gonna crash or isn't it you could look at it as though you made the mission okay but there was a failure in the Jet on the way home... :salute:


My approach would be to unplug the comp, walk out into the desert with it, set it down and blast it with my shotgun and pistol.

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