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That "other WW1 flight sim"

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It'll certainly be interesting to see how Patrick Wilson's ROF Campaign add on works out, and it amazes me just how much he's done on it so far with no help from NeoQB. What I do find disturbing is how in about 8-10 weeks (? AFAIK), he's managed singlehandedly, and without access to the NeoQB coding, to produce a campaign system (within the boundaries set by aircraft availability) which appears to be persuading lots of previously disillusioned ROFers to keep giving ROF a punt.


If he could do that, in the time frame quoted, then what have NeoQB, who have direct, complete control over the code and game been up to since the release of ROF, when the initial howls about the campaign first arose?

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The "other WWI flight sim" ? First Eagles??? :grin:


I love First Eagles! I may reinstall that later tonight.


That train busting co-op mission in RoF also sounds like it might be fun too. It might be a busy night.


The important thing to remember is that loving one WWI flight sim does not preclude one from loving the others as well. They're not wives. We can have more than one and appreciate the good qualities of each.


We also don't need to pick sides, declare the other side evil, and defend our side to the death.


This may be an odd thing to say on a forum about a game devoted to simulating war, but "Peace to all". :grin:

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It'll certainly be interesting to see how Patrick Wilson's ROF Campaign add on works out, and it amazes me just how much he's done on it so far with no help from NeoQB. What I do find disturbing is how in about 8-10 weeks (? AFAIK), he's managed singlehandedly, and without access to the NeoQB coding, to produce a campaign system (within the boundaries set by aircraft availability) which appears to be persuading lots of previously disillusioned ROFers to keep giving ROF a punt.


If he could do that, in the time frame quoted, then what have NeoQB, who have direct, complete control over the code and game been up to since the release of ROF, when the initial howls about the campaign first arose?



you mean the Patrick Wilson who helped make the WFP the most time-tested and awesome WWI flight sim patch thus far? (no offense to OFF, because I think it will inevitably surpass the WFP one day-- and this is in spite of having exponentially fewer people on the development team, and more complex demands from the game)


he told us (back when I was in JG1) that he was leaving RB3d to work on another flight sim-- but I didn't realize that was the one.

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Used to have this old board game when I was a kid. The folks gave it to my cousins when I moved away in 81 and from what I heard, they destroyed it. Would be neat to have it for old time's sake.



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Well I gave the other WW1 flight sim a whirl some months ago but uninstalled it after a few disappointments.Today after reading of the wonders the new patches had wrought I tried to give it another go.After a five hour install and downloads session the blasted thing refused to load but blandly advised me that an uninstall and reinstall may solve the problem.Another five hours!!!

The bloody thing is now where it belongs and I remain a sadder but wiser old man.

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I still have the original RW Avalon Hill game along with the original Luftwaffe Avlalon Hill game. Used to have Avalon Hill's Squad Leader but sold it on ebay a while back. Don't you love the old games! I play them still from time to time.

Edited by Axgrinder

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I still have my Amiga and copy of Wings. I don't think I'll give 'er a go tho. Wings is also available for the Nintendo Advance. I have it but that screen is so small. What I have seen of the Advance version seems to be equal to the Amiga. Shows you what technology can do in a few years time.

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Hehe....used to play PanzerLeader....or was it Panzer Commander....I dunno which now but it was an Avalon Hill board game, back when I was in grade school and my older brothers were in high school. Geesh, you shoulda earned a college-degree for digesting and memorizing the tenets of those rule books back then. Near akin to a phone book in size!!! I'm glad we have computers now to do it all for us.....ah the atrophy.no.gif



Edited by zoomzoom

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I still have Panzer Blitz, with about ten extra boards and loads of extra counters. Squad Leader, Over the Reich (or something like that), a WW1 jobbie. Me and my brother used to set the PB up on trestle-tables and play it for days at a time.


Then came the PCs and games like Combat Mission (which I accurately predicted, circa 1980, before personal computers had even been invented :grin: ).

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I have just played ROF for the first time and after hours of game update. The graphics are GREAT but the game play compared to BH&H can never be compared!


Pls, never change the engine if the feel of BH&H will be lost.


Roger roger.










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Like Siggi, this is the only "big" flight sim I have decided not to buy ( at the moment )


I am not a fanbio of any one sim, I take each on its merits. However, the reason i passed on ROF was the online requirement. Simple as that.


I am a rare OFF user, ( I think ), in that I am not too bothered by the campaign- I'm a QC man- love the quick dogfight etc - so ROF would have suited me where it doesn't suit many OFFers because of the campaign thing.


But I'm not going to buy a sim that i can then only use as long as someone keeps a server going. With no guarantee that it will be there next week, let alone next year!. Apart from the security issues there may or may not be in such an arrangement.


If that requirement is dropped I'd buy it - I think many others would too. I hope so, and that Neoqb realize that and change the status quo, but I'm not holding my breath.

I'd like to give it a go though!

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Anyone ever play Aces of Aces? Have a look HERE.



It was pretty revolutionary at the time (pre-PC), two players each had a booklet and chose maneuvers each game turn (see 'em at the bottom of page). The booklets sort of 'computed' the end result of the two moves and if you landed on page 20, Blammo!!! Head to head guns blazing...


There was even a radial vs. radial version (Dr1 vs Camel, of course) and an inline version. I still have my copy of it believe it or not, used to play with my brother on long car trips in Canada. Someone told me they are collectors items now.

Edited by Bandy

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Well, I reinstalled RoF last night and then bought their combo sale pack of the Camel and the DR.1. I tried the DR.1 for a while, and it was actually kind of fun. I think I ended every single mission nose into the ground, but I think with time I might actually be able to learn to fly it. It's tricky, though, that's for sure.


The flight models in RoF definitely make for harder flying than in OFF. I'm certainly not convinced, though, that it's because they're more accurate, especially given the random nature of occurrences over there. There are RoF fans, I'm sure who will tell me my troubles are just because I'm a lousy pilot. That makes me really mad, because I have no come back. It's true. I suck.:sad:


In the nostalgia vein, I started with Red Baron on a 286, but my biggest obsession was probably Wings of Glory. I still have the original CD and aircraft recognition poster from that game. Maybe I'll try later to see if I can get it to run in a DOS emulator.


What really got me going on WWI aviation was reading The Bandy Papers, which is sort of like a Canadian Biggles, only much better written. Not long ago I convinced my wife to read them, and she went straight through the whole series. As well as great stories, they're also hilarious and full of really clever puns, which my wife appreciates. Donald Jack is the author. Not sure if many people outside of Canada have heard of the series, which is a shame.


EDIT: Just noticed who it was who wrote the post above me. Heh.

Edited by Schnitzel von Krumm

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Yeah Bandy, I do remember that one...always wanted to play it back in the day, but only saw it once in a some store, and never saw it again....seemed a pretty innovative flight game....pre PC of course.grin.gif Good for a car trip with your screaming brothers though.


Siggi, who made Panzer Biltz? I can relate to your account, we'd often keep our Mom's dining room table a "warzone" for weeks on end as well. Ahhh the days.no.gif



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Hey Schnitzel, those Bandy Papers sounded interesting so I checked on the Paperback Swap. They had 2 copies of That's Me in the Middle - The Jounals of Bartholomew Bandy Volume Two

and a copy of the 6th book so I ordered one of each. Thanks for the hot tip!

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I used to fly for a living in the British Army, and amonst the types in my log book are the Chipmunk, Tiger Moth and Beaver. The only time I can remember when the conditions were that turbulent that it threw the aircraft's nose around as much as in RoF was on a low level photo recon sortie at 200' AGL in Northern ireland. The target was in a dell surrounded by low lying hills and the wind shear of those buggers bounced us up and down so hard my chinagraph pencil actually launched itself out of my top pocket and hit the roof!


It was pretty interesting seeing the very solid wings of a De Haviland Beaver flap like those of a bird while having to overfly the target 6 times :heat:


Even in gusty conditions I never had the nose of the Tiger Moth I flew for pleasure in Hong Kong (not mine - it belonged to Dave Baker, senior pilot with Cathay Pacific Airways) bounce around like the aircraft in RoF.


There's full reality and there's flying in a bloody hurricane, which is what the RoF developers have opted for.


Vasco :pilotfly:

Edited by Vasco

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Are engine failures moddled into ROF?


Lost it a few times over the front..


Also I think landing is just as dangerous as combat i can touch down ok its just when the ac slows down, a lot of the time it swings round and damages my lower wing.


I had an idea too


Seems a few of us have it.. later in time we could form up an online squderon for it?

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I still have Panzer Blitz, with about ten extra boards and loads of extra counters. Squad Leader, Over the Reich (or something like that), a WW1 jobbie. Me and my brother used to set the PB up on trestle-tables and play it for days at a time.


Then came the PCs and games like Combat Mission (which I accurately predicted, circa 1980, before personal computers had even been invented :grin: ).

For me was Panzer General best ever wargame.



Anyone ever play Aces of Aces? Have a look HERE.

I played Fokker E.III vs Airco DH 2. Great fun.



There's full reality and there's flying in a bloody hurricane, which is what the RoF developers have opted for.

So you think that the flying and the planes behaviour are exaggerated?

And what is your opinion about the DM?


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For me was Panzer General best ever wargame.



I prefred Historyline 1914-1918

Played this for hours on the Amiga 1200




The intro gives you a massive history lesson to why it all started..


I persoinally thought it was because Artchie Duke got hungry and shot an ostrich :P

Edited by Pappy55

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Yeah Bandy, I do remember that one...always wanted to play it back in the day, but only saw it once in a some store, and never saw it again....seemed a pretty innovative flight game....pre PC of course.grin.gif Good for a car trip with your screaming brothers though.


Siggi, who made Panzer Biltz? I can relate to your account, we'd often keep our Mom's dining room table a "warzone" for weeks on end as well. Ahhh the days.no.gif




Panzer Blitz was made by Avalon Hill.

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In the nostalgia vein, I started with Red Baron on a 286, but my biggest obsession was probably Wings of Glory. I still have the original CD and aircraft recognition poster from that game. Maybe I'll try later to see if I can get it to run in a DOS emulator.


I have been trying to get WOG to run in Dosbox. I can get the sound to work and the game to work, but I can't get Dosbox to recognise my USB joystick. In the WOG days I ran it on a 286 with a long soundblaster card with a games port on it, so the joystick used the games port.


OTOH WOG taught me bad flying habits. In a dogfight I would go into extreme turn mode until I got behind the enemy and fill him full of holes. In OFF if I try that I normally stall and dig a hole in the ground.


I did like the automatic landing in WOG - in OFF I have had to learn how to land properly :blink: Sometimes with not too good results if I'm not concentrating.

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So you think that the flying and the planes behaviour are exaggerated?

And what is your opinion about the DM?



Very difficult to say Von Paulus as I've never taken damage while flying the Tiger Moth, but at least when you're damaged in RoF you can see the effects as well as the change in handling. In OFF the bloody kite can be unflyable but you're lucky to see a single bullethole in the airframe.

Vasco :pilotfly:

Edited by Vasco

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I have been trying to get WOG to run in Dosbox. I can get the sound to work and the game to work, but I can't get Dosbox to recognise my USB joystick. In the WOG days I ran it on a 286 with a long soundblaster card with a games port on it, so the joystick used the games port.


OTOH WOG taught me bad flying habits. In a dogfight I would go into extreme turn mode until I got behind the enemy and fill him full of holes. In OFF if I try that I normally stall and dig a hole in the ground.


I did like the automatic landing in WOG - in OFF I have had to learn how to land properly :blink: Sometimes with not too good results if I'm not concentrating.


I have the same habbit..


I always end up in a turn fight, Need to fight properly

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I prefred Historyline 1914-1918

Played this for hours on the Amiga 1200

Yes! :good:

It's the second best ever wargame. Quite fantastic. Almost as good as Panzer General.

I smell Retro gamers here......

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Hey Schnitzel, those Bandy Papers sounded interesting so I checked on the Paperback Swap. They had 2 copies of That's Me in the Middle - The Jounals of Bartholomew Bandy Volume Two

and a copy of the 6th book so I ordered one of each. Thanks for the hot tip!


They're very serialized and make a lot more sense if you read them in order. It's worth collecting them all, if you can find them.


I have a spare copy of volume six you can have. If you PM me an address I can send it to, I'll throw it in the mail for you.


I've owned the complete series three times and given them away to friends every time. Inevitably, a few years later I end up wanting to read them again and have to start hunting them down all over again. It gets a little harder every time, since some of them were first published in the 60s.


I'm going to hang onto my set this time, because some of them are getting kind of hard to find. You can have my spare "This One's on Me" though if you want it.


There's a site HERE for the small publisher that's taken up the cause of preserving Donald Jack's legacy. Most of the books have been reissued thanks to them. Hopefully they'll get going on Vol. 1, because according to their link to Amazon, used copies are currently going for $998.

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