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Modelling porn.

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Man, this model can really introduce you to the details of the craft better than most photos I saw.

A very good modeller's work!

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Modelling to the extreme. Almost too good, hehe, looks ready to go to war. Humbling if you fancy yourself a modeler.

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Just read, there where at least three different Rolls Royce engines powerwise in the Brisfit?

I think it varied from 190 hp to 220 or even 240 hp?

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Damn you, Siggi! This made me pile up all my models, dump my paint, glue, and thinner over them, and set the whole mess on fire. grin.gif

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Damn you, Siggi! This made me pile up all my models, dump my paint, glue, and thinner over them, and set the whole mess on fire. grin.gif



What's with the smiley face like you're joking about it?? I really did it.



I would have smashed the thing into a million pieces somewhere around the wicker seat basket thing.


Every time I see one of these model threads the detail levels these guys model at get higher and hihger. I can't get over how good the cables look.



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What's with the smiley face like you're joking about it?? I really did it.


Oh, I did it. It's just that fires always put me in a good mood. That's why I got in the fire service grin.gif

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I can't model worth a darn. That's why this Paleolithic Man has gone back to bashing rocks. This is green obsidian that I got for Xmas. Amazingly, I didn't ruin it. This is a copy of a Teotihuacan atlatl dart point, made in their favorite material.


It makes me feel like I got some manhood left after seeing Siggi's thread.

Edited by Bullethead

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Flaming heck... thats patience and then some... and Siggi your right thats modelling porn...But it don't half look pretty...

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Here's another model builder of WWI planes, the best I have ever seen.. scratch builds the stuff, lots of brass, lazer etching, etc.


An example:

Fokker D-VII



His name is Ken Foran, see more here



Just to get an idea of the scale: :heat:


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Is it a 1:1 model?


Even the wicker seat - Wow!!


I'm also assuming he's hand painted the German lozenges? Just incredible.


You're a credit to Oz Beeza1. Fantastic stuff.

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Des has posted several of his model builds on "The Aerodrome" Model page, including a Wingnut Wings SE5a. All of his work is superb, and he receives much deserved praise from the gurus at the modelling page there.


I have been taught many a good lesson from this guy. He quite freely explains all his techniques and is happy to correspond in private as well. Don't you just LOVE the scratchbuilt wicker seat?? Expertise plus.


He lives not far from me (geographically, its a bit over two hours on my bike [three if I stick to speed limit]) and has invited me to view his collection. I think I might go.

Edited by Check Six

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wow, absolutely amazing!

we should make a sticky with pics of models like that. would be a shame if such masterpieces would get lost into forums nirvana within the days.


btw. that looks so damn real, wouldn't be surprised if the model is really flyable with a working engine. wouldn't also be surprised if the little spandau can shoot small bullets grin.gif

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One day, one of these guys will breed a Humunculus small enough

to wear a pilots suit, helmet, goggles and gloves made by our modeller,

and to fit into his model.


Bullet, I destroyed my WW2 models age of 19, when I realised, how bad they where.

I fitted lots of firework into them, set them up in the garden, poured traces of benzin

to connect the firework and set it alight.

I wished I could have had a video cam to make a nice slo mo of it all.

My mother was seriously worried about my mental state those days, I remember.

It was short - but it was great fun.

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These must either take many, many months to make...or the guys have too much time on their hands

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        Ken Follet is LEGENDARY!! I remember his Albatros some 15 years ago, was absolutely amazing!! Weird only, I can´t find any pic of it!! BTW, I almost finished my current modeling project, nothing to do with WWI really but still, I´m going to post some photos here when it´s all done!!








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This guys are really artisans with outstanding skills.

Edited by Von Paulus

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One day, one of these guys will breed a Humunculus small enough

to wear a pilots suit, helmet, goggles and gloves made by our modeller,

and to fit into his model.


I'm convinced that these guys have already gone further that this. They've all sold their souls in exchange for control over teams of tiny imp craftsmen. These imps do all the actual work, like weaving wicker seats, making itty bitty MGs, and fitting them all together, all with supernatural skill. I mean, even if a human could see well enough to make stuff that small, there's no way he could manipulate the parts that well.


I submit that when these modelers complain of sore backs and eyes, it's from sitting naked in pentagrams all night in a room filled with smoke from burning brimstone and sacrificial victims grin.gif

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I'm convinced that these guys have already gone further that this. They've all sold their souls in exchange for control over teams of tiny imp craftsmen. These imps do all the actual work, like weaving wicker seats, making itty bitty MGs, and fitting them all together, all with supernatural skill. I mean, even if a human could see well enough to make stuff that small, there's no way he could manipulate the parts that well.


I submit that when these modelers complain of sore backs and eyes, it's from sitting naked in pentagrams all night in a room filled with smoke from burning brimstone and sacrificial victims grin.gif


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A wicker seat by Ken Foran and a cast one he made to show the difference. Part of his Camel series of photos (click here)

These end up as limited edition collectibles.





The seat in the Camel:


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.....when these modelers complain of sore backs and eyes, it's from sitting naked in pentagrams all night in a room filled with smoke from burning brimstone and sacrificial victims....



I bet their notion of real Hell is their youngest grandson coming to visit. (Curiously, that's also probably their grandsons notion of absolute heaven).




On the subject of burning models, when I was a nipper, the fireplace became theatre of war where tanks and aeroplanes would meet their firey end. One particular time, alone in the house, a Tiger tank brewed up particularly well, (those pesky 1:32 jobs, waaayyy too much plastic involved), and set the chimney on fire.




Well not really, being a resourceful young chap, I filled a bucket of water and using my bicycle pump, squirted water up the lumb, successfully putting out the fire. Next, was the mammoth job of clearing up the mess, which I set about with great gusto, expecting my parents back at any minute. One fireplace, spotless, one rug, spotless, one silly young laddie, spotless. YES!!! Got away with it. Yayooo!


Dad came home. "Have a chimney fire?"


Wha? How the f.....? EVERYTHING is spotless!! The PERFECT crime!


He took me outside to see lawn outside, covered in soot.



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I bet their notion of real Hell is their youngest grandson coming to visit. (Curiously, that's also probably their grandsons notion of absolute heaven).




On the subject of burning models, when I was a nipper, the fireplace became theatre of war where tanks and aeroplanes would meet their firey end. One particular time, alone in the house, a Tiger tank brewed up particularly well, (those pesky 1:32 jobs, waaayyy too much plastic involved), and set the chimney on fire.




Well not really, being a resourceful young chap, I filled a bucket of water and using my bicycle pump, squirted water up the lumb, successfully putting out the fire. Next, was the mammoth job of clearing up the mess, which I set about with great gusto, expecting my parents back at any minute. One fireplace, spotless, one rug, spotless, one silly young laddie, spotless. YES!!! Got away with it. Yayooo!


Dad came home. "Have a chimney fire?"


Wha? How the f.....? EVERYTHING is spotless!! The PERFECT crime!


He took me outside to see lawn outside, covered in soot.





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