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Lt. James Cater

Upload Quota Reached..

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Ran into this a few hours ago.


Looks like i reached my upload limit and so i figured i'd ask here on what happens next.



Edited by Lt. James Cater

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you cannot download anything else until you bring back a shrubbery!lol.gif


sorry misread uploads youll hafta fight the black knight.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Ran into this a few hours ago.


Looks like i reached my upload limit and so i figured i'd ask here on what happens next.




I am assuming things like screen shots etc? You need to delete the stuff you don't need is my guess.

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Oh, what sad times are these when passing moderators can say 'ni' at will on forums.

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Ran into this a few hours ago.


Looks like i reached my upload limit and so i figured i'd ask here on what happens next.





Give tinypic a try (as a place to drop screenshots) - http://tinypic.com

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I think this is all pretty strange considering that some people here have way more stuff uploaded than me.


Perhaps i should go with an offsite solution.

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I see things have taken a turn for the worst the moderators have stumbled into Monty Python mode...


And with the Shrubbery do you require a white picket fence...???

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I think this is all pretty strange considering that some people here have way more stuff uploaded than me.


Perhaps i should go with an offsite solution.



Everyone seems to just upload directly to the forum posts. It's much better, and much more organized if you create an album on this site and simply upload to that...and attach pic to your post from it. No need for an OFFSITE solution, when everything is right here.



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Stop that, stop that! It's silly...

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Everyone seems to just upload directly to the forum posts. It's much better, and much more organized if you create an album on this site and simply upload to that...and attach pic to your post from it. No need for an OFFSITE solution, when everything is right here.






i'll try creating an album and see what happens. Just a few minutes ago i tried to post something again on the "Screenshot Thread" and it was a No/Go with this message.


Error This upload failed.


Used 40.12MB of your 40MB global upload quota (Max. single file size: 1000MB


Edit-set up an album, uploaded a few pics and tried but couldn't figure out how to get image info to the "Browse" section for uploading.


Hate to ask, but can anyone give a step by step so i don't mess things up?

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Well, your pics seem to show up just fine in your album (though your album is marked Private, not sure why). Anyway, once they are in your album, it's easy to get them into a thread.



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Well, your pics seem to show up just fine in your album (though your album is marked Private, not sure why). Anyway, once they are in your album, it's easy to get them into a thread.




I noticed the private setting and so changed that. I also found out where to delete old pics and so got rid of enough to be able to post briefing screens in the DID thread.


What i'm trying to figure out is exactly how to connect a pic from the Album to the Browse so that it posts as a pic. I'm decent enough at figuring out certain things but this one has me stumped.

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Easy as pie.


Goto your gallery and click on the picture you want to put in the forum.


In the lower right of the page, you'll see an area called Share.


Under that, you'll see a line called Image Link, with a URL in the box. Copy that URL.


Then, in the thread you want the shot, goto the Quick Post section, you'll see a button that looks like a picture, and it says Insert Image. Click on that button, and a small window will pop up asking you to put in the URL you just copied.


Paste the URL, then click the Insert Image button and it will write a line in your post that looks like your URL with |img| and |/img| after it.


That's it!


You should end up with something like this:





Edited by FastCargo

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one can always go into "My Profile" look for the 'manage attachments' button, open that section and delete all the old attachments.



kevin stein

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certain photos have to remain due to specific thread subjects. I've gone through and deleted a few but some just can't be removed for a while.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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