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Rockwell/MBB F-31A Mustang II Version 1.0 for SF2

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Rockwell/MBB F-31A Mustang II Version 1.0 for SF2

Rockwell/MBB F-31A Mustang II.


Read the Readme.txt file for installation instructions and credits.






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This is s**t hot Mike! Thank you.

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Thanks. I've been waiting for this..........:good:

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Dels,my friend...


this small bird is an eagle!

The post stall flight is pure adrenaline,I'm enthusiast flying it on ext views,this will be my fav for a long time heavy g flghts!

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Excellent model. I've got some kind of weird attactment problem with the gear door stations, but I'm digging into a fix:)


Thanks for the model, havent' flown this since the days of Jane's Fighters Anthology! :good:

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Guest rscsjsuso5

hey dwcace if u are talking about the back gear doors of landing gear area it has to do with weapons






















all relating get rid of moving pylon area



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Great works Dels - one of the very best 'modern era' add-ons.

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Thanks for the fix, it's still off when the gears are deployed, but looking mUCH better while in flight! :grin:

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Guest rscsjsuso5

if u mean when the landing gears are deployed the weapons pylon will not attach to weapon , then thats for dels but when retrated the pylons will stick to the weapon and thus the weapons and gears doors are all cramped up in that location . i see now and get it don't have fix .

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Hells Bells Dels


That is brilliant.


ATF was the first sim I bought and I have been wanting this forever.


Thanks man. :good:

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Thanks, Dels,


I have a question. I hope it's not dumb.

It must be something I'm doing wrong, since noone else has asked about this.

The hud on my installation seems to be missing some symbology, velocity vector, altitude ladder/pitch ladder(?), not sure exactly what it's called, gun pipper.

I've downloaded and reinstalled twice.

Maybe I've missed an installation step?


Thanks for your help, and excellent work.

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HAs it been fixed in the end the rotating pylon on the landing gear weapon stations?

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Are you using SF2 or have you converted it for SF1? If this is the case there wont be a fix because IIRC the first gen sim don't support that functionality.



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I understand. I was using it in SF1 install. I will try in the SF2

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Attached files update the canopy to include reflection.




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Many thanks Dels for your update!!! :good:

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