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Cool find!

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Bringing the OV-10 back is not a new idea, it's been proposed several times...unfortunately, this is one of those "doesn't look sexy enough and it's too old" ideas that never makes it very far.


The AT-6B was the front runner for the contract the last time I checked.


It's too bad...for current ops it's a great platform.



Edited by FastCargo

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Bring it back? I see a couple every day here, parked down by the DoS hangar. I used to see them fly a lot, but not recently...

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Interesting find - interesting comments on the site too :)

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Story I heard was that Boeing didn't (or wouldn't be able to) submit their tender on time...

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New equipment can be a hard sell when it looks exactly like something that has been around for ages. It doesn't matter whether it would make sense or not. Given the current focus of CAS I would totally think that building all new A-10s would be a good idea (Not to mention that it's unlikely that the projected costs would explode right after the contract is signed, as it seems to be granted these days for pretty much every major aircraft project...), but it would probably be shot down with the argument that the A-10 is an ancient design and doesn't provide any new fancy technology (like you would need stealth to drop a bomb on some Taliban or strafe some APCs)

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New equipment can be a hard sell when it looks exactly like something that has been around for ages. It doesn't matter whether it would make sense or not. Given the current focus of CAS I would totally think that building all new A-10s would be a good idea (Not to mention that it's unlikely that the projected costs would explode right after the contract is signed, as it seems to be granted these days for pretty much every major aircraft project...), but it would probably be shot down with the argument that the A-10 is an ancient design and doesn't provide any new fancy technology (like you would need stealth to drop a bomb on some Taliban or strafe some APCs)


Imagine the A-10 with double GAU-8 Avengers :yikes:

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Boeing is currently shipping the first of up to 232 new wingsets to Hill AFB to rewing A-10s. Those planes aren't going anywhere!

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Boeing is currently shipping the first of up to 232 new wingsets to Hill AFB to rewing A-10s. Those planes aren't going anywhere!


I know. And if I had anything to say about it the F-35 would never get the chance to replace the Hog. :grin:

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Story I heard was that Boeing didn't (or wouldn't be able to) submit their tender on time...


Imagine that. I wonder if they'll threaten to sue again.

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Well, they had their job replaced by an existing plane. I don't think the A-10 is high on the list of priorities to be replaced right now, older high-time F-16s come first.

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