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When they tried to spank me I threatened to call the cops on them for child abuse :rofl:


Well that answers a lot about you. :good:


I got spanked in Texas in 1977 when I was in kindergarten. Then again in 1st grade. Wow I am not having to see a therapist over it. The current school system suck and colleges are even worse. I have never seen a bigger bunch of douche bags over the last few years then I have seen ever. They are crap know it all with a piece of paper and ZERO common f***ing sense. "I can change the world!!!!! To the way I see it." Piss off you worthless wankers.

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Coming from Mississippie (don't edit that spelling mod Dave) I'll say the Paddle Rules!


Or it did at one time at least.

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When they tried to spank me I threatened to call the cops on them for child abuse :rofl:


LOL...my best friend did that one day, back around the time we were in Fourth grade {'67-'68). The cops arrived, assessed the situation, winked at my friend's dad, and took my friend for a ride in their squad car. Whatever those cops said to him, or whatever they showed him, he never pulled that stunt again.

Edited by Fubar512
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Coming from Mississippie (don't edit that spelling mod Dave) I'll say the Paddle Rules!


Or it did at one time at least.


In our school the paddle actually had a name..."Holy Joe" :yikes:

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I know for a fact that i would NEVER send a kid to the local(Clark County,Nevada) public school system.

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Guest Raden

I know for a fact that i would NEVER send a kid to the local(Clark County,Nevada) public school system.


Hi all,


Matter of fact, I did not want to say further re the on-going issue on the schooling/education system. I shall not take ur time for long: have we all read THE HIDDEN HANDS by Ralp Epperson? 


I stumbled on the old book at a Flea Market in the States years ago during lunch time. No more in print, yet, I believe it is still available for DL On-Line somewhere, someplace. It's a thick one, like the Bible! I've read it several times now.



Following is an attachment (in text format on one single page)


Kindly read them. And if I may propose, let us change the subject later. Thank you, and thanks as well IF this post of mine causes me a much further MINUS......


ps. When u hear (from my eldest boy) that I 'move to an other plane,' namely, stop breathing -- u will all say: "Eject/Raden was right."



Edited by Raden

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The problem is that when you send a "good" kid to school they're invariably exposed to far too many "bad" kids now from worthless "parents" and the whole lot get soiled. :sad:

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Do you still have it?

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The problem is that when you send a "good" kid to school they're invariably exposed to far too many "bad" kids now from worthless "parents" and the whole lot get soiled. :sad:


Are you kidding??? We don't have kids anymore... we have small college students.


I have a 9 year old in 4th grade.... we study together (History, Basic Electricity, Advanced Algebra, English and Spanish as some examples... there are plenty more) every single night .... she stopped being a kid at 4. I now have a 9 year old College Student. She gets stressed out, is pressured all week to do 3+ hours of homework every night... has to study for tests days in advance... practice her Cello, read 20+ minutes mandatory.... I have to sign EVERYTHING... etc.. etc.. playtime... for get it... it's gone.


In 1969 we went to the Moon with the smartest AMERICAN men on this planet... those men did not have to endure the same crap as our kids do in their childhood. What's the point.... these kids today are hammered to death with this stuff... and yet Obamtron just canceled the Orion project... so even if we have the smartest kids on the planet.. what the hell are we going to do with them?


Boys play with guns.... we used to play 'Army' in my backyard all the time... it's part of growing up. Nope... now we chain them inside the house because of fear from all the pedophiles allow to breathe air... they play PS3 all day long Saturday/Sunday, and after school... and Obamatron's wife has the balls to point out that out kids are becoming too obese.



Edited by OvS

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Do you still have it?


OMG no...lol One was lucky if most of this stuff survived to the following Christmas (planned obsolescence, and all that). Even if it did, it was usually discarded or, if it was still serviceable, passed along to younger relatives or friends.


When I was in my early teens, my mother convinced me to give away my Lionel Train collection to a younger cousin. I obliged, as by then, I'd long since lost interest in the hobby, and it was doing nothing more than collecting dust in our attic.


Fast forward to 1979 or so, when I was in my early 20's. An acquaintance at work was showing us pictures of his Lionel trains. I picked out some familiar items, and then described to him some of the other locomotives and rolling stock that I'd once owned. He literally flipped out when I casually mentioned, that I'd given tehm all away to a 10-year old cousin, a scant 8 years before :yikes: He replied that one set in particular, was worth over $2000 at the time, mostly because of it's aluminum "A" and "B" locomotives (they'd switched to plastic sometime in the early 1960s).


I'd imagine that they're worth substantially more, today...

Edited by Fubar512

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I'd imagine that they're worth substantially more, today...


Yah. Thinking back to all the Star Wars (first time around) and GI Joe (4" figures)

toys I had and DESTROYED! Oh well, one of the joys of childhood I guess.



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Are you kidding??? We don't have kids anymore... we have small college students.


Agreed, except the cracks about Obama. He's getting blamed for so much s**t that goes back way way further than a year.


It's absurd the ammount schools pile onto students, and then it's still not "enough" to them and we had so much less than when "they" were young. Really? When did you have the time for all the things you told us you did when you were our age? And it continues into grad school the same as in middle school. Every teacher/professor assigns work and reading as if his class is the only thing you're taking and should fill all your time.


I usually go to work in the morning, then have an hour to eat and drive to class. After class it's 8:30-9:00 and it takes a good 45 minutes to get home. Repeat 3 days a week, the other two is just work 9-5. So when do I have time for 100 pages per class a week and 3 15 page papers all due in the span of 3-4 days?


And it was no different in high school, 7:30AM classes started, 8 and getting home about 4pm and 6 of the classes each gave homework out to last all night. I don't need to repeat the same damn string of equations 100 times to "reinforce" what I learned! I learn faster than the average jersey shore reject, I see it done once, I do it once or twice and I've got it down.


And don't get me started on literature! Every sentance doesn't have some freudian meaning behind it! Maybe the author wasn't trying to abstractly express his impotency or some inconsequential personality flaw, maybe just wanted to write a story and publish it to make money?

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I'd agree that the amount of work piled on kids today is ridiculous. I pass by the grade school sometimes while they are being let out...some of their backpacks hold more books than I carried in high school!


I think also some of it is parent induced.


I know of parents who's kids have an after school program all the time it seems like...soccer, football, music lessons, whatever.


What happened to just being a kid? One of my wife's friends remembers being so over scheduled as a kid that she would have to do homework in the car while traveling from one thing to another. She is determined to not let that happen to her kids.


Look, our kids certainly need to be competitive for the future. And kids should work hard in school. But I refuse to sacrifice their chance to enjoy their childhood while they can.



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Well at least in cities, keeping kids active with X, Y and Z programs can help keep them away from gangs if they're motivated.


But we can have competitive education without sacrificing childhood and free time. It's just the school system has gotten into this standardized testing obsession with a penchant for rote memorization and very pavlovian learning. Neither of which really teaches people to think and understand. Which is why our society, media, political landscape, economy, etc is where it is. 90% of society is made of sheeple.


I learned very little in classes between KG and 4th grade. Then almost nothing between 5th grade and college. 4th and 5th grade I had the same class and teachers and was taught in a less conventional way. And at that age I learned such advanced areas as business management, engineering, architecture and design, infinitely more and it was enjoyable because it wasn't anywhere near the conventional drudgery.

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It's absurd the ammount schools pile onto students, and then it's still not "enough" to them and we had so much less than when "they" were young.



So many interesting things brought up in this thread! I have done and lived a lot of it. In 1981 I took a USN K-Bar to high school and no one died or freaked out. We commonly had shotguns in trunks and gun racks. No one got shot and killed. No one got stabbed. Several people got punched in the face, though. If you F'ed up you got punished BY YOUR PARENTS. On the subject of the quote, they are teaching them so much s^&t that's on their standardized progress tests, there's no time to teach them anything else. It's more important that they learn revisionist history and I'm OK, your OK, we all get a participation ribbon. I think you can thank a lot of so called "parents" for that since it's the school corporation's job to raise their children for them. :heat:

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...it's not simply "Dumb School News" it's more like "Dumb Education System News". The entire education system in this country (including pricipals, administrators, and yes, teachers), is shot to hell. ...


I could not agree more. My wife has been a teacher now for 4 years, and I am amazed by the stories she tells me when she comes home. Some of the teachers have no business teaching kids, and her principal has no business running a school. Although I have no evidence to prove it, I'm sure I could say the superintedant has no business running a district, and so on and so on... Unfortunately, careers and longevity in the education system seem to have nothing to do with merit or capability, but more with... um... uh... I have no idea what it is, but it sure isn't merit or capability.


There are other problems too that others have already touched on. Parents that don't care about their child's education and upbringing, but are convinced that the school is 100% responsible for all of it. Political correctness is another big thing.


My biggest issue lately - My wife works at a school that has a lot of what are called "language learners". Meaning english is not their first language (and their parents probably can't speak it), and in a lot of cases the kids can't read, speak, or write in english at their grade level, if at all. Does that mean the kid goes down to the grade level where he should be and goes from there? Of course not. The kid(s) that reads and writes english at a 1st grade level is in 4th grade with the rest of the kids his age. Then what happens is the kids bombs the state test since he can't read or write anything that he's supposed to be learning.


OK. Maybe that works. I mean, the powers that be (the state or whoever) will recognize the fact that there are lots of language learners and as a result they won't expect the same results when it comes time for standardized testing, right? Wrong. The powers that be see poor test scores and that must mean the staff at this school is performing poorly. So now root cause has been incorrectly identified, and as a result all the wrong correct actions are taken. Everyone's running around trying new (and stupid) ways to more effectively teach math, english, and science (did I say science? I forgot. They're cutting that one out to focus on more important things, like teaching kids english), when the problem could be so easily resolved by not letting kids into school or class until they can speak the native language at the appropriate level.


Add to all this parents that don't care and political correctness, and it frustrates me to the point that I need a drink.


Pretty soon the only thing public schools in CA will do is teach kids English.

Edited by malibu43

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It helps to think of Education Industrial Complex. But also, State propaganda, and the Pharmas profiting from the school meds. They all feed on each other. And ezlead is right: The Parent Industiral Complex is to blame as well. Maybe Huxley was more right than Orwell, corral the sheep with *too much* trivial information, trivial make-work homework in this case here.


For Uni students paying their own way like I did, not going into debt, the Textbook Publishing Industrial Complex is a particular sore spot.

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Guest Raden

I remember doing a talent show in the 4th grade, we did a bit to the Marine Corps Hymn. We had plastic M1 Garand rifles that shot red plastic "bullets". I had all the cool GI Joe stuff for the 12" action figures, not the little ones. I used to build models of WWII aircraft and armor. We used to point anything we had at our buddies and say "bang". We never did that with our BB guns.




We never did either. And many of us had rifles or shotguns in racks in our pickup trucks in high school. I had a Colt Python under seat of my 4x4. At 16. No shootings and if there was a problem us boys fought. And usually after the fact we'd end up being friends. We also said the Pledge of Allegiance and if we messed up we could end up in the Dean's office waiting for the business end of a paddle.


I'm class of '82 and we weren't politically correct. We also weren't wusses like many of today's high school kids.


Just curious if u r from a state that allows u to carry firearms/handguns n rifles and Loaded (!) under ur car seat(s). Florida? L.A.??? In MD, VA -- much less DC craziest gunlaw (so, when u owned a 12-gauge shotgun with 4-6-to 10 slugs in it, and when some badguys came, u just have to plea, "Wait a sec mr. badguys, gimmie sometime to assemble my shotgun plizzzzz.... nano second later u r very dead!).



Oh, forgot, it used to be much freer in Tucson -- carry in the open! No CCL needed (1989)





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We can carry open in Arizona, and have a handgun (loaded) underneath a seat, in the console or glove box if it's in a holster or scabbard. Then there's the CCW laws where you can carry anywhere concealed if you have a permit.

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