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Football 0 Rugby 1

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Being the self centered US citizen I am, I thought this was going to be comparing American Football to Rugby! :grin:


But, seriously, that was funny. Both because that's exactly what I think of soccer players, and because I played rugby for 3 years in college and think it's an amazing and underrated sport (at least here in the US).

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But, seriously, that was funny. Both because that's exactly what I think of soccer players, and because I played rugby for 3 years in college and think it's an amazing and underrated sport (at least here in the US).


Yeah, soccer players and their theatrical fake injuries make me gag. But OTOH, if they didn't do that, then the game would have a negative entertainment value instead of just a zero grin.gif .


Geez, how did you survive 3 years of US rugby? I played some in college, too, and consider myself fortunate that the school soon banned it due to the appalling casualties. Nobody I played with had ever played rugby prior to college, but had all grown up playing US football. Thus, everybody ran and tackled as if they were wearing full football armor, so there were lots of head-on collisions often resulting in mutual destruction.


I think the care you have to take when tackling in rugby is the main problem the sport has in catching on in the US. US kids grow up being coached continually that tackling that way is bad, so they find it very hard to adjust.

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yep. that's why i don't like soccer either. the theatralically dying like in swan lake when one touches the other (not so bad in GB, though more than in any other sport). i hate that and if i would be a soccer player, i would be ashamed by myself in front of the croud to act like this. in baseball if you want to send a message, you plank one. and if the other team wants to show authority they retaliate, usually at the catcher or one of the got to guys in the team. and there is no crying but a healthy bench-clearing. even more in hockey. or can somebody of you imagine some hockeyplayer going down and acting the dying animal just to show the ref somebody touched him? i don't think so.

i like american football with all the little tacital details etc. but rugby is for me the ultimate men's teamsport. drinks.gif


Edited by Creaghorn

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Geez, how did you survive 3 years of US rugby? I played some in college, too, and consider myself fortunate that the school soon banned it due to the appalling casualties. Nobody I played with had ever played rugby prior to college, but had all grown up playing US football. Thus, everybody ran and tackled as if they were wearing full football armor, so there were lots of head-on collisions often resulting in mutual destruction.


I think the care you have to take when tackling in rugby is the main problem the sport has in catching on in the US. US kids grow up being coached continually that tackling that way is bad, so they find it very hard to adjust.


I didn't play for the actual school team, but a local city team. As a result, I wasn't playing with only 19-22 year old boys/men, but a lot of older guys as well as some foreign guys. I think the result was that it was a little easier to get out of that high school football mentality.


It's funny when I tell people that I played rugby they're always like "ooh, doesn't it hurt?". And that's because they're envisioning American Football without the pads. Once I got the hang of the tackling technique in rugby, I usually finished a game with less bruises and sore spots than I had when I played football. Except for the time I tore my quad... ouch.


I wish there was a team where I live now. It would be fun...

Edited by malibu43

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yep. that's why i don't like soccer either. 


The problem with soccer is that are countries who mostly have success in the national world championship, but there game is boring. If they were trying to play like Brazil, Africa (not the arabic) or the Dutch national team, this game will be more popular in rest of the world. Right now most of the teams are trying to copy this boring way of playing, which will bring them success but it will be the dead of soccer.








Edited by Dutch_P47M

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i like american football with all the little tacital details etc. but rugby is for me the ultimate men's teamsport.


As an old artilleryman, I've always preferred this one cool.gif





That's a good vid. Surprising as it may seem, there's a high school team in the DFW area of Texas that does the haka. Some years ago they had a Maori student who started it, and though he's graduated they still do it.

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I dislike soccer and survived 20 years of playing Rugby only for a parachute accident to stop me playing and I love the sport watching it and I loved playing it though I was a tad on the bad side at playing. As to surviving that was simple I made sure I was the fastest man on the wing...

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If a kid is fakeing a dive then its bad coaching for allowing it or teaching it. And the ref's fault for not catching it.


Think about this,

We are born into this world and almost from that moment we are taught to do things with our hands.

Soccer is the only sport I can think of that you cant use your hands only your the feet.


Someone mentioned low scores..that usally indicates evenly matched teams. I have seen some great U16, U19 games with scores of 2-1.. A 10-2, 15-0 blowout isnt a game to a true soccer person.


Untill you understand the game then you shouldnt bash it. I dont understand rugby but it looks rough as hell but I dont bash it.


OK I off the soap box




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I grew up in Germany (Moms German, Dads US Airforce) so i was raised with both Soccer and U.S Football. All my cousins in Germany played soccer, My wife played soccer and all my kids play soccer. I love Football for it's brute force intensity. It's like two armies slugging it out on a battlefield. Very American in it's attitude. If it don't work give it a good bashing! I like soccer for it's finesse and technique It's like watching an aerial battle with planes jockeying for position to get that perfect shot. the game is very indicative of the European attitude. Detailed and deliberate in everything.

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Well..I'm not biased...I hate Football and Rugby equally.


And dont even get me started on bloody Cricket!!!!

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Boy's how can you call that game they play in the USA 'Football'?

1: How long during a game is the ball actually touched by the players foot?

2: How can a 60 minute game take 4 hours to play?

3: How can you change your team when you loose the ball?

4: BALL"a round object that is kicked,thrown,or hit"

If no one can answer these questions please ask a cheer leader for help.......

Edited by Red-Dog

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There is no such game as "soccer" and rugby is s**te.


Howay the lads.

Edited by Davy TASB

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Boy's how can you call that game they play in the USA 'Football'?

1: How long during a game is the ball actually touched by the players foot?


For the same reason that rugby is a type of football. "Football" is a very generic term used for many different types of games. Most of them involve carrying the ball in your hands most of the time. The inability to use your hands is a recent innovation much frowned-on by traditionalists grin.gif .


2: How can a 60 minute game take 4 hours to play?


Because the clock stops when they're showing commercials for beer and pick-up trucks.


3: How can you change your team when you loose the ball?


To punish those players for losing the ball.


4: BALL"a round object that is kicked,thrown,or hit"


Footballs are perfectly round in cross-section.


There is no such game as "soccer"


Soccer is the correct name for the specific version of football played under the association rules or whatever they call themselves. You know, the world cup and all that. It means that particular game and no other. OTOH, "football" has always been a very generic term encompassing everything from the US version to the Kirkwall Ba' Game in Orkney, and all points in between.

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Guest Sieben


1: How long during a game is the ball actually touched by the players foot?



Not very long, admittedly, but kicking accounts for close to 1/3rd of points scored. I don't have definitive numbers, but as an example the Carolina Panthers

last season scored 67.3% of their points by passing or running, 31.4% by kicking (field goals, extra points) and 1.3% by safeties (tackling the ball carrier in his own end zone).

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If scoccer players had canvas covered wings and machine guns strapped to their heads it would be a much more exciting game imo. Thought i'd add a bit of OFF to the thread :).

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For the same reason that rugby is a type of football. "Football" is a very generic term used for many different types of games. Most of them involve carrying the ball in your hands most of the time. The inability to use your hands is a recent innovation much frowned-on by traditionalists grin.gif .




Because the clock stops when they're showing commercials for beer and pick-up trucks.




To punish those players for losing the ball.




Footballs are perfectly round in cross-section.




Soccer is the correct name for the specific version of football played under the association rules or whatever they call themselves. You know, the world cup and all that. It means that particular game and no other. OTOH, "football" has always been a very generic term encompassing everything from the US version to the Kirkwall Ba' Game in Orkney, and all points in between.


Football..was invented in the UK..in the Middle Ages..it's always been football...soccer is a much newer term, which we frown upon in the UK...so sorry Yanks..WE invented the original football..and YOU stole the term! :grin:

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We also invented Rugby and Cricket...which explains why we are s**te at all three!

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Not very long, admittedly, but kicking accounts for close to 1/3rd of points scored.


And most of the players who scored the most points over their careers have been and always will be kickers.

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There is no such game as "soccer" and rugby is s**te.


Howay the lads.


I call it Soccer as it annoys my brother who's errr Football mad... to the point that his car is sprayed in the same blue as his favourite team which is Everton... go figure... :blink:

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so sorry Yanks


Who you callin' a "yank"? That's like calling a Lanc a Yorkie, or a Scot an Englishman grin.gif


I demand satisfaction. Go fly several careers with 20 Squadron in April 1917 and post up some good screenies from your adventures lol.gif

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Who you callin' a "yank"? That's like calling a Lanc a Yorkie, or a Scot an Englishman grin.gif


I demand satisfaction. Go fly several careers with 20 Squadron in April 1917 and post up some good screenies from your adventures lol.gif


heehee...that's a point taken on board Mr Bullethead!...I seem to be upsetting everyone this week! :lol::drinks:

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Actually the origins of football can be traced back to roman times when a game called harpastum, which featured carrying of the ball (pigs bladder), this then evolved into the medieval version of football, which then divided into football, rugby and a later version in america called american football, which is just a softer version of rugby.


I can only sum the three versions up as the following.


Football - played by pansies who go down at the slightest thing.

American Football - again played by pansies, who only appear brave because of all the protective gear they wear.

Rugby - played by real men, who have a fine disregard for their own safety.


Or to use a famous phrase regarding Rugby, Football and Gaelic Football:


In football you kick the ball

In Gaelic football you kick the man if you cannot kick the ball

In rugby you kick the ball if you cannot kick the man




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Actually the origins of football can be traced back to roman times when a game called harpastum, which featured carrying of the ball (pigs bladder), this then evolved into the medieval version of football, which then divided into football, rugby and a later version in america called american football, which is just a softer version of rugby.


I can only sum the three versions up as the following.


Football - played by pansies who go down at the slightest thing.

American Football - again played by pansies, who only appear brave because of all the protective gear they wear.

Rugby - played by real men, who have a fine disregard for their own safety.


Or to use a famous phrase regarding Rugby, Football and Gaelic Football:


In football you kick the ball

In Gaelic football you kick the man if you cannot kick the ball

In rugby you kick the ball if you cannot kick the man





If it wasn't for the hideous Violence involved in Rugby...I would seriously consider most of the players to be rather gay :yikes: (especially the communal bathing)

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